Recent papers in Didactics
Summary in English (text is in German): The purpose of this contribution is firstly to say something about the relations between Gestalt theory and didactics and secondly to explain some assumptions and concepts of Gestalt theory which... more
Over the last decade and a half, classrooms have become swamped with a range of electronic devices. Technology will continue to be more efficient, more versatile and indeed more abundant in schools and in classrooms. This study explores... more
Je commence cet article par un témoignage récurrent des stagiaires face à leur image vidéoscopée : «j'ai fait trop de gestes». Curieusement, de la part des formateurs, on entend souvent le commentaire «vous avez fait trop de gestes» ou... more
Serie Temas claves de la Educación inicial
Artículo: Educación Inicial, identidad en juego
The aim of this article is an attempt to incorporate the works by Marek Krystian Emanuel Baczewski — a modern writer and poet — into the framework of a lesson, and to present an idea for an interpretation one of his short stories. The... more
L’importanza della dimensione esperienziale ed emotiva nell’apprendimento: come creare spazi e momenti di scambio tra studenti in contesto didattico. DIPARTIMENTO DI LINGUE, LETTERATURE E CULTURE MODERNE Università degli Studi “G.... more
This article contributes to a reconceptualization of pedagogical content knowledge through exploring what is entailed in teachers' understanding of content within the framework of the institutional curriculum, with a central concern for... more
The simulation of complex adaptive systems with large numbers of individuals can be facilitated greatly in terms of mathematical difficulty and computer resource demand by employing aggregate models which look at the temporal evolution of... more
Настоящее пособие познакомит учащихся c важными событиями истории Франции, сформировавшими ее государственность. Тексты пособия ориентированы на уровни А1-А2 владения французским языком и разработаны на основе аутентичных материалов,... more
OBJETIVOS - Desarrollar la capacidad creativa del alumnado, habilitando procedimientos creativos en las actividades del aula. - Comprender qué se entiende por creatividad y producto creativo, así como el origen del desarrollo de la... more
Quinto libro de la serie “Taller de vida”, conformada por seis cuadernillos de 48 páginas, a todo color. Presenta temas transversales relacionados con la problemática adolescente (para alumnos del nivel secundario).
Das Konzept des Open Space richtet sich explizit an Großgruppen und ist damit für den Einsatz im Rahmen einer Schul-gemeinschaft sehr gut geeignet. Ziel von Open Space ist es, allen Teilnehmenden einen Veranstaltungsrahmen zu geben, in... more
Korábbi évben már foglalkoztunk a hagyományos és a digitális szemléltetés előnyeivel és hátrányaival; továbbá azzal, hogy hogyan lehet ezekkel az eszközökkel megismertetni a hallgatókat, és ezen eszközök oktatási módszertanát... more
Para la educación formal es un reto la formación de personas en un contexto globalizado de continuo cambio, de conceptos, tecnologías, valores, etc.
La investigacion que aqui se presenta sobre la ensenanza en igualdad de genero desde la Didactica de las Ciencias Sociales, pretende mostrar tres nuevas propuestas didacticas, con diferentes supuestos metodologicos, para poder ensenar... more
Ce document est un fac-similé de l'édition imprimée. Tous droits réservés Social and didactic: distance and reconciliation Mots-clés : sociologie, didactiques, sciences humaines, interdisciplinarité.
The concept of e-learning is subject to different interpretations. It is difficult to have a single definition of e-learning. The different understandings of e-learning can be explained by particular professional approaches and interests.... more
Manual metodológico y performático para escribir artículos académicos como forma de hacer activismo social y transformar los campos académicos.
Questionner la place des genres dans l'enseignement du second degré en France nécessite de préciser quelle acception peut en être faite. L'objectif de notre réflexion est d'examiner la place qu'ils occupent dans la période qui va de 1992,... more
di una delle comunicazioni selezionate per il LIII Congresso della SLI (Università dell'Insubria, Como, 19-21 settembre 2019)
This paper focuses on teaching the defining the integrated teaching workplaces and their integration into material teaching resources. Further, the KD model was created that describes their division at individual workplaces. There are... more
This paper reports on a case study in which a textile-sloyd teacher sent a message to an internet-based community of practice seeking advice from other textile-sloyd teachers regar- ding how to cope with unruly boys. Two major themes... more
L’analyse d’enregistrements révèle que le discours de la classe de L2 posséderait une double structure, linéaire et hiérarchique, comme le discours conversationnel tel qu’analysé par Roulet (1985). Mais le discours de la classe obéit à... more
Manual de escritura para estudiantes de licenciatura
Die Texte, die in diesem Band versammelt sind, gehen hervor aus den Vorträgen, die im Rahmen des Philosophischen Kolloquiums am Institut für Philosophie der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg gehalten wurden. Hier stellen externe... more
The purpose of the research was to determine the styles of coping with stress among the students studying at the schools which admit the students with a special talent exam. The scope of the research involved the schools which admit the... more
El fundamento psicológico que hace posible hacer un análisis del empleo de los medios de enseñanza en la actividad pedagógica tiene su centro en las principales derivaciones psicopedagógicas del enfoque histórico cultural, las cuales le... more
This article illustrates some features of Matthew Lipman’s epistemology which informs his Philosophy for Children/for Community. This draws from diverse aspects of contemporary com-plexity models. By virtue of its learning theory, its... more
The purpose of this article is to analyse the concept of media education. The analysis is first based on some preliminary ideas already presented in Tella (1997c). In addition, this article aims to shed some light on the relationships... more
Jarosław Durka ProblemaĘka §poru o Górny ŚIąsk zlat lg19-1g2t na tle innych wydarzeń z historii najnowszej Polski. DoĘchcza §ovye doświad czenia w dziedzinie edukacj i historycznej a nowa podstawa programowa Najnowsza historia Gómego... more
Lesen-und Schreibenlernen. Chancen und Grenzen der Konzepte der neuen Silbenfibeln 1. Vorbemerkung:
Az előadás olyan monologikus szóbeli közlési módszer, amely egy-egy téma logikus, részletes kifejtésére szolgál. Ideális szerkezete: bevezetés (a rendelkezésre álló idő 10%-ában) -kifejtés (80%) -zárás (10%). Az előadás tiszta, klasszikus... more
This study aims to identify the nature of students’ difficulties in written expression in the Departments of English and Arabic at Al-Quds University. It also aims to identify the impact of each of the variables gender, level, department... more
Un piccolo frammento, che porta graffito su di sé l'antico nome della Città di Chiusi, diventa la chiave di lettura per aprire una finestra sul Passato e (ri)scoprire e (ri)leggere vicende affascinanti della Storia di Chiusi e delle genti... more
Test (slovene language).
The purpose of the present research is investigating the effects of mathematical modelling activities on the difficulty perception of numbers sense, which is perceived as difficult by primary school 4th grade students, and achievement.... more