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This study investigated the relationship between the perception of family functioning and depressive symptomatology in individuals with eating disorders (EDs). Subjects were evaluated by diagnostic clinical interview using DSM-III-R... more
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      DepressionFamilyAdolescentAnorexia Nervosa
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyFamily TherapyCognitive Science
Shame and guilt are closely related emotions of negative affect that give rise to considerably divergent motivational and self-regulatory behaviors. While shame-proneness has demonstrated replicable relationships with increased alcohol... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceDepressionAlcohol
Dissociation is regarded as a possible psychological mechanism in nonepileptic seizures (NES), although existing evidence for this is equivocal. It has been suggested that the contradictory findings in this area reflect the use of... more
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Background: The literature on the neuropsychological profiles in Bipolar disorder (BD) depression is sparse. The aims of the study were to assess the neurocognitive profiles in treatment-resistant, acutely admitted BD depression... more
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      IntelligenceDepressionBipolar DisorderCognition
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      Medical SociologyPsychiatryMedical AnthropologyDepression
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      PsychologyDepressionSpirituality Mental Health
This study examined the association between childhood sexual abuse (CSA) and parenting outcomes including parenting stress, feelings of competence and discipline strategies. Maternal depression and current partner violence were... more
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      PathologyPsychologySocial WorkDomestic Violence
It has been established that 4.4 to 20% of the general population suffers from a major depressive disorder (MDD), which is frequently associated with a dysregulation of normal sleep-wake mechanisms. Disturbances of circadian rhythms are a... more
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Karojisatsu in Japan: Characteristics of 22 Cases of Work-Related Suicide: Takashi AMAGASA, et al. Mental Clinic Misato-With the rapidly increasing number of work-related suicides in Japan (Karojisatsu, in Japanese), both applications for... more
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      Occupational HealthDepressionSuicideJapan
The purpose of this study is to find longitudinal evidence of the effect of targeted peer victimization (TPV) on depressive cognitions as a function of victimization type and gender. Prospective relations of physical and relational peer... more
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      Clinical PsychologyDepressionBullyingPeer Victimization
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      PsychologySocial WorkPsychotherapyDepression
There is a strong correlation between gratitude and happiness. People who do not exhibit gratitude will find it difficult to be happy. Evidence shows that teaching children to show gratitude enhances learning and reduces the prevalence of... more
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      Positive PsychologyDepression
Опубликовано в коллективной монографии: Т.Щитцова, Т. Артимович, Е. Ковтяк. И. Полещук: Без будущего. Депрессия и авторитарное общество. Вильнюс 2020. Глава 1.
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      DepressionBelarusian StudiesPost-Soviet StudiesNeoliberalism
Objective There have been conflicting reports on the relationship between thyroid function and mood between studies in subjects on T4 and the general population not on T4. We investigated this relationship in a large catchment area-based... more
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Sleep disturbances play an important role in the exacerbation of pain and other troubling symptoms reported by patients with fibromyalgia (FM). The objective of this trial was to analyze the efficacy of a cognitivebehavioral therapy for... more
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      DepressionTreatment OutcomeBehavioral MedicineFatigue
Hauge, L.J., Skogstad, A. & Einarsen, S. (2010). The relative impact of workplace bullying as a social stressor at work. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology.
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceDepressionScandinavian
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      DepressionWomenGender IdentityBritish medical history
We conducted a 3-wave, longitudinal study to examine the role of ethnic collective self-esteem and United States (U.S.) collective self-esteem on anxious-depressed symptoms over time among Asian and Latino immigrant-origin adolescents (n... more
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Obesity is generally a life-long problem with numerous weight-related complications. The relationship between body weight and risk of developing a significant disease, as well as total mortality and morbidity, has been examined in many... more
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The current investigation represents the first meta-analysis of the depressive realism literature. A search of this literature revealed 75 relevant studies representing 7305 participants from across the US and Canada, as well as from... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyResearch DesignDepression
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceDemographyPsychometrics
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      PsychologyAnxiety DisordersPsychometricsDepression
Depression is one of the most common psychological diseases, and as it happens for many other, the most widely used form of therapy is drugs: about one in every 10 Americans takes an antidepressant and the percent is more than double... more
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      Counseling PsychologyDepressionPsychotherapy and CounselingCounseling
Background: There is increasing recognition of the need to identify risk factors for poor mental health in pregnancy and following birth. In New South Wales, Australia, health policy mandates psychosocial assessment and depression... more
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      Program EvaluationPrivacyDepressionSocial Support
SOURCE: Baril, A. (2020). « Queeriser le geste suicidaire : penser le suicide avec Nelly Arcan », dans I. Boisclair, P.-L. Landry et G.P. Girard (dirs.). QuébeQueer : Le queer dans les productions littéraires, artistiques et médiatiques... more
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      French LiteratureQueer StudiesFrench StudiesDisability Studies
Background: The use of positive psychological interventions may be considered as a complementary strategy in mental health promotion and treatment. The present article constitutes a meta-analytical study of the effectiveness of positive... more
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      Health PromotionPsychotherapyDepressionTreatment Outcome
Background: During the COVID-19 pandemic, a decrease in well-being and an increase in mental health problems were registered in medical and psychotherapeutic practices, counseling centers, and clinics. According to previous stud- ies,... more
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      DepressionPsychopathologyAnxietySocial Isolation
Law firms seeking a competitive advantage in the marketplace would do well to consider that the positive psychological resources of firm lawyers are just as important to individual and organizational performance as their intellectual... more
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      Positive PsychologyDepressionResilienceHope
We realize that it will take longer for this package to reach you. Please fax your corrections to us as soon as possible (include telephone number). Thank you.
