United Nations General Secretary Ban Ki-Moon affirmed in 2012 that “the rule of law is like the law of gravity” of the international system. The Rule of Law as a Goal and Principle of International Human Rights Law by Joaquín González... more
As the global community attempted to fight COVID-19 and cope with the new reality created by the pandemic, online and mobile social networks played a key role in this new order. This study expands research in the use of these new media... more
PREÁMBULO. En un mundo cada vez más interconectado y desafiante, donde las antiguas certezas son sacudidas y nuevas realidades emergen con una fuerza implacable, nos encontramos en la encrucijada de una era que exige reflexión crítica,... more
From the decade of the 60s of the 20th century, we witnessed the welfare State debacle and with this, we noticed the gradual disappearance of the financing of social policies, including the cultural sector. This led to the emergence of a... more
From the decade of the 60s of the 20th century, we witnessed the welfare State debacle and with this, we noticed the gradual disappearance of the financing of social policies, including the cultural sector. This led to the emergence of a... more
-Karadağ, E., Baloğlu, N. & Yalçınkayalar, P. (2006). İlköğretim okulu yöneticilerinin öğretmenler tarafından algılanan demokratik tutumları ile öğretmenlerin demokratik değerleri üzerine ilişkisel bir araştırma. Değerler Eğitimi Dergisi,... more
The aim of the study is to investigate how university students percieve academicians' democratic values, and whether their perceptions on it differ significantly according to certain variables. Designed as a descriptive quantitative... more
This article aims to understand the conditions that drive high school students in Thailand to protest the government in 2020, even though they are socialized with limited democracy under the Thai educational system. It uses qualitative... more
Доктрина государства-цивилизации, принятая в России в 2023 г., давно является предметом обсуждения. Её цен- тральный термин вызывал скептицизм по ряду причин. Тем не менее как обсуждение, так и утверждение доктрины на уровне программного... more
The use of humour has been widely explored in literary texts, television shows, comics, cartoons, newspapers and visual art, with insufficient attention paid to how advances in media technology have also contributed to the use of humour,... more
This study aims to examine the primary education curricula prepared in 2017 in the context of gaining socialization, multiculturalism and democratic values. Analyses are carried out on the basis of social adaptation, social norms,... more
Razvoj suvremenog demokratskog društva temelji se na integriranju temeljnih demokratskih vrijednosti u sve njegove sfere i dimenzije, pa tako i u područje odgoja i obrazovanja. Ovakvi se zahtjevi stavljaju i pred škole, a pritom se... more
“Planetary Management” appreciates the physical and social environments of our civilization as a closed system, an integrated holism, where all elements affect all other elements. What has been lacking is that our social existence... more
O presente artigo pretende discutir a correlação entre os chamados valores democráticos e a percepção social sobre partidos políticos no Brasil. Tal análise será realizada, em primeiro lugar, à luz da literatura pertinente e, em segundo... more
В обзоре рассматриваются монографии о российской цивилизации, изданные в 2022–2024 годах. Авторы понимают, что в современной обстановке концепт российской цивилизации стал знаковым. Особое внимание уделено философско-теоретическим... more
Сборник посвящен осмыслению феномена модернизации, основных теорий модернизации, дисциплинарных и междисциплинарных подходов к ее изучению. Особое внимание уделено проблеме путей и моделей модернизации, разнообразию способов ее... more
Artigo de apresentação do Dossiê "A crise da democracia representativa"
В. П. Р и м с к и й 1 2 , О. Н. Р и м с к а я 1 1 Белгородский государственный институт искусств и культуры 2 Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет В статье предложена методология сопряжения... more
Контекстный подход к объяснению дифференцированного восприятия государства в различных социумах Одной из традиционных проблем анализа государственности является вопрос о восприятии её обществом и поиске наиболее значимой её... more
Sensitivity, which is quite comprehensive and closely related to many other values, is an umbrella term for them. It is absolutely essential to be aware of the sensitivity value in this world where with the process of industrialization... more
Cartoons have widely been being used as an alternate approach for determining individuals' perceptions recently. Within this respect, study aims at determining secondary school students' perception about the social unity and... more
Araştırmanın amacı öğrencilerin demokrasi algılarını belirlemektir. Araştırma nitel araştırma desenlerinden “olgu bilim” deseni kapsamında yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada amaçlı örnekleme yöntemlerinden maksimum çeşitlilik örneklemesi tercih... more
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and... more
The aim of this study is to examine Ukrainian and Turkish law students' attitudes towards democratic values and the factors that may affect these values and to compare them in terms of different variables. This study is a descriptive... more
Resumo Este artigo analisa a transição e a vitalidade atual do sistema partidário uruguaio. Após um período de crise, que culminou com o rompimento da democracia nos anos sessenta, nos anos noventa o sistema partidário recupera sua... more
