Design Space Exploration

2,849 papers
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Design Space Exploration (DSE) is a systematic approach in engineering and computer science that involves analyzing and evaluating various design alternatives within a defined set of parameters and constraints. It aims to identify optimal solutions by exploring the trade-offs between performance, cost, and other relevant factors in the design process.
In recent years, many accelerators have been proposed to efficiently process sparse tensor algebra applications (e.g., sparse neural networks). However, these proposals are single points in a large and diverse design space. The lack of... more
Future applications for embedded systems demand chip multiprocessor designs to meet real-time deadlines. These multiprocessors are increasingly becoming heterogeneous for reasons of cost and power. Design space exploration (DSE) of... more
Shrinking transistor geometries, aggressive voltage scaling and higher operating frequencies have negatively impacted the dependability of embedded multicore systems. Most existing research works on fault-tolerance have focused on... more
Modern embedded systems need to support multiple time-constrained multimedia applications that often employ multiprocessor-systems-on-chip (MPSoCs). Such systems need to be optimized for resource usage and energy consumption. It is well... more
The knowledge of optimal design space boundaries of component circuits can be extremely useful in making good subsystem-level design decisions which are aware of the parasitics and other second-order circuit-level details. However, direct... more
This paper proposes a Design Space Exploration for Edge machine learning through the utilization of the novel MathWorks FPGA Deep Learning Processor IP, featured in the HDL Deep Learning toolbox. With the ever-increasing demand for... more
This paper proposes a Design Space Exploration for Edge machine learning through the utilization of the novel MathWorks FPGA Deep Learning Processor IP, featured in the HDL Deep Learning toolbox. With the ever-increasing demand for... more
In the past decades, the Residue Number System (RNS) has been adopted in DSP as an alternative to the traditional two's complement number system (TCS) because of the savings in area and power dissipation. In this work, we first perform a... more
Developing a single embedded application involves a multitude of different development tools including several different simulators. Most tools use different abstractions, have their own formalisms to represent the system under... more
Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or... more
Machine learning has recently gained traction as a way to overcome the slow accelerator generation and implementation process on an FPGA. It can be used to build performance and resource usage models that enable fast early-stage design... more
Reconfigurable architectures are quickly gaining in popularity due to their flexibility and ability to provide high energy efficiency. However, reconfigurable systems allow for a huge design space. Iterative design space exploration (DSE)... more
Future applications for embedded systems demand chip multiprocessor designs to meet real-time deadlines. These multiprocessors are increasingly becoming heterogeneous for reasons of cost and power. Design space exploration (DSE) of... more
In this paper, we present an approach for prediction of interconnect resources at the early stages of design. This approach was developed as an extension to the Quipu Multi-Dimensional Quantitative Prediction Model for Early Design Space... more
Design of embedded systems is subject to different types of design constraints such as execution cycles, power consumption, and memory consumption/bandwidth. At the same time, modern computing systems make increasing use of reconfigurable... more
High-Level Synthesis (HLS) is an automated design process that deals with the generation of behavioral hardware descriptions from high-level algorithmic specifications. The main benefit of this approach is that ever-increasing... more
The hArtes -Holistic Approach to Reconfigurable real Time Embedded Systems-design flow addresses the development of an holistic tool-chain for reconfigurable heterogeneous platforms. The entire tool-chain consists of three phases:... more
There is no inherent characteristic forcing Field ProgrammableGate Array (FPGA) or Reconfigurable Computing (RC) Array cycle times to be greater than processors in the same process. Modem FPGAs seldom achieve application clock rates close... more
This paper proposes a systematic strategy to efficiently explore the design space of field-programmable gate array (FPGA) routing architectures. The key idea is to use stochastic methods to quickly locate near-optimal solutions in... more
Wireless sensor networks (WSN) is a new and very challenging research field for embedded system design automation. Engineering a WSN node hardware platform is known to be a tough challenge, as the design must enforce many severe... more
This paper presents the underlying methodology of Cosmos, an interactive approach for hardwarelsoftware codesign capable of handling multiprocessor systems and distributed architectures. The approach covers the codesign process through a... more
The emergence of data-intensive applications, such as Deep Neural Networks (DNN), exacerbates the well-known memory bottleneck in computer systems and demands early attention in the design low. Electronic System-Level (ESL) design using... more
Communication exploration has become a critical step during SoC design. Researchers in the CAD community have proposed fast and efficient techniques for comprehensive design space exploration to expedite this critical design step.... more
A well-defined design methodology supported by a system-level design language (SLDL) is the key for managing the complexity of the design flow, especially at the system level. Only with well-defined and unambiguous models and... more
