Description logics
Recent papers in Description logics
Research on multimedia information retrieval (MIR) has recently witnessed a booming interest. A prominent feature of this research trend is its simultaneous but independent materialization within several fields of computer science. The... more
From networks to Description Logics 8 1.3 Knowledge representation in Description Logics 16 1.4 From theory to practice: Description Logics systems 20 1.5 Applications developed with Description Logics systems 24 1.6 Extensions of... more
This text provides a brief overview of selected structures aimed at knowledge representation in the form of ontologies based on description logic and aims at comparing them with their counterparts based on the rule-based approach. Due to... more
SF co-developer Steve de Shazer wrote, in his classic publications Keys to Solution in Brief Therapy (1985) and Clues: Investigating Solutions in Brief Therapy (1988), that SF practitioners should help their clients create an expectation... more
PhD Thesis Abstract (Italian and English)
D’emblée, Bernardo Secchi avait positionné la description au coeur du projet pour le territoire, proposant avec Paola Viganò un déplacement conceptuel de l’activité de l’urbaniste, depuis une réponse sectorielle à la demande sociale vers... more
There were 48 papers submitted each of which was reviewed by at least three members of the program committee or additional reviewers recruited by the PC members.
Most recently, the concept of business documents has started to play double role. On one hand, a business document (word processing text or calculation sheet) can be used as specification tool, on the other hand the business document is... more
There were 48 papers submitted each of which was reviewed by at least three members of the program committee or additional reviewers recruited by the PC members.
Critica literară între nega ia de sine i silogismele angoasei ț ș Aluni a Cofan ț Résumé: Nous faisons une analyse approfondie du tome intitulé NON, écrit par un jeune frondeur, Eugéne Ionesco, contre la critique et la littérature... more
Учебное пособие «Введение в формальную семантику» подготовлено по материалам курсов «Методы программной реализации интеллектуальных систем» (А.В. Андреев), «Математические модели языка», «Формальная и компьютерная семантика» (О.А.... more
The workshop continues the long-standing tradition of international workshops devoted to discussing developments and applications of knowledge representation formalisms and systems based on Description Logics. The list of the... more
There were 48 papers submitted each of which was reviewed by at least three members of the program committee or additional reviewers recruited by the PC members.
Di dalam berbagai tulisan Nietzshe, Robert C.Solomon menemukan beberapa argumentasi dari Nietzsche yang bersifat ad hominem. Logika ad hominem adalah suatu teknis retoris yang sering dianggap sebagai "kekeliruan", penyerangan atas motif... more
In this paper we describe the principles of the design and development of an intelligent query interface, done in the context of the SEWASIE (SEmantic Webs and AgentS in Integrated Economies) European IST project. The SEWASIE project aims... more
F elsefi düşünüş biçimi denildiğinde kavram, metodoloji ve kuramdan oluşan bütüncül bir sistem akla gelir. İslam filozofları da Tanrı-evren ve insan ilişkisine dair kendi sistemlerini oluştururken öncelikle kavramlarını ve metodolojik... more
There were 48 papers submitted each of which was reviewed by at least three members of the program committee or additional reviewers recruited by the PC members.
Ontologies play a crucial role in the development of the Semantic Web as a means for defining shared terms in web resources. They are formulated in web ontology languages, which are based on expressive description logics. Significant... more
Major ideas found in philosophy of logic and by implication Nathan Coppedge's philosophy.
There were 48 papers submitted each of which was reviewed by at least three members of the program committee or additional reviewers recruited by the PC members.
