Diachronic Typology

132 papers
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Diachronic typology is the study of the classification and comparison of languages based on their historical development and changes over time. It examines how linguistic features evolve and how languages can be grouped according to their historical transformations, rather than their contemporary forms.
This article deals with Polish reflexive constructions of the type dom się buduje 'the/a house is being built'. They are traditionally described as passive but it is argued here that they could more adequately be described as extended... more
The discussion is structured around the Obligatory Coding Principle, according to which all verbal predicative constructions in a given language must include a nominal term showing a particular type of coding that can be viewed as the... more
In West Germanic, the Germanic s-declension has developed into an r-plural declension in which the stem-forming suffix -( )r- < germ. *-( )z- < Indo-European *-es-/-os- was restricted to the plural and could thus be reanalyzed as a plural... more
This paper provides the first cross-linguistic study on non-exhaustive connectives. After defining non-exhaustivity and briefly exploring the range of linguistic strategies encoding it across languages, the methodology underlying the... more
For the Tocharian B lexeme śrāy pl. ‘men’ only plural forms are known thus far. In the present paper I argue that a singular form—namely, the oblique B śrān ‘man’—is also attested, in B128a3. I then discuss the inner-Tocharian... more
This article explores denominal and deadjectival verb formation strategies (DVFSs), commonly known as verbalizers, as potential diachronic sources of anticausative strategies (ASs). Specifically, it examines whether the anticausative... more
This paper, presented in the "egophoricity" panel at the SLE in Helsinki, discusses my preliminary diachronic account of the evidential contrasts found in Kutang (see Donohue & Gautam 2019) but not the closely related varieties of... more
This paper provides a diachronic typology of what we call 'heterogeneous plurals', an overarching term comprising associative plurals (expressions meaning X [person] & company) and similative plurals (expressions meaning X and similar... more
This article aims to fill a gap in the typological literature by discussing the typology of overt denominal verb formation strategies, i.e., morphosyntactic strategies other than conversion/zeroderivation that are used to derive a verb... more
Aspiration Conclusion References Double Shift Sound change POc… to Vamale *p-→ v-*pulu 'body hair' fuduu-*t-→ c-*tuqud 'stand up' cuut *d → t- ,-l-*doŋoR 'to hear' tena *dua 'two' (tha)-loo *s-→t-*qusan 'rain' uta *k-→j-*kudon 'cooking... more
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This paper investigates on the syntactic and semantic continuity between the lexical and the copulative uses of the verb εἰμί in ancient Greek. Kahn (2003 [1973]) challenged the traditional linguistic view according to which the lexical... more
Cet atelier, organisé par Françoise Rose dans le cadre du séminaire de l'axe de recherches «DIversité LInguistique et ses Sources » (DILIS), a pour objectif de créer un espace de présentation et de discussion dans le domaine de la... more
Im folgenden sollen mehrere Formeln, die ausdrücken, daß die Gottheit dem König Leben gibt, gemeinsam analysiert werden: 1. Die typische Gottesrede an den König, dj-n-j' n-k r nh usw. 2. Der Zusatz dj-f r nh usw. zu Gottesnamen 3. Der... more
. Historical syntax as an emerging eld e present volume is a collection of articles resulting from the international workshop "Syntactic change and syntactic reconstruction: new perspectives" held at the University of Zurich in September... more
In Malayic languages, prefixes derived from Proto-Malayic *(mb)AR- are characterized by an unusual multifunctionality pattern. On the one hand, continuators of *(mb)AR- may encode functions that are typical of middle markers across... more
Middle voice systems are characterized by the distribution of a middle marker over two macro-classes of verbs: oppositional and non-oppositional verbs. In diachronic studies, it has been proposed that the historical link between the two... more
This paper discusses the position of Set B pronouns in Proto-Mayan. While previous reconstructions differ from each other with regard to the exact position that Set B pronouns occupied with respect to the predicate (always preceding,... more
 Does this feature of APs correlate with similar tendencies with respect to object deletion in spoken language?  We shall test this hypothesis by performing a quantitative analysis of object encoding strategies in a corpus of spoken... more