Transaction-level modeling has been touted to improve simulation performance and modeling efficiency for early design space exploration. But no tools are available to generate such transaction-level models from abstract input... more
The increasing complexity of embedded systems requires modeling at higher levels of abstraction. Transaction level modeling (TLM) has been proposed to abstract communication for high-speed system simulation and rapid design space... more
With growing system complexities, system-level communication design is becoming increasingly important and advanced, network-oriented communication architectures become necessary. In this paper, we extend previous work on automatic... more
In embedded system design, the quality of the input model has a direct bearing on the effectiveness of the system exploration and synthesis tools. Given a well-written system model, tools today are effective in generating working... more
Much effort in RTL design has been devoted to developing "push-button" types of tools. However, given the highly complex nature of RTL design, interactive design space exploration with assistance of tools and algorithms can be more... more
With growing market pressures and rising system complexities, automated system-level communication design with efficient design space exploration capabilities is becoming increasingly important. At the same time, customized... more
Computer architects rely on cycle-by-cycle simulation to evaluate the impact of design choices and to understand tradeoffs and interactions among design parameters. Although several techniques reduce time per individual simulation,... more
In the literature, there are few studies describing how to implement Boolean logic functions as a memristor-based crossbar architecture and some solutions have been actually proposed targeting back-end synthesis. However, there is a lack... more
The embodiment design of a Joule-Brayton cycle based air-conditioning system for aircrafts (bootstrap) proves to be a difficult design problem. This difficulty is due to the variability in the system environment. For instance, atmospheric... more
The embodiment design of aeronautic systems proves to be a difficult design phase due to the variability in the system environment; the design is often constrained by atmospheric conditions. These atmospheric conditions appear to be... more
In my KANT-Mission 2 project space exploration is realised by robotic agents equipped with Artificial Intelligence (in both Classical and Quantum versions). It is expected that for some interplanetary travel tasks artificial... more
This paper addresses the problem of performing time series analysis on-board a spacecraft, where the number of constraints is much bigger than for applications running in regular (i.e., ground-based) environments. An objective of modern... more
We introduce explicit multi-threading (XMT), a decentralized architecture that exploits fine-grained SPMD-style programming; a SPMD program can translate directly to MIPS assembly language using three additional instruction primitives.... more
Settling on a simple abstraction that programmers aim at, and hardware and software systems people enable and support, is an important step towards convergence to a robust many-core platform. The current paper: (i) advocates incorporating... more
In this technical report, we present information on the XMTC compiler and language. We start by presenting the XMTC Memory Model and the issues we encountered when using GCC, the popular GNU compiler for C and other sequential languages,... more
Deep Learning (DL) is pervasive across a wide variety of domains. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are often used for image processing DL applications. Modern CNN models are growing to meet the needs of more sophisticated tasks, e.g.... more
This paper introduces a new logic-based method for optimising the selection of compiler flags on embedded architectures. In particular, we use Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) to learn logical rules that relate effective compiler flags... more
The article presents the results of a large scale design space exploration for the hybridization of two off-road vehicles, part of the Future Tactical Truck System (FTTS) family: Maneuver Sustainment Vehicle (MSV) and Utility Vehicle... more
Nowadays energy consumption is a major criterion in any electronic system, especially when it comes to systems working at high throughput with restricted energy consumption constraints like in the Internet of things (IoT), wireless sensor... more
This work presents a multi-objective design space exploration for Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). For any given GPGPU application, a Pareto front of best suited GPUs can be calculated. The objectives can be chosen according to the... more
This work presents a multi-objective design space exploration for Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). For any given GPGPU application, a Pareto front of best suited GPUs can be calculated. The objectives can be chosen according to the... more
Rapid robotic system development sets a demand for multi-disciplinary methods and tools to explore and compare design alternatives. In this paper, we present collaborative modelling that combines discrete-event models of controller... more
Real-time multi-media applications are increasingly mapped on modern embedded systems based on Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chip (MPSoCs). Tasks of the applications need to be mapped on the MPSoC resources efficiently in order to satisfy... more
System designers need to perform design-space exploration (DSE) to find appropriate number and type of processing elements (PEs) to be present in a Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chip (MPSoC) to support a throughput-constrained application.... more