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      PsychologyPsychoanalysisPhilosophy Of LanguageDepression
The impact of nine strengths-based positive interventions on well-being and depression was examined in an Internet-based randomized placebo-controlled study. The aims of the study were to: (1) replicate findings on the effectiveness of... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePositive PsychologyDepression
CONTEXT: Depression is common in dementia, especially in the early stages, with important clinical implications, but the etiology is unknown and most likely heterogeneous. Antidepressant use in the elderly without dementia has previously... more
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      DepressionDementiaAlzheimer's DiseaseMorphometry
This paper is written in the spirit of a collaborative approach to the diagnosis and treatment of depression. It points toward a integrative Gestalt methodology, which is informed by he psychopathological perspective yet firmly rooted in... more
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      PsychologyDepressionGestalt TherapyPsychopathology
Hello, I'm Shelley Tremain and I'd like to welcome you to the third-anniversary installment of Dialogues on Disability, the series of interviews that I'm conducting with disabled philosophers and post here on the third Wednesday of each... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindPolitical PhilosophyDisability Studies
There appear to be two forms of high self-esteem: secure high self-esteem (which is often linked with psychological health) and fragile high self-esteem (which is generally associated with poor psychological adjustment and impaired... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePersonalityIntelligence
This paper presents a new model of gratitude incorporating not only the gratitude that arises following help from others but also a habitual focusing on and appreciating the positive aspects of life", incorporating not only the gratitude... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyPositive PsychologyPersonality
The effect of adding a cognitive behavioral program to an intervention program in Positive Psychology was. For this purpose, 45 university students were measured by SWLS, PANAS, CES-D, BAI and HADS scales and assigned to one of two... more
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      DepressionAnxietyPsychological HealthWellness
Do positive psychology interventions-that is, treatment methods or intentional activities aimed at cultivating positive feelings, positive behaviors, or positive cognitions-enhance well-being and ameliorate depressive symptoms? A... more
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      Positive PsychologyDepressionHappiness and Well Being
Depression is a serious disease affecting an individual's entire life-situation, which can lead to great suffering and a reduced level of activity in everyday life. The aim of this study is to explore and describe how art therapy works... more
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      PsychologyOccupational TherapyMental HealthDepression
Do positive psychology interventions-that is, treatment methods or intentional activities aimed at cultivating positive feelings, positive behaviors, or positive cognitions-enhance well-being and ameliorate depressive symptoms? A... more
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      Clinical PsychologyPositive PsychologyDepressionTreatment
Despite the growing evidence that perfectionism is associated with adolescent psychological distress, few studies have investigated this relationship prospectively with measures designed for use in adolescent populations. In the present... more
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      Anxiety DisordersPersonalityDepressionPerfectionism
The elderly age seems to be a proper time for finding the meaning of life and personal growth compared to other periods of life. The existence of meaning in life of the elderly is an important factor for the continuation of their life and... more
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To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked FilesKynntir eru próffræðilegir eiginleikar þýðingar og staðfærslu RADS-2 matslistans. Listinn er hannaður til að... more
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Objective To determine the prevalence of depression and anxiety in terminally ill patients pursuing aid in dying from physicians. Design Cross sectional survey. Setting State of Oregon, USA. Participants 58 Oregonians, most terminally ill... more
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      Anxiety DisordersDepressionMedicineAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
The context-free diagnoses outlined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders might not provide enough information to represent the heterogeneity observed in depressed patients. Interpersonal factors have been linked to... more
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Background: Violence against women has long been considered a hidden health burden. Questions about violence have not been included in health surveys; hence, little is known about prevalence and the consequences for health in the general... more
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      GynaecologyMental HealthDepressionPublic Health
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      PsychologyDepressionDialectical Behavioral TherapyCognitive Flexibility
INTRODUCTION Cognitive stimulation may be beneficial in slowing the progression of mild neurocognitive disorder (NCD), but the results of existing research are inconsistent. Furthermore, there are no long-term interventions nor individual... more
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      DepressionDementiaMild Cognitive ImpairmentOlder Adults
We aimed to assess comprehensively the prevalence of perinatal risks experienced by a potentially high-risk yet understudied population of children domestically adopted in the United States. Data are from participant report and medical... more
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