for their helpful comments. Working papers of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland are preliminary materials circulated to stimulate discussion and critical comment. The views stated herein are those of the author and not necessarily... more
August 2010. The Bank of Canada observes that monetary authorities in many jurisdictions slashed policy interest rates; and the UK and US introduced unconventional monetary policy operations so that liquidity could continue to be injected... more
This paper examines the role of institutions in economic growth and the role of the institutions created by the Russian state in particular. The author stresses the finding that growth-supporting institutions vary according to the level... more
BIS Working Papers are written by members of the Monetary and Economic Department of the Bank for International Settlements, and from time to time by other economists, and are published by the Bank. The views expressed in them are those... more
Bank closures happen globally due to legal grounds that vary among countries. The adverse effects common to all bank closures include loss of employment, disruptions in the payment and settlement system, loss of public confidence in the... more
This paper uses a two-step methodology to examine the relationship between managerial cost inefficiency and the takeover of U.S. thrifts during a period of market liberalization and widespread takeover activity, 1994 to 2000. In the first... more
for helpful comments and suggest ions. Working papers of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland are preliminary materials circulated to stimulate discussion and critical comment. The views stated herein are those of the authors and not... more
The fact that money, banking, and financial markets interact in important ways seems self-evident. The theoretical nature of this interaction, however, has not been fully explored. To this end, we integrate the Diamond (1997) model of... more
The crisis at New India Cooperative Bank underscores systemic vulnerabilities within the cooperative banking sector in India. In response to financial instability and liquidity concerns, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) imposed stringent... more
The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are published to elicit comments and... more
Before everyone else, I would thank first Allah for his help in bringing this research to fruition. I am indebted to my parents, Yousef Khasawneh and Shaikha Khasawneh, for their continuous prayers and moral support. I also thank my... more
Мета. Робота присвячена аналізу особливостей розміщення коштів фізичних та юридичних осіб на банківських депозитах в зарубіжних країнах світу з метою використання набутих результатів у вітчизняній практиці. Методика. В процесі написання... more
Using a database from post-communist, pre-deposit-insurance Russia, we demonstrate the presence of quantity-based sanctioning of weaker banks by both firms and households, particularly after the financial crisis of 1998. Evidence for the... more
Using evidence from Russia, we explore the effect of the introduction of deposit insurance on bank risk. Drawing on variation in the ratio of firm deposits to total household and firm deposits before the announcement of deposit insurance,... more
Banks are the most important financial institutions in Croatia. They issue loans based on receive deposits from citizens and companies. On the other side, depositors are interested for the interest rates on the deposits in banks. Interest... more
Znano je, da sistem zavarovanja depozitov deluje kot varstveni ukrep v korist deponentov , bank pa tudi celotnega bancnega sistema, saj v casu krize preprecuje nastajanje panike in dvigovanja depozitov iz bank. S to aktualno temo o... more
Recent proposals recommend supplemental leverage ratio (SLR) modifications to stimulate securities and derivatives market liquidity and other beneficial bank services that are alleged to have declined as a consequence of Basel III capital... more
Prompt Corrective Action (PCA) requires regulators to sanction banks before they become insolvent and to resolve institutions within 90 days of reaching critically undercapitalized status. Forensic studies of the financial crisis conclude... more
The views expressed in this Working Paper :lre those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are published to elicit comments and... more
We measure the effect of bank failures on economic growth using data from 1900 to 1930, a period without active government stabilization policies and several severe banking crises. VAR model estimates suggest bank failures have... more
The paper aim to analyze the Technical Efficiency of 70 Commercial banks from 19 African countries from 2009-2020. Using the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method of the two main approaches, Variable Return to Scale (VRS) and Constant... more
Central Bankers are currently facing big challenges in designing and implementing monetary policy, as well as with safeguarding financial stability, with the world economy still in the process of digesting the legacy of the crisis. The... more