Equidade Eleitoral Política". Considerando a importância desse tipo de reforma para o sistema político, esse artigo busca descrever e analisar essa reforma política por uma nova abordagem no estudo das mudanças institucionais: uma... more
Este artículo sitúa la pregunta por la formación ética desde la detrascendentalización de las normas ético-morales, específicamente, a partir de las categorías valicepción y pasividad. Se propone la posibilidad de la formación ética... more
The subject of the paper is evaluating and comparing the activity of using digital technologies for the realisation of democratic values by students of Polish and Ukrainian higher educational establishments: rights to freedom of access to... more
The Russian Federation became a member of the Council of Europe in 1996. This step determined the development of Russia's judicial system for the coming several decades and made it possible for Russia's national system of law to integrate... more
The Russian Federation became a member of the Council of Europe in 1996. This step determined the development of Russia’s judicial system for the coming several decades and made it possible for Russia’s national system of law to integrate... more
Artykuł dotyczy zasady jawności postępowania sądowego, która jest uznawana za ważną część prawa do sądu zagwarantowanego w Konstytucji Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej i traktatach międzynarodowych. W artykule omówiono prawne podstawy i wyjątki... more
The article deals with the causes of Russia’s war on Ukraine, which is based on political and geopolitical interests, economic and military strategies, ambitions of individual political leaders, and mentality factors. The ontological... more
There are ongoing debates regarding the causes of social movements in recent decades in Hong Kong. Whether economic frustration or political discontent promotes Hong Kong residents' non-institutional political participation (NiPP) remains... more
Artykuł dotyczy zasady jawności postępowania sądowego, która jest uznawana za ważną część prawa do sądu zagwarantowanego w Konstytucji Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej i traktatach międzynarodowych. W artykule omówiono prawne podstawy i wyjątki... more
Günümüzde alternatif ölçme ve değerlendirme kapsamında çok sayıda ölçme aracı kullanılmaktadır. Kelime ilişkilendirme testleri, alternatif ölçme ve değerlendirmede en fazla kullanılan araçlardan birisidir. Tüm derslerde olduğu gibi sosyal... more
This explorative case study sets out to investigate how ITEps student teachers as well as ITEps alumni perceive practical implications of upholding democratic values in the classroom environment, within the context of international... more
Arastirmanin temel amaci, ortaokul 8. sinif ogrencilerinin bagimsizlik, ozgurluk, ozguven ve cagdaslasma degerlerine yonelik algisal gelisim ve degisimlerini incelemektir. Bu dogrultuda deger ogretimi yapilmadan once on uygulama, deger... more
Transformational leaders are typically seen as visionaries and catalysts of organizational change. Although organizational change is important, the transformational leadership model is vitally important and relevant to the public sector... more
Niniejszy artykuł jest przeglądem głównych problemów definicyjnych i argumentacyjnych debaty nad demokracją. W pracy przedstawiono nie tylko złożoność pojęcia demokracji, ale również analizie poddano główne argumenty w dyskusji na temat... more
The current acceptance of value orientations by adolescents, changes in acceptance over time, and the connection with changes in social relations are undoubtedly of special interest to researchers, as well as certain segments of society.... more
This study investigated democratic values of pre-service English language teachers in relation to their teacher self-efficacy perceptions in a Turkish context. It also examined the possible relationships between gender, grade and... more
The article aims to present a content analysis focused on the occurrence of democratic values in the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe. Compared to other historical international law documents, the Final... more
Bu calismanin amaci Sosyal Bilgiler dersi ile demokratik degerler ve demokratik egitim arasindaki iliskiyi incelemektir. Degerler egitimini olusturan temel degerlerden bir tanesi de demokratik degerlerdir. Demokratik degerler Sosyal... more
Democracy as a political system aims to improve individuals' welfare and is considered as a desirable regime for that reason. Even if it is defined in different ways pointing out various aspects based on time and cultural background of... more
EU educational mobility programmes have long been geared towards not only the promotion of intercultural communicative competence, but also the uptake of European civic values. While the linguistic and socio-cultural effects of European... more
This article reveals the key factors (economic, technological, demographic, socio-cultural, gender) and the ongoing/emerging changes in the social and labor system of society. Changes affect all spheres and contexts without exception... more
Bu araştırmada, değerler eğitimi yaklaşımlarına göre geliştirilen demok rasi eğitimi etkinliklerinin, 6. sınıf Sosyal Bilgiler dersinde öğrencilerin demok ratik değerlerinin geliştirilmesine ve demokrasi algılarına etkisinin belirlenmesi... more
В статье аргументируется тезис о том, что интенсивная глобализация Модерна как доминирующего политического проекта современности при всей возможной вариативности институциональной реализации в различных регионах мира предполагает... more