Design of chemical and physical process plants
Recent papers in Design of chemical and physical process plants
This is a complete notes of plant design which includes side notes which is not covered during lectures. This is to provide a complete overview and understanding of a particular matter
Corn Kraft Paper Corporation produces an export quality product that is made of corn husk. A company that is environmentally sustainable for a brighter, safer, and, healthier future. A company that doesn't focuses only for the economic... more
Aptitud es la capacidad para hacer algo. Algunas aptitudes son innatas, mientras que otras se desarrollan con el tiempo y la experiencia. No es lo mismo que actitud, ya que ésta última consiste en estar dispuesto a hacer algo, y por tanto... more
A guide to pressure vessel designer. The lecture was delivered as a part of safety week celebration at "Essar" Surat for the students of Chemical Engineering and Project equipment design people who are looking for the over all view... more
This is the bullet version of notes made personally by me. This version is unedited if you intended to leave your own notes besides the ones I have made . Check out the edited version for explanation on my notes which I referred from the... more
This is a part of my test question (Chapter 9). It could be use as an exercise or your references.
This is an Excel file . Download for full use.
This paper covers the research carried out by the authors on the conversion of post-consumer polyethylene terephthalate (PET) into a thermosetting polyester resin. Glycolysis and hydrolysisglycolysis were chemical recycling techniques... more
The Process Design discipline is greatly advanced by having better property data, sophisticated computer programs and a growing base of experience. But a high quality process design job can be only obtained effectively if the designer is... more