Recent papers in Deradicalization
Influence and persuasion are gaining increased attention in warfare, but often social psychology approaches remain underused or neglected while this academic field has provided useful insights into this approach, especially as a... more
Recent terrorist attacks on European soil, shows that there is some shifting of the course of perpetrating terrorist attacks modus operandi. Unlike previous terrorist attacks carried out by terrorist cells, nowadays more prevalent are... more
Inevitably many terrorists and violent extremists end up in prison where they can pose formidable challenges. Such prisoners are unusual and distinctive. As a consequence, their management can pose exceptionally difficult problems in... more
Most terrorists ultimately end up in prison, yet remarkably little is known about what happens behind the prison walls and even less about when those individuals are eventually released back into society. This book provides readers with... more
What is the risk of reoffending for released terrorist prisoners and what are appropriate processes and systems for managing and risk assessing such individuals? This paper explores these and related issues to help inform wider discussion... more
The article is devoted to the analysis of non-violent elements in the anti-terrorist approach of Saudi Arabia at the present stage. The article consists of three thematic parts. First of all, the authors considered several main factors,... more
Pasca 11 September 2001 dan diumumkannya global war against terrorisme, dunia seakan terbagi menjadi dua yaitu kelompok yang bergabung bersama Amerika melawan terorisme dan kelompok pendukung terorisme. Dengan pernyataan George W Bush... more
Résumé L’article s’attache à l’engagement radical entendu de façon classique comme un militantisme qui, à partir d’une posture de rupture vis-à-vis de la société d’appartenance, accepte au moins en théorie le recours à des formes non... more
PRÉFACE La question de l'évaluation et de la prise en charge d'auteur potentiel d'acte de terrorisme constitue un enjeu sociétal majeur. Le présent travail représente selon moi, une importante recherche-action de par l'examen de la... more
Dalam tulisan "Radicalization in The West : The Homegrown Threat" Mitchell Silber dan Arvin Bhatt, dua orang analis senior di Divisi Intelijen New York Police Department menawarkan pendekatan untuk memahami konsep radikalisasi, yaitu... more
The terrorist recidivism in Indonesia has increased after Isnaini Ramdhoni, who had just been on parole for two months, were re-involved in the suicide bomb attack in Surabaya. Deradicalization if carried out by the right person, the... more
Over de Mu'tazila, het Huis der Wijsheid en het hoe en wat om radicalisering tegen te werken bij jongeren. Originele tekst uit 2007 met kleine aanpassingen. Rudi Roth. Etienne Vermeersch schreef hierover: Ik vind dit een boeiende... more
Our understanding of the risk assessment of terrorist and extremist prisoners is in its infancy, yet this is clearly a critical issue. How can one tell if a prisoner is still dangerous or not? What are valid measures to assess risk and... more
You can bomb the world to pieces, but you can't bomb it into peace.
The paper introduces the field of social diagnostics and three selected instruments and tools that offer potential benefits for P/CVE. The tools presented here are the Inclusion-Chart 4 (IC4), Network Mapping, and the Biographical... more
'John Horgan’s contribution is immense …This is a must-read book for any person who wishes to understand the complex psychological processes that influence terrorists behavior and especially what makes terrorists relinquish violence.’ -... more
Bu kitapta, Daeş’e giden yolun teolojik ve tarihî arkaplanından Türkiye’deki Daeş yargılamalarına, terörle mücadele hukukundan emsal yargı kararlarına, gerçek hikâyelerden cihatçılarla röportajlara kadar oldukça spesifik ve sansasyonel... more
Most terrorists ultimately end up in prison, yet remarkably little is known about what happens behind the prison walls and even less about when those individuals are eventually released back into society. This book provides readers with... more
The Norwegian Mentoring Scheme (NMS) has now been running for six years, and was evaluated for the first time by the end of 2018. This paper dwells on the results of this evaluation, published in Norwegian in February 2019 (Orban, 2019).... more
Harmony with nature, pristine countryside, organic farming, a vegan diet, renewable energy, sustainable development. This imagery tends to be associated with ‘green liberal’ environmentalist movements and more broadly, left-wing political... more
By bringing together the existing skills and best practices in the field of disengagement and deradicalization, the project activities used a cross-extremisms approach that allows to use the same key elements of intensive psychosocial... more
Governments today tend to grapple with the development and implementation of deradicalisation programs; and as such, the results of such programs have led to varying degrees of success. The programs of three nation states—Yemen, Saudi... more
Certaines attaques commises sous le sceau du djihadisme ont été le fait de personnes inscrites durablement dans la délinquance et dont l’engagement radical a pu apparaître comme une « réponse » à des situations d’impasse biographique.... more
New report by IPAC team provides detailed status report on pro-ISIS groups in Indonesia, concluding that overall, support for ISIS is declining, even as new cells continue to emerge. The evidence of decline comes as the government is... more
Excellent overview on the field of countering violent extremism and its effectiveness.
Il caso studio il primo in Italia che riguarda un’attività di cosiddetta de-radicalizzazione nei confronti di un ragazzo coinvolto in attività eversive dell’estrema destra neo-nazista. Il percorso intrapreso nasce nel quadro del... more
The counterterrorism approach is still harnessed to tackle the spread of radical movement and it is deemed to be a soft strategy for a long-term purpose. In the several past years, the government has been conducting de-radicalization... more
The anthology reflects the wide range of current issues in the field of prevention of Islamism. It is divided into three sections, each of which follows a thematic focus. The first section is dedicated to the challenges posed by research... more
Ahmad Saiful Rijal bin Hassan discusses the mufti-mustafti approach in religious counselling. A mufti is someone qualified to give a legal opinion or fatwa whereas a mustafti is someone seeking a legal opinion (fatwa) from a mufti. The... more
What roles do various (security) authorities and civil society organisations play in deradicalisation and exit work? What findings can be drawn from the scientific monitoring of the counselling centres? The second anthology published by... more
Over the past decade, government policy has repeatedly identified prisons as particularly important environments in terms of both the risks of radicalisation and of opportunities for de-radicalisation. This paper provides an overview of... more
Over the past 15 years, 47 Muslim Australians have been convicted for terrorism offences. Australian courts have determined that these acts were motivated by the offenders' "Islamic" religious beliefs and that interpretations of Quranic... more
You can read/download Open Access version here: From the Duke website: In Thought Crime Max M. Ward explores the Japanese state's efforts... more
This article explores the rise of and the response to violent extremism, as well as the state of affairs regarding deradicalization programs in Sudan. Based on 18 interviews with policy makers, deradicalization program staff and relatives... more
Recent, and welcome, interest in the subject of terrorist disengagement and de- radicalization has revealed that the causes of terrorist recidivism are poorly understood. Studies of terrorist recidivism are virtually non-existent, which... more
Indonesia has managed a rising number of women extremists in prison reasonably well, but the need for more women-specific protocols and more recognition of the work of women case officers (wali) is increasingly apparent. These are among... more
Deradikalisasi adalah strategi utama pemerintah Indonesia dalam penanggulangan terorisme di Indonesa. Upaya ini disematkan dalam tugas pokok Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Terorisme (BNPT). Meski demikian, deradikalisasi banyak dikritik... more