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Let R be a ring and α, β be automorphisms of R. An additive mapping F : R → R is called a generalized (α, β)-derivation on R if there exists an (α, β)derivation d: R → R such that F (xy) = F (x)α(y) + β(x)d(y) holds for all x, y ∈ R. For... more
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      Derivations in Rings and AlgebrasPrime RingRings and Module Theory
We give a description on the properties of semideriva-tions in prime rings satisfying certain identities. Some well known results characterizing commutativity of prime rings by derivations have been generalized using semiderivations.
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    • Derivations in Rings and Algebras
Let N be a 2-torsion free s-prime near-ring and 1, a Î Aut N. Let d be a nonzero (1, a)-derivation which commutes with s, and L be a nonzeros-Lie ideal, then N is commutative if any one of the following conditions hold. (i) [d(u), u] 1,a... more
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    • Derivations in Rings and Algebras
In this paper first we studied some results of Jordan left derivation. Using these first we prove that for D:R→R be a left Jordan derivation 2r [a ,b] a b =0 for all a, b ,r ЄR .And also we prove that in a prime ring R with... more
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    • Derivations in Rings and Algebras
In this article, we introduce new generators of a permuting n-derivations to improve and increase the action of usual derivation. We produce a permuting n-generalized semiderivation, a permuting n-semigeneralized semiderivation, a... more
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      Ring TheoryDerivations in Rings and Algebras
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      Derivations in Rings and AlgebrasRings and Module Theory
Let M be a noncommutative 2-torsion free semiprime Γ-ring satisfying a certain assumption and let S and T be left centralizers on M. We prove the following results: (i) If [S(x), T (x)] α βS(x) + S(x)β[S(x), T (x)] α =0 holds for all x ∈... more
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      Derivations in Rings and AlgebrasCommutative rings
Let $M$ be a noncommutative 2-torsion free semiprime $\Gamma$-ring satisfying a certain assumption and let $S$ and $T$ be left centralizers on $M$. We prove the following results: \\(i) If $[S(x),T(x)]_{\alpha }\beta S(x)+S(x)\beta... more
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      MathematicsPhysicsDerivations in Rings and AlgebrasCommutative rings