Deposit Insurance Scheme (DIS) has assumed the position of universal importance as a consumer protection scheme for the depositors and investors in the banking sector of nations' economy. The role of Islamic deposit insurance is to create... more
Assessing the Adequacy of the EU Scheme for Bank Recovery, Resolution and Deposit Insurance in Spain
Her research interests are focused on banking and finance, with a particular emphasis on the analysis of deposit insurance schemes. She has acted as a consultant to several banking institutions in Spain. She has also published many... more
Introduction 2. Data and sample 3. EDIS loss distribution 4. Risk-based premiums 5. Conclusions Table of contents Introduction Data and sample EDIS loss distribution Risk-based premiums Conclusions
The 1994 Mexican banking crisis led to wholesale changes in the deposit insurance fund in the country’s banking system. Poor lending decisions allowed banks to transfer risk to the fund, resulting in their capturing returns on performing... more
This thesis was written as a part of master program at NHH. Neither the institution, nor the supervisor and the censors are -through the approval of this thesis -responsible for neither the theories and methods used, nor the results and... more
We present a model of bank passivity and regulatory failure. Banks with low equity positions have more incentives to be passive in liquidating bad loans. We show that they tend to hide distress from regulatory authorities and are ready to... more
We analyze the competition in bonus taxation when banks compensate their managers by means of fixed and incentive pay and bankers are internationally mobile. Banks choose bonus payments that induce excessive managerial risk-taking to... more
This paper examines what institutional and bank-specific factors determine bank stock price synchronicity. Using data on 37 countries from 1996-2007, we find that bank stocks are more aligned with the whole market (1) during the financial... more
The collapse of the Ohio Deposit Guarantee Fund (ODGF) in March 1985 provides a laboratory for examining the financial market's belief in the incentive-conflict model proposed by Kane (1989). Research in this area has yet to examine the... more
The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF or IMP policy. Working Papers describe research in progre::.s by the author(s) and are published to elicit comments and... more
Peria and Schmukler examine the banking industries of small insured depositorswho punish risky banks by Argentina, Chile, and Mexico to see if market discipline withdrawing their deposits. existed there in the 1980s and 1990s.... more
Bank-Based and Market-Financial systems tend to be more market-based In higher Based Financial Systems income countries, where stock markets also become CrossCountry Comparisons more active and efficient than Crosscountry Comparisons... more
Downsizing is the systematic reduction of work force which is often used during economic crisis in order to increase productivity, efficiency, profitability and competitiveness of firms. In literature many studies examine the positive and... more
This study explored the impact of financial deepening on manufacturing sector in Nigeria using time series data covering 1990 to 2023. Manufacturing sector performance is expressed by growth in manufacturing with financial access,... more
A Deposit Protection or Insurance as the name suggests is intended to provide a sustainable funding to reimburse depositors should an insured act(s) be triggered. Over time, it helps build confidence in the financial ecosystem thereby... more
While in this twenty-first Century (XXIe), questions are rising about the banking system governance and the "post-crisis governance reforms", it is useful to revisit the founding debates of the governance of the twentieth... more
The European Banking Union (EBU) is an essential framework for ensuring financial stability and depositor confidence within the Eurozone. Despite its establishment following the 2008 financial crisis, the EBU exhibits critical... more
We appreciate the insightful and constructive comments and suggestions from participants of the 2017 Bank of Finland Workshop and the 2017 Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC) 50th anniversary meeting. Gaiyan Zhang acknowledges... more
We investigate how explicit deposit insurance affects bank lending during the global financial crisis. Earlier studies find that banks tighten their lending to corporations, lend less to foreign countries (a "flight home" effect), and... more
The object of this paper is to survey and synthesize the literature on the regulation of financial intermediaries, including the theoretical framework and also the applied literature on specific regulations such as deposit insurance,... more
This paper analyses various approaches to dealing with problematic assets of the banking sector. These approaches include the establishment of an asset management company, capital injection and sale of the bank, purchase and assumption... more
(I. Kowalska). DISCLAIMER: An objective of the series is to get the research results out quickly, even if their presentations are not fully polished. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this Working Paper are those... more