Deviant Behavior
Recent papers in Deviant Behavior
This case study examines the importance of rituals in understanding illegal behavior. Particular attention is given to the impact of stress-based symbolically ritualized events on individuals which may lead to mass homicide. For a more... more
Wherever groups of people gather, norms for appropriate behavior emerge, and some people chose to violate those norms. What is an exercise of free speech to one person, to another is disruptive, harassing, racist, or worse. For groups... more
An extensive amount of criminological research has focused on the relationship between the inability of adolescents to achieve financial success or middle-class status through legitimate channels and their subsequent involvement in... more
Using Swedish entrepreneurs' own explanations, this article searches for the possible regularities in the accounts offered by white collar offenders and for the underlying factors that produce these regularities, tracing in particular the... more
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This study sought to establish the extent of cyberbullying among students in Ghana, its consequences on the victims, and the characteristics of the victims. The study found that nearly all participants had experienced one form of... more
This research was based on the phenomenon of free sex behavior by students in their boarding houses, hence the existence of the term 'rules-free' and 'strict-rules' boarding houses. This phenomenon was interesting to study using the... more
As the number of producers, politicians, and celebrities accused of workplace sexual misconduct increases, we understand there is a fine line between flirting at work and behaviors that cause significant conflict. Building on concepts... more
Emile Durkheim recognized many years ago that all groups—even a “society of saints”—produce deviants. Group members must then come to terms with how to respond to and control those who violate the group's moral order. The Alcoholics... more
TÁRSADALOMKÉPÉRŐL deviáns viselkedés szociológiája, aligha túlzás ezt állítani, Emile Durkheim köpönyegéből bújt elő, s lényegében mind a mai napig magán viseli fogantatásának nyomait. Az e témakörben végzett kutatásokban kezdettől fogva... more
Statistical data from the City of Durres in Albania show an increase in domestic crimes, and that the family is becoming a "dangerous place" for crime. That’s why we have undertaken this study to find the social roots of crime. The study... more
The high levels of deviant behaviour within the hospitality sector have been an ongoing concern for many mangers and academics, with a clear recognition of the reputational, human and organizational costs of such behaviour. The... more
I processi di globalizzazione hanno finito col causare forme di convivenza reciprocamente escludentisi che generano una percezione sempre più forte della vulnerabilità collettiva. La società postmoderna avverte il rischio sociale in... more
The purpose of the proposed study is to discover and understand how noncustodial Austrian fathers describe and experience the effects of either parental alienation or parental alienation syndrome (PAS). The investigation will include a... more
The aim of this paper is to propose a corrective of moral panic theory by introducing a concept of polarizing moral panics. We believe that the significant social and technological changes that have occurred since the 1970s have made the... more
This article highlights the importance of copyright industries for the developed economies and argues that criminal copyright infringement is a widespread offense, producing major economic losses for stakeholders, negatively impacting... more
The article describes approaches to diagnosing the propensity to the violent extremism. As diagnostic categories, it is suggested to use dispositions reflecting a nonspecific tendency for extremist behavior and, depending on the... more
Baier, Dirk Abweichendes Verhalten im Jugendalter. Ein empirischer Vergleich verschiedener Erklärungsansätze ZSE : Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation 25 (2005) 4, S. 381-398 urn:nbn:de:0111-opus-56780 in... more
Cette étude a été réalisée auprès d’un échantillon de 303 adolescents, 170 filles et 133 garçons âgés, en moyenne, de 17 ans 2 mois. Les sujets ont été recrutés dans quatre lycées situés dans la région parisienne. Cette étude s’est donnée... more
ABSTRACT The Jacobean era's infamous witchcraft trials are recalled after reservoir repairs close to Pendle Hill reveal a buried cottage with bricked‐up cat. Interpretations of the building as the site of Malkin Tower, recorded in court... more
SUMMARY This book looks toward a general theory of deviant behavior-- i.e., a system of propositions that are applicable to all the manifold varieties of deviance. Such a theory should account not only for the occurrence of deviance but... more
This study builds and tests the models that two types of workplace friendships (friendship with coworkers and friendship with the supervisor) may have a negative influence on employees’ job insecurity and turnover intention. Further, this... more
Using the example of the state capital Düsseldorf, this article examines how social disadvantage, general social and economic anxieties, displacement pressure and crime are seen from the local residents’ perspective. While the economic... more
This chapter is a review of the scholarly work on racist and deviant anti-racist behavior on social media platforms. Racists and anti-racists leverage the affordances of social media for deviant behavior. These affordances are anonymity... more
Cyberbullying is a growing problem among adolescents and adults alike. To date, research concerning cyberbullying has focused on Europe and the Anglophone countries. This study contributes to understanding of cyberbullying by adding the... more
In correctional settings, some offenders engage in a specific type of sex offense, namely public autoerotism, an aggressive form of masturbatory behavior designed to harass, antagonize, or unsettle employees. This article examines... more
This paper examines the history of research on medieval deviant burials discovered in the area of Poland. The problem of unusual funerary practices (e.g. decapitations, prone burials or covering the corpses with stones) was acknowledged... more
This book looks toward a general theory of deviant behavior-- i.e., a system of propositions that are applicable to all the manifold varieties of deviance. Such a theory should account not only for the occurrence of deviance but also for... more
hubungan di antara penghayatan nilai-nilai Islam, peranan media dan pengaruh rakan di kalangan pelajar universiti terhadap tingkah laku devian. Borang soal selidik ini adalah sebahagian daripada kajian bagi memenuhi syarat pengijazahan... more
Научно-издательский центр «Социосфера» Российско-Армянский (Славянский) государственный университет Шадринский государственный педагогический институт Пензенская государственная технологическая академия Информационный центр «МЦФЭР Ресурсы... more
This article seeks to extend existing research that addresses how deviant individuals use Internet technology to communicate accounts that neutralize hostile labels associated with their behaviors. Data were collected from a message board... more
Drawing on multidisciplinary literature, this paper provides an integrative review of the concept of deviance, examining its relationship with and application to hospitality management. It synthesises conceptualisations of deviance in the... more
This study examines the prevalence, types, and reasons of academic dishonesty among a sample of 106 college students. A mixed methodology was used in order to obtain the required data. An experimental observation was done to know the... more
In this article, we explore stigma management among dominatrices, a relatively understudied profession within the literature on sex work. Our analysis is based on in-depth interviews with current and former dominatrices and published... more
A small research cum review of Japanese Otaku, their behavior and the effects of booming anime culture having it's impact on the otaku and soft power.