Dental Education
Recent papers in Dental Education
Self-assessment is an integral component of learning and developing decision making and critical thinking skills in the practice of dental hygiene. Dental hygienists must think critically and develop problem-solving strategies during... more
Using a sample of dental students (N=373) from four Canadian dental schools, this longitudinal study determined whether the new Canadian Dental Association (CDA) structured interview was a predictor of clinical and academic performance.... more
Le manuel indispensable pour les élèves en Bac Pro Prothèse Dentaire ! 🦷✨ Après 13 ans d’expérience dans l’enseignement et la prothèse dentaire, j’ai rassemblé tout mon savoir-faire dans un manuel pédagogique complet dédié aux... more
Prevalence varies according to different authors. Thus, it was found 0.38% in Turkey, 0.13% in Saudi Arabia, 0.43% in India. Prevalence in syndromic patients is significantly higher. Tooth transpositions are observed at a rate of 14.29%... more
Medical Education 2010: 44: 387–395Context Elective courses are a significant part of undergraduate medical education throughout the world, but the value provided by these courses and the reasons for choosing particular elective courses... more
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease with serious health consequences. The association between diabetes and periodontal disease is well documented. However, the progression and healing of endodontic infections in diabetic patients has... more
Objectives. The aim of the study was to investigate the effectiveness of an educational program on the reduction of the incidence of wrong-site tooth extraction at the outpatient department of a university hospital in Taiwan. Study... more
An important objective of education is to improve clinical competence and hence confidence of students. Ample evidence on effectiveness of medical outreach programs is available but data pertaining to effectiveness of dental outreach,... more
The purpose of this study was to increase our understanding of the impact of Health Information Technology Systems (HITS) on dental school users when the systems are integrated into chair-side patient care. We used qualitative research... more
Continuous quality improvement (CQI) can be envisaged as a circular process of goal-setting, followed by external and internal evaluations resulting in improvements that can serve as goals for a next cycle. The need for CQI is apparent,... more
Transfer of knowledge from the basic biopsychosocial sciences to patient care is a major task for dental students during their education. Computer-based interactive patient simulations can help students affect this transfer because... more
Dental education on specific knowledge and intervention approaches for working with people living on welfare is crucial to the therapeutic success of the relationships dental professionals establish with this clientele. Despite growing... more
East Carolina University School of Dental Medicine is responding to the changes in today's health care system by implementing an innovative model of community-based dental education that prepares tomorrow's dentists to meet North... more
Background/Purpose: In Taiwan, dental manpower in hospitals plays an important role in dental education other than clinical service. Questionnaires, as well as a field survey, were conducted to understand the situation of dental manpower... more
This study compared the difference in decision making regarding retreatment of endodontically treated teeth by general dental practitioners and endodontists. Thirty radiographs of endodontically treated teeth taken from undergraduate... more
ABSTRACT : The root canal system is an arborizational, anastomotic, byzanthine, labyrinthine complexity, morphologically comparable to a mosaic. While primary canals exist, the tributaries, accessory branches and lumina of dentinal... more
The University of Minnesota School of Dentistry launched its new dental therapy program in September 2009 after the Minnesota state legislature had authorized the training and practice of a dental therapist in May of the same year. The... more
The Pacific AIDS Education and Training Center (PAETC) developed and tested over time a curriculum to meet the changed HIV/AIDS-related needs of dental health professionals. The objective of this study was to evaluate the HIV-related... more
This paper describes the curriculum design and enhancements of dental gross anatomy courses at three universities in North America. The greatest problem for gross anatomy faculty is making the regions of the body below the neck relevant... more
Aims: To evaluate the self-perceived preparedness of final-year dental undergraduate students in dental public universities in Malaysia. Methods: Final-year dental undergraduate students from six dental public universities in Malaysia... more
Elastic Therapeutic Kinesio Taping (ETT or KT) has long become a therapeutic tool used to address symptoms in musculoskeletal, neurological and lymphatic conditions. A scoping review of studies was conducted to determine if ETT/KT has the... more
Dental school graduates have many options following graduation. Many are pursuing additional education and training by doing a residency program. As more graduates consider this career path, these programs have become more competitive.... more
Dental schools are increasingly incorporating behavioral management strategies into the curriculum; however, little is known about the efficacy of this instruction. The purposes of this study were to evaluate student exposure to several... more
A primary focus of dental education is to teach students the knowledge, skills, and values essential for practicing dentistry. However, the preparation of dentists to manage a business is frequently cited as inadequate. . A survey was... more
Objective To describe the establishment of an outreach centre for the training of all members of the orthodontic team. The development of the orthodontic team The remit of orthodontic nurses and orthodontic therapists is described and how... more
The objective of this study was to explore perceptions of dental student clinicians and clinical teachers about dental clinical teaching to provide primary data for dental researchers and educators. Student focus group data provided... more
An understanding of international dental education systems is critical for the education of foreign-trained dentists in U.S. dental programs. However, there is little information on this topic. This article provides information regarding... more
Education being an open system undergoing changes from time to time, there is a current need to overcome the disparities and match the demands from all perspectives. The future dentists need to be trained in terms of critical thinkers and... more
This study presents a conceptual framework for clinical reasoning by dental students. Using a think-aloud method with six vignettes, the researchers interviewed eighteen dental students from two stages of training about oral... more
Purpose: To describe the development and opportunities for implementation of virtual teeth with and without pathology for use in a virtual learning environment in dental education. Material and methods: The creation of virtual teeth... more
Research has proliferated in recent years regarding the relationship of oral disease to systemic conditions. Specifically, periodontal disease has been studied as a potential risk factor for multiple conditions such as cardiovascular... more
Se encuentra inscrito(a) bajo matricula No. 012/20851 en la Etapa Disciplinaria de LA CARRERA CIRUJANO DENTISTA, en LA FACULTAD DE ODONTOLOGIA, periodo escolar 2015-2, Agosto-Diciembre.
For any treatment plan to succeed, two factors are paramount correct selection and application of pharmacologic agents and patient compliance. But what happens when both these are followed judiciously, but the medicine itself does not... more
The results from this survey of US dental schools will help clinicians understand which are the most frequently used materials and techniques for cement-retained implant-supported crowns.
Competency-based education (CBE) in dental hygiene education is intended to measure learned skills that prepare students to independently provide services for the public. A variety of standardized clinical assessment techniques (SCATs)... more
Visi dan Misi Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kabupaten Pulau Morotai
Aim To investigate the attitudes of general dental practitioners (GDPs) and endodontists in the UK towards management of fractured endodontic instruments.Methodology A questionnaire was sent to 330 systemically selected GDPs and all... more