Description Logics (DLs) are gaining a widespread adoption as the popularity of the Semantic Web increases. Traditionally, reasoning algorithms for DLs have been implemented in procedural languages such as Java or C++. In this paper, we... more
Pertemuan 1 Berasal dari bahasa latin "Logos" yang berarti perkataan atau sabda Istilah lain Logika dalah mantik (dari bahasa Arab) yang berarti berkata atau berucap Dalam bahasa sehari-hari, kita sering mendengar ungkapan serupa:... more
Tables, hierarchies and lists dominate the way we organize data. In the field of computing, tables are the gold standard. These categories can be seen as more than data structures : They form the superstructure of our thoughts, the... more
Axiom weakening is a novel technique that allows for fine-grained repair of inconsistent ontologies. In a multi-agent setting, integrating ontologies corresponding to multiple agents may lead to inconsistencies. Such inconsistencies can... more
Le projet de représenter la sémantique des termes et concepts humains à l’aide de langages formels ne date pas d’hier, mais il connait aujourd’hui un regain d’intérêt avec le développement des ontologies computationnelles. Fer de lance du... more
A partir du paradoxe d'"une femme enfermant un pays" le filigrane mathématique de la Recherche du Temps perdu offre un paradigme de logique modale mathématisée à la mode d'Amsterdam, telle qu'elle est esquissée dans le commentaire de... more
As applications of description logics proliferate, efficient reasoning with knowledge bases containing many assertions becomes ever more important. For such cases, we developed a novel reasoning algorithm that reduces a \(\mathcal{SHIQ}\)... more
We introduce semantic artifacts, which are a mechanism that provides both a semantically rich representation of the information on the domain of interest in terms of an ontology, including the underlying data, and a set of actions to... more
In this paper we provide a semantic reconstruction of rational closure. We first consider rational closure as defined by Lehman and Magidor [33] for propositional logic, and we provide a semantic characterization based on a minimal models... more
In almost all domains in practice, it is fundamental to properly represent entities amenable to changes. For instance, in business analytics, we must be able to reason with large amounts of time-changing KPI (key performance indicators)... more
Kinship plays a fundamental role in human communities as a basic principle for organizing individuals into social groups. Representing kinship relationships in a formal and precise way is then a crucial task when modelling many knowledge... more
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the application of foundational ontologies, i.e., formal ontological theories in the philosophical sense, to provide a theoretically sound foundation for improving the theory and... more
UML is the de-facto standard formalism for software design and analysis. To support the design of large-scale industrial applications, sophisticated CASE tools are available on the market, that provide a user-friendly environment for... more
Mathematical Fuzzy Logic Propositional and predicate t-norm based fuzzy logics Truth constants a b s t r a c t Description Logics (DLs) are knowledge representation languages built on the basis of classical logic. DLs allow the creation... more
Ontology construction in OWL is an important and yet time-consuming task even for knowledge engineers and thus a (semi-) automatic approach will greatly assist in constructing ontologies. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to... more
We study ALCKm and ALCS4m, which extend the description logic ALC by adding modal operators of the basic multi-modal logics Km and S4m. We develop a sound and complete tableau algorithm ΛK for answering ALCKm queries w.r.t. an ALCKm... more
The workshop continues the long-standing tradition of international workshops devoted to discussing developments and applications of knowledge representation formalisms and systems based on Description Logics. The list of the... more
The workshop continues the long-standing tradition of international workshops devoted to discussing developments and applications of knowledge representation formalisms and systems based on Description Logics. The list of the... more
Research on multimedia information retrieval (MIR) has witnessed a booming interest during the last five years or so. A prominent feature of this research trend is its simultaneous but independent materialization within several fields of... more
This paper presents a three-step approach to enhance interoperability between heterogeneous semantic resources. Firstly, we construct homogeneous representations of these resources in a pivot format, namely OWL DL, with respect to the... more
Abstract. One of the main concerns of constructive semantics is to provide a computational interpretation for the proofs of a given logic. In this paper we introduce a constructive semantics for the basic description logic ALC in the... more
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the application of foundational ontologies, i.e., formal ontological theories in the philosophical sense, to provide a theoretically sound foundation for improving the theory and... more
Istraživanja koja se danas javljaju na području vezanom uz prikazivanje znanja i zaključivanju temeljem tog znanja obično su fokusirana na metode koje pružaju visoku razinu opisa svijeta temeljem kojih se može učinkovito izgraditi... more
Each paper submitted to DL'04 was reviewed by at least two members of the program committee, or by additional reviewers recruited by the PC members. Due to the success of the poster session from the previous DL workshop, it was decided to... more