Dictatorship of the proletariat

49 papers
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The dictatorship of the proletariat is a political concept in Marxist theory, referring to a transitional state in which the working class holds political power, aiming to dismantle capitalism and establish a classless society. It emphasizes the necessity of proletarian control over the state to suppress bourgeois resistance and facilitate socialist transformation.
This paper examines the relevance of Lenin's theoretical work State and Revolution for the revolutionary practice on the eave of the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia, 150 years after the birth of this most influential Marxist of the... more
Le refoulement de la dictature souveraine. Transformations du sens et de l'us... Le refoulement de la dictature souveraine. Transformations du sens et de l'us...
Определяется социальная цена реформ при реализации в СССР диктатуры пролетариата для общества в целом и для разных социальных групп. Создается теоретическая модель, позволяющая провести оценку эффективности реформ и определить... more
Jelen fejezetben a tartomány településállományának főbb sajátosságait, formálódásának történelmi és jelenkori hatótényezőit tekintjük át, részben országos és magyarországi összevetésben. Ezután kitérünk a globális urbanizációs folyamatok... more
Resumen. Los llamados a huir del capitalismo, a "cambiar el mundo sin tomar el poder" y construir inmediatamente un afuera de las relaciones de dominación intrínsecas al primero han capturado de forma efectiva el imaginario político de... more
El mercado no es propio del capitalismo, los intercambios entre ofertantes y demandantes existen mucho antes de que este sistema económico se asentara. Sin embargo, el capitalismo ha requerido ampliar y expandir el mercado a escala global... more
El mercado no es propio del capitalismo, los intercambios entre ofertantes y demandantes existen mucho antes de que este sistema económico se asentara. Sin embargo, el capitalismo ha requerido ampliar y expandir el mercado a escala global... more
A partir de uma revisão teórica da noção de escala e de uma recuperação do debate socialista no século XIX a respeito de nacionalismo e internacionalismo, o artigo pretende lançar um novo olhar sobre a discussão contemporânea acerca da... more
Marx's distinction between socialism and communism is the subject of this study. Even though socialism and communism terms existed before Marx, they are generally remembered with Marx. From his perspective, socialism and communism was... more
The aim of this paper is to offer a new conceptual framework within which to study Marxism and, a fortiori, its Leninist interpretation. We retrace in the works of Karl Marx (1818-1883) two paradigms elaborated consecutively:... more
Na primeira parte da década de 1860, o interesse jornalístico e escolar de Marx na diplomacia e na política internacional o levaram a voltar sua atenção para dois importantes eventos históricos. O primeiro foi o estouro da guerra civil... more
imagen que llegamos a tener de un último Althusser totalmente distinto del Althusser "teoricista" de los años 1960-66? G. M. Goshgarian: No olvidemos que el último Althusser es también el autor de la autobiografía de 1985, El porvenir es... more
The new social movements pose a direct challenge to Marxist theories on what should be their most secure terrain-their ability to identify the main lines of social division and conflict and to explain the broad contours of historical... more
A report on working class conditions and exploitation by Bechtel and joint-venture partner ENKA during the construction of the first motorway in Kosovo.
Le refoulement de la dictature souveraine. Transformations du sens et de l'usage de la notion « dictature » à partir de la « guerre civile européenne » Repression of the souvereign dictatorship
L’objectif de ce mémoire consiste à proposer un nouveau cadre de référence conceptuel pour aborder le marxisme et, a fortiori, son interprétation léniniste. Nous retraçons dans l’œuvre de Karl Marx (1818-1883) deux paradigmes élaborés... more
Date limite d'envoi des propositions d'article : 15 avril 2022 Présentation de la revue Terrains/Théories est une revue pluridisciplinaire de sciences sociales à comité de lecture articulant la conceptualisation et la recherche empirique.... more
Presentation at International Conference "Soviet Union: An Alternative of the Past, or a Strategic Project for the Future?", National Library of Russia, Plekhanov House, Association for Marxist Social Sciences, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation,... more
Διάλεξη προς προπτυχιακούς φοιτητές και προπτυχιακές φοιτήτριες του Τμήματος Πολιτικής Επιστήμης και Διεθνών Σχέσεων του Πανεπιστημίου Πελοποννήσου στο πλαίσιο του μαθήματος «Πολιτική Θεωρία».
