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The development of imitation during the second year of life plays an important role in domains of socio-cognitive development such as language and social learning. Deficits in imitation ability in persons with autism spectrum disorder... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceDevelopmental PsychologyLanguage Acquisition
What is community participation and how do we measure it? These questions are important as people with intellectual and developmental disabilities continue to experience exclusion, as policymakers design national funding schemes, and as... more
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      Community ParticipationSocial InclusionIntellectual DisabilityIntersectionality
Dyssomnias Sleep duration Early childhood Risk factors Consequences Model s u m m a r y Dyssomnias are largely under-diagnosed in infants and toddlers. This literature review proposes an integrative model based on empirical data on... more
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      Child DevelopmentEarly ChildhoodChildCircadian Rhythm
Introduction: Developmental disorders, including Trial registration number: PROSPERO (CRD42014006993). Reichow B, et al.
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      Research DesignMental HealthParentingGlobal Health
We compared the effectiveness of two extinction interventions, extinction by omission and noncontingent delivery of reinforcement, to treat aggressive behavior with a 10-year-old boy. Before the intervention, a functional analysis... more
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      PsychologyFunctional AnalysisBehavior ModificationResearch Design
Background  Extremely low and very low gestational age (ELGA and VLGA) constitutes a risk factor for development even in absence of cerebral damage, as an immature central nervous system is exposed to invasive and inadequate stimulation.... more
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      EducationChild DevelopmentItalyInfant
Objective-To replicate the factor structure and predictive validity of revised Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule algorithms in an independent dataset (N = 1,282).
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      AlgorithmsPsychometricsPersonality AssessmentDown Syndrome
Abstract. BACKGROUND: One of the most serious concerns of parents, caregivers, teachers and therapists is children’s independent living, particularly of those with special educational needs (SEN). Purpose-built programs for the... more
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      Game DesignAugmented RealityVirtual RealityGame Development
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      PsychologyIntellectual DisabilityChildBehavior Therapy
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      PsychologyChild DevelopmentEpilepsySpeech
Independent toileting is an important developmental skill which individuals with developmental disabilities often ®nd a challenge to master. Effective toilet training interventions have been designed which rely on a combination of basic... more
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      PsychologySpecial EducationBehavior ModificationAutism
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      PsychologyPsychometricsAdolescentIntellectual Disability
Background: Conduct problems (CP) and hyperactivity/attention problems (HAP) are thought to covary with regularity, yet few studies have examined their co-occurrence or risk factors that discriminate their trajectories beginning in early... more
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      Cognitive ScienceDevelopmental PsychologyEmotionChild and adolescent mental health
Women with mental disabilities confront sexual assault at an alarming rate. We have argued elsewhere that this reality should be reflected in our understanding of the concepts of consent and capacity in the criminal law of sexual assault... more
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      Decision MakingSocial constructionSexual AssaultDown Syndrome
Pyrethroid insecticides are widely used in agriculture and in homes. Despite the neurotoxicity of these insecticides at high doses, few studies have examined whether lower-level exposures could adversely affect children's... more
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The opiate antagonist naloxone was effective in reducing self-abusive behavior in two mentally retarded clients with an extensive history of such behavior. Three doses of naloxone (0.1, 0.2, 0.4 rag) were compared with a vehicle solution... more
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      PainIntellectual DisabilityAppliedDevelopmental disabilities
Objective-To compare attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), bipolar spectrum disorders (BPSD), and comorbidity in the Longitudinal Assessment of Manic Symptoms (LAMS) study.
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      PediatricsBipolar DisorderComorbidityChild
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      Medical GeneticsGenomic ImprintingBiological SciencesFluorescence in situ hybridization
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      Research DesignChild DevelopmentDietDenmark
Objective Poor condition at birth may impact on IQ, although its effect on other measures of neurodevelopment is unclear. The authors' aim was to determine whether infants receiving resuscitation after birth have reduced scores in... more
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      Special EducationAttentionWorking MemoryCerebral Palsy
AIM The aim of this study was to establish the construct validity of the Focus on the Outcomes of Communication Under Six (FOCUS © ),a tool designed to measure changes in communication skills in preschool children.
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      CommunicationMeasurement and EvaluationTreatment OutcomeSpeech Disorders
Developmental data were abstracted from medical records on 50 trisomy 18 individuals ranging in age from 1 to 232 months and 12 trisomy 13 individuals ranging in age from 1 to 130 months. Data on the age when trisomy 18 and trisomy 13... more
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      GeneticsNatural HistoryIntellectual DisabilityChild
To compare pregnancy outcome prospectively after phenytoin and carbamazepine monotherapy with outcome in matched mother-child pairs exposed to nonteratogens to evaluate the relative fetal safety of these drugs. A prospective, controlled,... more
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      CognitionProspective studiesPregnancyChild
The instructional scheduling arrangements of simulated and community-based instruction across an equivalent set of functional and vocational skills were examined. Five secondary age students with moderate intellectual disabilities... more
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      PsychologySchedulingVocational EducationSkill Acquisition
The aim of the study is to investigate the inclusion of persons with disabilities (PwDs) in the climate change and disaster management related rules and policies in the coastal belt of Bangladesh. The perceptual or field data have been... more
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      Disability StudiesClimate change policyLearning DisabilitiesDevelopmental disabilities
We begin this article by examining the role of intellectual disabilities within child psychiatry, highlighting the relatively steady role of disabilities and the recent movement to examine behavior in specific genetic syndromes. We next... more
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      GeneticsCognitive ScienceBehaviorForecasting
Socioeconomic inequalities in the health of adults have been largely attributed to lifestyle inequalities. The cognitive development (CD) and emotional health (EH) of the child provides a basis for many of the health-related behaviours... more
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      AnthropologyEducationCognitive developmentBehavior
Headache in children and adolescents represents a number of complex and multifaceted pain syndromes that can benefit from psychological intervention. There is good evidence for the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy, relaxation... more
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      Cognitive ScienceAdolescentChildBehavior Therapy
Type 1 diabetes mellitus is associated with cognitive changes, but the extent of cognition decline depends on age at onset, duration of diabetes and occurrence of attacks of hypoglycemia or ketoacidosis.This study was designed to assess... more
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      Cognitive ScienceIntelligenceElectroencephalographyComorbidity
Objective. To examine the frequency, timing, and factors associated with abnormal cognitive and motor development during the first 30 months of life in infants born to women infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1).
