Depictions of Heaven and Hell

19 papers
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Depictions of Heaven and Hell refer to the artistic, literary, and theological representations of the afterlife in various cultures and religions. These portrayals explore the moral, spiritual, and existential implications of reward and punishment, reflecting societal values, beliefs, and the human condition.
From ancient lore to myths, religious ceremonies and treatment regimens, the search for prolonging life and continuing youth searches have been rustic parts of human societies an ideal never attaining fruition. The craving to surpass... more
This Chapter presents an overview of the principal stages and associated states of consciousness of man after physical death, and the processes that impel him towards rebirth. Whereas there are myriad complex details to consider in... more
Research on the causes for vaccine resistance among Nigerian Muslims reveals what the philosopher Žižek terms a “heaven in disorder:” lack of trust in public institutions, conspiracy theories, ignorance of basic science, individual... more
And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, some to shame and everlasting contempt'.
The notion of Hell predates Christianity by thousands of years by Egyptian and sources of Jewish mysticism such as the Kabbalah. The Kabbalah mentions seven different divisions of Hell (including, 'Gehinnom' and 'Sheol' meaning Hades or... more
Budist metinlerde “cehennem”in yeraltı dünyası olarak tanımlanması nedeniyle, Baodingshan Kaya Oymaları’ndaki cehennem sahnesinin yatay katmanlar halinde görselleştirilerek düzenlenmesini elverişli kılmıştır. Bu nedenle, Uzak Doğu... more
This book presents the works of Valentina Battler, which span across a wide field of artistic culture: Fine Art, Poetry, and Art Criticism. Her oeuvre attains high creative achievements in each of these spheres, and united together, it... more
This research aimed to explore and describe the concepts of afterlife and the realm of dead in Hebrew Bible and related concepts in Modern Judaism that how modern Jewish thought is different from ancient Biblical Jewish thought about... more
In December of 1569, Giorgio Vasari (1511-74) was called to Rome by Pope Pius V (r. 1566-72) to design and decorate three chapels dedicated to Saints Stephen, Peter Martyr, and Michael the Archangel in the Vatican's Torre Pia. For Pius's... more
In this paper, we analyze the depictions of hell and the devil in Macedonian literature, in the 19th century. Notable works of moralizing-didactic character in Macedonian literature are found in the first half of the 19th century, in the... more
: In this paper we analyze the depictions of hell and the devil in Macedonian folklore from the 19th century by comparing several mediums: folk songs, stories, curses, proverbs, etc. Adam and Eve’s exile from Paradise marks the first... more
The majority opinion of Muslim Scholars is that, indeed, Christians and Jews who adhere to their religious law and method will dwell in Hell if they fail to embrace Islam before they die. There are conditions to this overall disaster for... more
Taking the medieval period as the highpoint of hell, this talks explores where this idea came from, including Greece and Rome, the mystery religions, Gnosticism, the Bible and the Christian Creeds. It explores ideas from Christian... more
Medieval historiography new exactly where to find the paradise and medieval maps often pinpoint the place. These maps are not only an expression of locations but also of the chronology of the world's history. This connection of space and... more
Paradise and Paradigm: Key Symbols in ‘Persian’ Christianity and the Baha’i Faith by Christopher Buck Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Toronto (Canada), 1996. PhD supervisor: Willard G. Oxtoby. ProQuest, UMI Dissertations... more