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Let R be a prime ring, I be a nonzero semigroup ideal of R, d, g, h be derivations of R and a, b ∈ R. It is proved that if d(x) = ag(x)+h(x)b for all x ∈ I and a, b are not in Z(R) then there exists for some λ ∈ C such that h(x) = λ [a,... more
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      DerivationDerivations and generalized derivationsPrime Ring
The present paper deals with the commutativity of an associative ring R and a unital Banach Algebra A via derivations. Precisely, the study of multiplicative (generalized)-derivations F and G of semiprime (prime) ring R satisfying the... more
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      Derivations and generalized derivationsBanach Algebras
In this paper, it is defined that left *-α-derivation, generalized left *-α-derivation and *-α-derivation, generalized *-α-derivation of a *-ring where α is a homomorphism. The results which proved for generalized left *-derivation of R... more
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      Ring TheoryPure MathematicsDerivations and generalized derivationsDerivations
Let R be a prime ring with a characteristic not equal to two, σ, τ be automorphisms of R, and d be a nonzero derivation of R commuting with σ and τ . It is proved that
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    • Derivations and generalized derivations
In this paper, it is defined that left *-α-derivation, generalized left *-α-derivation and *-α-derivation, generalized *-α-derivation of a *-ring where α is a homomorphism. The results which proved for generalized left *-derivation of R... more
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      Ring TheoryDerivations and generalized derivationsDerivationsPrime Ring
Let N be a prime left near-ring with multiplicative center Z, and D be a (σ, τ )-derivation such that σD = Dσ and τ D = Dτ.
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    • Derivations and generalized derivations
In this paper, it is defined that left *-α-derivation, generalized left *-α-derivation and *-α-derivation, generalized *-α-derivation of a *-ring where α is a homomorphism. The results which proved for generalized left *-derivation of R... more
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      Ring TheoryPure MathematicsDerivations and generalized derivationsDerivations
Let N be a prime left near-ring with multiplicative centerZ; and D be a (α, γ)derivation such that δD = Dδ and ΓD = DΓ(i)If D(N)⊂ Z; or [D(N);D(N)] = 0 or [D(N);D(N)]σ, γ= 0; then (N; +)is abelian. (ii) If N is 2-torsion free, d1 is a (α,... more
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    • Derivations and generalized derivations
This paper abstracts some results of M. Bresar and J. Vukman [1] on the orthogonal derivations of semiprime rings to (σ, τ)-derivations and generalized (σ, τ)-derivations.
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    • Derivations and generalized derivations
In the present paper we prove the following result; Let R be a noncommutative prime ring, I an ideal of R, (F, d) a generalized derivation of R and a ∈ R. If F ([x, a]) = 0 or [F (x), a] = 0 for all x ∈ I, then, d(x) = λ[x, a] for all x ∈... more
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      AlgebraPure MathematicsDerivations and generalized derivations
Let R be a prime ring of characteristic not 2, U a nonzero ideal of R and 0 # d a (a, #)derivation of R where c and/ are automorphisms of R. i) [d(U), a] 0 then a E Z ii) For a, b E R, the following conditions are equivalent (
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    • Derivations and generalized derivations
In this paper, we define a set including of all fa with a ∈ R generalized derivations of R and is denoted by f R. It is proved that (i) the mapping g : L (R) → f R given by g (a) = f −a for all a ∈ R is a Lie epimorphism with kernel Nσ,τ... more
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      MathematicsAlgebraDerivationDerivations and generalized derivations
Let R be a prime ring with a characteristic not equal to two, σ, τ be automorphisms of R, and d be a nonzero derivation of R commuting with σ and τ. It is proved that for any (σ, τ)-left Lie ideal U of R: (1) if d(U) ⊆ Z, then σ(u) + τ... more
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      Pure MathematicsDerivations and generalized derivations
In the present paper we prove the following result; Let R be a noncommutative prime ring, I an ideal of R, (F, d) a generalized derivation of R and a ∈ R. If F ([x, a]) = 0 or [F (x), a] = 0 for all x ∈ I, then, d(x) = λ[x, a] for all x ∈... more
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      AlgebraPure MathematicsDerivations and generalized derivations
Let R be a -prime ring with characteristic not 2; Z(R) be the center of R; I be a nonzero -ideal of R; ; : R ! R be two automorphisms, d be a nonzero ( ; )-derivation of R and h be a nonzero derivation of R: In the present paper, it... more
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      Derivations and generalized derivationsRings with Involution
Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic provides access to digitized documents strictly for personal use. Each copy of any part of this document must contain these Terms of use.
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      DerivationDerivations and generalized derivations
Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic provides access to digitized documents strictly for personal use. Each copy of any part of this document must contain these Terms of use.
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      DerivationDerivations and generalized derivations
Siberian Mathematical Journal, Vol. 48, No. 6, pp. 979–983, 2007 Original Russian Text Copyright c 2007 Gölbasi ¨O. and Aydin N. ... ORTHOGONAL GENERALIZED (σ, τ)-DERIVATIONS OF SEMIPRIME RINGS ... Abstract: This paper abstracts some... more
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      Pure MathematicsDerivations and generalized derivations
Assume (1-5) : 1 Y = f(X) 2 Y = alpha + beta X 3 Y = alpha + beta X + u 4 Y = f(X,u) 5 Y = alpha + beta X subi + u subi i=1,2,...,n E(u subi) = 0 for all I E(u subi u subj) = { 0, sigma subu^2 } for i not equal j ; i,j =1,2, …,n for i... more
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      DerivationDerivations and generalized derivations
Let R be a σ−prime ring. An additive mapping F : R → R is called a generalized (α, α) − derivation, if there exists a mapping g : R → R such that F (xy) = F (x)α(y) + α (x) g(y) for all x, y ∈ R. In this paper, some results about... more
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    • Derivations and generalized derivations
Let R be a prime ring with characteristic not two. U a (σ, τ)-left Lie ideal of R and d : R → R a non-zero derivation. The purpose of this paper is to invesitigate identities satisfied on prime rings. We prove the following results: (1)... more
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      Derivations and generalized derivationsPrime RingGeneralized Lie Ideal
Let R be a prime ring of characteristic di®erent from two, d : R ! R a nonzero derivation, and M a non-zero left ideal of R: We prove the following results: (1) if a 2 R and [d(R); a]¾ ;¿ = 0; then ¾ (a) + ¿(a) 2 Z; the center of R; (2)... more
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    • Derivations and generalized derivations
On near-ring ideals with (σ, τ )-derivation
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    • Derivations and generalized derivations
In the present paper we prove the following result; Let R be a noncommutative prime ring, I an ideal of R,
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    • Derivations and generalized derivations