Κείμενο διάλεξης προς προπτυχιακούς φοιτητές και προπτυχιακές φοιτήτριες για το Μάθημα "Πολιτική Θεωρία".
Τους ευχαριστώ και τις ευχαριστώ για τα ουσιώδη ερωτήματά τους και τη συμβολή τους στη διαλεύκανση κεντρικών σημείων του παρόντος.
After the Treaty of Trianon, numerous railway lines in Western Hungary were cut in half by the new borders, or divided into several sections. In the years following the First World War, the quality of rail travel in this area was far... more
Fidel Castro developed an idea of democracy as a legitimate alternative to american democracy. at the dawn of the Cuban revolution Castro was careful enough to avoid marxist concepts in his speeches, but after the bay of Pigs invasion in... more
Kivonat: A tanulmány be kívánja mutatni, hogy az első világháború utáni politikai változások hogyan hatottak az új osztrák-magyar határ menti térségre, annak vasúthálózatára, főleg a régió legnagyobb vasúti csomópontjára, Szombathelyre,... more
Na luta de classes que a atual crise de sobreprodução capitalista (para a procura solvente) tem vindo a agudizar, é cada vez mais invocado, por personalidades e forças de diversos quadrantes da burguesia (e, mesmo, de organizações de... more
In 2016, Donald Trump was elected US President. Many across the globe are concerned he plans to institute a dictatorship, which is supposedly contrary to liberal–democratic values. Yet, despite current public opinion, republics like the... more
Resumo: No presente artigo, com vista a assinalar a passagem dos 100 anos da Revolução Russa, procuramos, a partir da reflexão de Marx, Engels e Lénine, destacar a rutura e a transição na conceção marxista. Para o efeito, analisam-se três... more
Vortrag im Rahmen der Sektion "Proletarians 2.0" zur Tagung mit Festival "Zukunftsmusik: Closed Loops and Open Futures" der Kunstuniversität Linz, 2. Juni 2016 – Vortragsvideo (inkl. Projektion der zugespielten Film-Clips) online unter:... more
Οι απόψεις του Marx για την κομμουνιστική κοινωνία βρίσκονται διάσπαρτες μέσα στα έργα του, όπως και οι θέσεις του για τον τρόπο οργάνωσης αυτού του τύπου κοινωνίας. Τα χωρία μέσα στα έργα του με τα οποία αναφέρεται στην κομμουνιστική... more
Was Lenin a Philosopher-king or a mere dictator who used an ideology to gain power? Can comparisons be drawn between Plato's Republic and the Soviet Union that Lenin built in the post-Russian Revolution era? When we analyse and compare... more
Recensão da obra de Bruce Levine, "The Fall of the House of Dixie: The Civil War and the Social Revolution that Transformed the South". Nova Iorque: Random House, 2013
Jesus and Marx were both Jewish apocalyptic prophets. They had both received a revelation about the future of humanity from those whom they considered the transcendent beings who ruled the universe and history: God for Jesus, Science (or... more
The paper discusses some possible ways of using Wittgensteinian philosophy to combat Marxism, independently of what Wittgenstein's explicit position was, as an individual, about this issue. Economic, political, social and historical uses... more
1. Essa não é uma expressão jogada ao vento: ela foi trabalhada em detalhe por Robert King Merton em Social Theory and Social Structure, Free Press, 1968, versão ampliada da original, de 1957. 2. Há quase meio século proponho que o... more
Karl Marx's philosophy is known to unite humans with nature; humans with work; humans with other humans; and, humans with themselves. He calls the unification of all four aspects of human involvement: species-being 2 . What exactly does,... more
Radical geographers have been preoccupied with Marxism for four decades, largely ignoring an earlier anarchist tradition that thrived a century before radical geography was claimed as Marxist in the 1970s. When anarchism is considered, it... more