Recent papers in Development
Stiftungen (arabisch waqfi gelten als wichtiges Elernent religiöser und sozialer Ordnung in islamisch geprägten Gesellschaften.r Stiftungsähnliche Formen von frommen Caben gehörten, soweit bekannt, von Anfung an zur Praxis der... more
All children who enter foster care have experienced disruptions in their relationships with caregivers, and many have experienced maltreatment. Studying the effects of these adverse early experiences can inform developmental theory. In... more
Religious texts are important for believers and this is true of the Christian faith where the Bible is taken as an inspired and holy word of God. The challenge for biblical scholars, theologians, environmentalists, ecologists and biblical... more
This article offers a conceptual contribution to the development of sustainability accounting. Sustainability accounting is the contribution of accounting to sustainable development. Sustainability accounting has grown in importance in... more
This study aimed at evaluating the impact of commercial banks' credit to agricultural sector under the Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme Fund in Nigeria. Until the mid-seventies, agriculture was the primary foreign exchange earner for... more
Sustainable development requires consideration of the requirements of systems that interact in a complex way. Consideration of these systems, with regard to the provision of infrastructure for the built environment serving an increasingly... more
Tree loss and its effect to well-being, society, and energy are the inevitable results of rapid economic breakthroughs. Civilization has to constantly adapt to change, and while economic modifications commence society has to deal with... more
1. Western Balkan states should reinforce the regulatory and institutional framework and empower independent authorities so as to mitigate political bargaining and interventions. 2. Western Balkan states should establish appropriate... more
The labour market is one of the most important channels through which adjustment programmes affect the poor. Adjustment's poverty impact will differ between competitive and imperfect labour markets. Two effects on poverty are highlighted:... more
According to the results of the Russian Finance Ministry assessment of the quality of financial management of the managers of the federal budget, including process and outcome indicators of financial activity as part of the state programs... more
Mouse embryos lacking the retinoic acid receptor gene RXR(alpha) die in midgestation from hypoplastic development of the myocardium of the ventricular chambers and consequent cardiac failure. In this study, we address the issue of whether... more
In nowadays more and more studies focus on the beneficial effects of the bond between children and pets and the benefits in the psychosocial development of children by this bond. The purpose of this study is to assess the relationship of... more
2020 started in a hard way for the whole world and it was a remarkably tough year for the educational system. On the 12 th March the World Health Organization announced the Pandemic, which changed many things for Georgia and for the whole... more
Motor Imagery provides a special context for representation of movements. This feature has been investigated in typical developing children in several studies, but there is little information in the field of motor imagery in children with... more
Insofar as gender is still so often equated with women alone, the move from Women in Development to Gender in Development has changed very little. Men as a human category have always been present, involved, consulted, obeyed and disobeyed... more
Achieving progress in understanding the cause, nature, and treatment of autism requires an integration of concepts, approaches, and empirical findings from genetic, cognitive neuroscience, animal, and clinical studies. The need for such... more
Economic liberalization in Bangladesh has led to the emergence of a number of export-oriented industries, of which the manufacture of ready-made garments is the most prominent. The industry currently employs around 1.5 million workers,... more
The present study aims to analyze the discourse of management and policy-making in the field of electricity in the country to study and analyze the text of 100 interviews, lectures, statements and quotations conducted in this regard in... more
Cassava has become an important economic crop due to its growing use as a raw material in Food, Pharmaceutical and chemical industries causing rapid growth in the demand for cassava products. There is therefore an expansion in its... more
Regenerative ability varies depending on animal species and developmental stage, but the factors that determine this variability remain unclear. Although Xenopus laevis tadpole tails possess high regenerative ability, this is transiently... more
Objetivo: La Constitución Cultural, consagra los derechos culturales a nivel normativo, como normativización constitucional de valores, principios y reglas orientan la acción en ese ámbito específico del ciudadano en un Estado de Derecho.... more
Child labour refers to the abuse of the labour of children who are either too young to work, or are of working age but work under conditions that subject them to risk. It is an adverse reality that children worldwide are often forced to... more
In a long-term partnership between a university in the UK and one in Botswana teaching interaction design, the Botswana cohort of students consistently performed less well than their UK counterparts. To investigate this, we conducted a... more
This paper describes the evolution of development economics thinking after World War II as one of a constantly shifting balance between addressing market failures and government failures. The pendulum has swung from statist "big push",... more
A telecommunications regulator plays an important role in people communication and also in promoting capability development in other sectors such as manufacturing sector, trade and commerce sector as well as public and private service... more
This paper sets out an argument for moving forward research on non-governmental organisations (NGOs) within developnment studies. The body of research on NGOs that emerged from the late 1980s onwards focused primarily on NGO roles as... more
The relationship between the financial structure of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) and their innovativeness remains unexplored in the microfinance literature. This paper represents an attempt to fill this void using a random sample of... more
China's prolonged economic boom has long depended on the extraction of cheap migrant labor from the countryside and increasingly relies on the expropriation of cheap rural land for urbanization. Julia Chuang's Beneath the China Boom is a... more
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The development of second homes, such as vacation homes used for summer or weekend getaways, is a phenomenon that characterizes the growth of European societies. There are many reasons for the existence of second homes and they have... more
Srilatha Batliwala captures the rich and complex discussion of the AWID Forum on the Power of Movements. She divides her impressions in five areas looking at the currents, undercurrents, seen and heard, absences and silences and big leaps... more
Literature suggests a linkage between internationally shared water resources and conflict potential. Anthony R. Turton, Marian J. Patrick and Fre´de´ric Julien examine transboundary water resource management in southern Africa, showing... more
In conjunction with prospective ratings of child maltreatment (i.e., sexual abuse, physical abuse, and physical neglect) and measures of dissociation and somatization, this study examined prospective pathways between child maltreatment... more
This contribution situates the recent increase in cross-border marriages in Korea in the context of feminist debates on social reproduction. Drawing on surveys, policy documents, media responses, and interviews, the study explores how the... more
This paper proposes a brief theoretical analysis of the relationship between international capital mobility and economic growth, seen in the perspective of demand-led growth. The study presents the central propositions that constitute the... more
This paper discusses the influence of an in-service distance education course in the construction of mathematics teachers' professional identity, especially regarding their views and practices of reflection and collaboration and their... more
This study provides insights into the sustainability of microfinance institutions (MFIs) in Africa with specific emphasis on documented measures of MFI sustainability, stylized facts surrounding the phenomenon, perspectives on the growth... more
The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the presentations... more
This paper examines a model for the effective evaluation of business education programmes. The model is known as the Kernel of Truth. The paper briefly looked at some definitions of business education and evaluation. It further treated... more
In a given developing-country environment, are the affiliates of MNEs more export oriented than wholly domestic-owned firms? No clear conclusions emerge from the theoretical models or the few available empirical studies of this issue.... more