Design for All
Recent papers in Design for All
The discourse on the relationship between form and function in the world of design has its roots in the industrial and Tayloristic model that contrasts and differs from the artistic and artisanal process since the disciplinary foundation.... more
Much research has recently been devoted to developing approaches, techniques, and technologies which assist people with navigation within buildings. Routing is an essential technique often requested by users prior to real-time navigation,... more
The paper outlines, from the communication design perspective, the user-centred approach taken to address packaging design area and explores the potentialities of the project of information accessibility to deliver innovation from the... more
This paper aims at contributing to the evaluation of web accessibility and thus promoting design for all, considering the design process as an iterative process containing evaluation as a fundamental component. More specifically, the... more
The integration of modern Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) within the cultural domain creates what is commonly known as e-culture. The need to create an e-culture environment arose from the undeniable fact that the... more
This paper aims to present the integrated football, a new frontier of sport for all in which people with and without disabilities play together. In the initial part of the paper, we clarify both the epistemological fundamentals of special... more
Report of the Special Interest Group in Inclusive Design, Centre for Education in the Built Environment 71 page report, published initially online on CEBE Website, 2002
Proactive Ergonomics means to pre-test the human factors features of a product in an early step of development (design or prototyping), modifying it, re-performing the test and so on. The goal is to apply an iterative process to reach a... more
Video games represent one of the most popular forms of digital entertainment , but people who are blind or visually impaired end up having restricted access to these games. Discussions about digital accessibility and inclusion often end... more
Using the city of Lincoln as a case study, this paper aims to discuss the importance of inclusive design and accessibility in the city, within the context of current global challenges. The relationship between theory and practice has... more
Since the speed of ageing is so rapid in Japan, the country is facing the serious problem of having to provide buildings and dwellings that will be suitable for use by elderly persons in a very short time. This article examines the... more
Education should be an equal distance with everyone, the educational environment as a second lecturer is responsible for supporting equality and should present inclusive characteristics. This study is carried out 87 interventions.... more
Si tratta quindi di un Piano a servizio di altri Piani (pensiamo al Piano Urbano per la Mobilità Sostenibile, al Piano di Governo del Territorio e, appunto, al Piano Triennale delle Opere pubbliche).
1 GİRİŞ Kentler, içinde yaşayan tüm kentlilere eşit oranda yaşama şansı vermesi gereken bir düzen oluşturmayı hedefler. Nitekim Avrupa Konseyi tarafından 1992 yılında kabul ve ilan edilen Avrupa Kentsel Şartında da (European Urban... more
This paper presents a methodological approach for measuring building accessibility. Buildings are seen as service providers, and their accessibility is evaluated by defining a set of representative service paths, and measuring their... more
Health care workers (HCWs) are frequently exposed to the danger of infectious agents through needlestick and sharps injury (NSSI). In Saudi Arabia, the hepatitis B and C viruses pose a great threat to the HCW because of their high... more
Today, computer games are one of the major sources of entertainment. Computer games are usually far more demanding than typical interactive applications in terms of motor and sensory skills needed for interaction control, due to... more
ÖZ Herkes için tasarımın amacı; binalar, peyzaj tasarımına konu olan her türlü alan ve mekan, iletişim araçları veya ev eşyalarında, her bireyin aynı fiziksel çevre için geliştirilen çözümleri mümkün olan en geniş ölçüde kullanmasını... more
A existência de uma dada deficiência ou incapacidade não é necessariamente impeditiva do desejo e do gosto pelas viagens. No entanto, muitos cidadãos com deficiências ou incapacidades encontram dificuldades no acesso à indústria do... more
The present Report contains the results of an action-research developed in the context of the OD&M Project (A Knowledge Alliance between Higher Education Institutions, Makers and Manufacturers to boost Open Design & Manufacturing in... more
The past decade has witnessed a major shift in how human limitations are viewed (Froyen, 2006). Whereas disability used to be considered as a consequence of physical and/or mental limitations, it is increasingly recognised that the... more