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      PediatricsMotor DevelopmentNatural HistorySurvival Analysis
A ttention is the process by which we select stimuli in our environment for perception and action. The ability to orient to salient visual stimuli and to parse the visual world begins to emerge in the first few months of life and... more
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      Cognitive ScienceAttentionCognitive NeuroscienceAdolescent
We evaluated the effects of an enriched environment, based on a paired-choice preference assessment, on both rates of self-injurious behavior (SIB) and percentage of session intervals during which signs of negative affect were displayed... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceApplied Behavior AnalysisMental Retardation
An 11-year-old boy was evaluated for progressive ataxia, cognitive deterioration, and ophthalmoplegia. The child initially presented with abnormal eye movements at the age of 2 months and was noted to have developmental delay at 6 months.... more
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      GeneticsChildSpinocerebellar ataxiaDevelopmental disabilities
The objective of the study was to evaluate perinatal and long-term complications of fetuses with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) compared with constitutionally small for gestational age (SGA) ones. The outcome of infants with IUGR... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingRisk assessmentAdolescentPregnancy
These two studies extended previous research on the use of verbal instructions and support technology for helping persons with mild or moderate... more
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      PsychologyInstructional TechnologyHappinessActivities of Daily Living
Although no Canadian studies have been conducted, studies suggest parents of children with autism experience difficulties obtaining a diagnosis for their child. Fifty-six parents of children with autism completed three questionnaires... more
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      DemographyArea StudiesAutismMental Health
The study objectives were: (a) to compare the prevalence of children at risk and/or with developmental delay (at risk/delayed) among the Ultra-Orthodox community with the prevalence reported in the literature and (b) to compare the... more
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      ReligionOccupational TherapyRisk assessmentIsrael
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      IntelligencePovertyMental HealthCognition
The discomfort reported by the general public at the prospect of personal contact with marginalised groups is an expression of the stigma they experience. This has been widely studied in relation to ethnic minorities and immigrants but... more
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      PsychologyPublic OpinionSocial SupportAdolescent
In the present paper is studied an approach to accessibility for people with disabilities in Protected Areas, focusing on the area of information offered to visitors in the area of the National Marine Park of Alonissos-Northern Sporades... more
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      Disability StudiesCritical Disability StudiesAccessibilityMarine Protected Areas
Memory illusions occur quite frequently in the laboratory as well as in real life, and their developmental trajectory depends on the nature of the illusion. When memory illusions stem from processing semantically related information... more
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      PsychologySemanticsFace recognition (Psychology)Adolescent
In the FXS full mutation this single-gene defect results in reduced or absent FMR-1 protein (FMRP) expression (Koukoui & Chaudhuri, 2007). FMRP is argued to be specifically involved in synaptic and dendritical refinement during early... more
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      PsychologyPsychometricsAdolescentIntellectual Disability
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      PsychologyNeurologyAutismMagnetic Resonance Imaging
Developmental delay (DD) in infants and children is one of the chief complaints of parents. It has been established that the concerns of parents are as accurate as quality screening tests. Some kinds of concerns are particularly useful in... more
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      HospitalsMovement disordersChildInfant
Since fetal alcohol syndrome was first described over 35 years ago, considerable progress has been made in the delineation of the neurocognitive profile in children with prenatal alcohol exposure. Preclinical investigators have made... more
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      Clinical PsychologyCognitive ScienceNeuropsychologyMathematics
Little is known about how AAC use in preschool may impact language development for children with complex communication needs (e.g., children with autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, and other developmental disabilities). We developed... more
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      CommunicationAugmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)Language DevelopmentSpeech Disorders
This study tested the relationship between prelinguistic vocalization and expressive vocabulary 1 year later in young children with mild to moderate developmental delays. Three vocalization variables were tested: rate of all vocalization,... more
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      Cognitive ScienceLanguage AcquisitionPhoneticsChild Development
Children with developmental disabilities often converse less frequently than their developmentally matched peers. This low conversational participation can cause problems for the children’s future language and discourse development. The... more
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      Cognitive ScienceInterpersonal CommunicationEarly Childhood EducationLanguage Development
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Aim: This descriptive cross-sectional study estimates the frequencies and kinds of potential developmental disabilities (DD) and behavior problems (BP) among children in grades R and 1 who attend a primary public school in rural Western... more
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      PsychologySpecial EducationMental HealthPublic Health