Euskararen atzizki partitibo eta ablatiboen garapena morfosintaktikoki eta semantikoki ikuspegi sinkroniko batetik hurbilketa tipologiko-diakroniko baterantz, batez ere suomieraren atzizki analogoak aintzat hartuz. EHUko Euskal... more
Wie beeinflußt eine totalitäre Epoche das Leben und die ethischen Ansichten von Ärzten? Der Schnittpunkt Medizinethik und Menschenrechte ist maßgeblich, um die Situation der Mediziner als Akteure während der Militärdiktatur in... more
Middle markers are characterized by a distribution halfway between grammar and the lexicon: with some verbs, middle marking encodes valency change, while with others it obligatorily occurs with no obvious synchronic motivation. Despite... more
The (anti)causative alternation, that is, the alternation whereby languages contrast intransitive verbs expressing spontaneous events with transitive ones expressing externally caused events, has been the object of extensive... more
This paper provides the first cross-linguistic study on non-exhaustive connectives. After defining non-exhaustivity and briefly exploring the range of linguistic strategies encoding it across languages, the methodology underlying the... more
This paper provides a diachronic typology of what we call ‘heterogeneous plurals’, an overarching term comprising associative plurals (expressions meaning X[person] & company) and similative plurals (expressions meaning X and similar... more
Overview 1. Aim, sample, definitions 2. Realis and irrealis markers in directives 2.1 Irrealis markers 2.2 Realis markers 2.3 Both or none: directives out of the realis/irrealis dichotomy 3. Broadening the scope: the lesson of diachrony... more
Seongha Rhee. 2004. A Comparative Analysis of Grammaticalization of English and Korean Adpositions. Studies in Modern Grammar 40, 195-214. The objective of this paper is twofold: examining the adpositional systems in English and Korean... more
In the Jê languages standard negators tend to take a post-verbal position. This paper asks why this should be the case and therefore discusses earlier accounts relating Jê standard negators to either negative verbs or privative... more
The Georgian language can look back on an uninterrupted written tradition of more than 1500 years (the oldest written evidence are inscriptions from the 5th century CE), it is ideal for diachronic analyses. A distinction is usually made... more
The aim of this paper is to provide the first cross-linguistic study on non-exhaustive connectives. After providing a definition of non-exhaustivity and briefly exploring the range of linguistic strategies encoding it across languages, we... more
The aim of this paper is to describe and explain the role that linguistic interaction plays in category construction and communication, by looking at naturally occurring data of spoken language. First, it will be argued that there is a... more
The analysis of basic clause structures shows that clauses in Bahasa Siladang consist of verbal and non-verbal predication. The non-verbal predicate can be filled by an adjective, noun, numeral or prepositional phrase. The analysis of the... more
Software component plays a significant role in the functionality of software systems. Component of software is the existing and reusable parts of a software system that is formerly debugged, confirmed, and practiced. e use of such... more
In the Jê languages standard negators tend to take a post-verbal position. This paper asks why this should be the case and therefore discusses earlier accounts relating Jê standard negators to either negative verbs or privative... more
Reconstructing constructional semantics 537 3. In contrast to the claims of Bauer (2000) and Lühr (2011) who argue that cognates across the early IE languages are almost nonexistent, Barðdal & Smitherman (2013) have in fact documented a... more
This paper proposes a diachronic typology for the various patterns that have been referred to as Hierarchical Alignment or Inverse Alignment. Previous typological studies have tried to explain such patterns as grammatical reflections of a... more
In this chapter we set out to discuss some issues concerning the diachrony of non-verbal predication. The first issue is what diachronic sources can be singled out for copula constructions. Secondly, we discuss how predicative inflection... more
The present paper provides a typological study of the semantic shift from ‘word’ or ‘speech’ and from speech act verbs to nouns with the meaning ‘thing’. The evidence for such a shift was found in various Indo-European and Semitic... more