Inability to acquire new memories, difficulty to remember recent events and to recognize objects, places and people, visual-spatial disorientation, these are some of the disorders with which who is affected by neurological diseases must... more
Summary The Pedestrians' Quality Needs (PQN) project has been established to identify what people need for their safe and agreeable mobility and sojourn in public space and to show the added value of a systems approach compared with... more
Here it is attempted to present a platform environment that allows development of various educational applications fully accessible by deaf users. Subject to Design for All primes, the environment is built on methodological principles... more
Although the rights of disabled persons have been recognized as inviolable through legislation in many countries, it is still arguable whether the nature of the context is correctly understood. The philosophical basis is seldom discussed,... more
Hardware support for decimal computer arithmetic is regaining popularity. One reason is the recent growth of decimal computations in commercial, scientific, financial, and Internet-based computer applications. Newly commercialized decimal... more
Most people acknowledge that personal computers have enormously enhanced the autonomy and communication capacity of people with special needs. The key factor for accessibility to these opportunities is the adequate design of the user... more
Japanese government policies for seniors have long assumed that informal care by their families exists for them. The rapid aging of Japan is eroding the basis for this assumption. It is now necessary to include barrier-free design... more
The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses,... more
USERfit is a well-established methodology focused to the generation of usability specifications, specifically created for the Assistive Technology field that proved to be very suitable for the Design for All paradigm. This methodology... more
This paper details a two-part evaluation of the Apple TV user interface. A Heuristic Evaluation and an evaluation using the seven universal design principles were carried out. The overall results showed that the Apple TV user interface... more
Gasification of biomass, municipal solid waste, waste-derived fuels and residues has been lately gaining in attractiveness as an alternative thermal treatment method to produce power and heat. Presented in this paper is a new, recently... more
Diseño Social, ¿Utopía o Realidad?
En: Retos del Diseño/ Reptes del disseny/ Design Challenges.
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 2009, pp. 79-139
ISBN: 978-84-8363-500-1
En: Retos del Diseño/ Reptes del disseny/ Design Challenges.
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 2009, pp. 79-139
ISBN: 978-84-8363-500-1
This contribution is the extract of a research work, related to the relationship between design and public space, which specifically concerns the design experimentation of an innovative multimedia device aimed at enhancing the... more
In order to support the practice of 'design for all' within the design community two key areas have been identified that are critical to success. The first is the provision of accurate and relevant data on the target users, in this case... more
The current set of tools and specifications for ensuring web accessibility require expert knowledge and often have a highly technical orientation, with the consequence that it is not very clear how, or even when, to make use of them. In... more
This paper discusses the synergies between the well-known and accepted processes of Universal Design (also called inclusive design and Design for All) and User-Centred Design (UCD).
ICTs and e-learning technologies have been exploited thoroughly, in an effort to improve the education procedures and techniques and ensure that nontraditional students (disabled students, distance students and sensitive social groups),... more
In spite of regulations aimed at ensuring that all people can enter and move through spaces, the need to create physical solutions that do not separate or segregate disabled populations has been overlooked. Further, the response of... more
The elevator is a machine, a transport system, a space. It is the solution par excellence addressed to everyone. Its installation and use should be simple, and open to all users. The accessibility (for all), safety, and hygiene aspects of... more
We present a novel integrated methodology for the development and production of accessible physics and science books from the elementary up to tertiary educational levels. This language independent approach adopts the Design-for-All... more
The amphiphilic grafted copolymer N-phthaloylchitosan-grafted poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether (PLC-g-mPEG) was synthesized using chitosan with four different degrees of deacetylations (DD) (80, 85, 90 and 95%). All-trans retinoic acid... more
A gridding Hough transform (GHT) is proposed to detect the straight lines in sports video, which is much faster and requires much less memory than the previous Hough transforms. The GHT uses the active gridding to replace the random point... more