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      LeadershipDemocracyDemocracy and Good GovernancePolitical leadership
The book presents an interdisciplinary exploration aimed at renewing interest in Luigi Einaudi’s search for “good government”, broadly understood as “good society”. Prompted by the Einaudian quest, the essays - exploring philosophy of... more
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      Public FinancePublic EconomicsAnthropologyPolitical Philosophy
This article deals with one of the perennial questions of legal and political philosophy, i. e., how the state should relate to religion? It makes a distinction between five models: (i) the atheist state, (ii) the theocratic state, (iii)... more
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      LawPolitics of SecularismDemocracy and Good GovernanceSecularism
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    • Democracy and Good Governance
Today’s children and young people are growing up in a time of radical digital transformation, rapidly changing information ecosystems, widespread integration of digital technologies, and other social, political, and environmental shifts.... more
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      Youth StudiesGlobal GovernanceGlobal HealthHealth Equity
News coverage summarizing some of my recent work on the political psychology of the fragility of liberal democracy and the rise of populism. One caveat - the author of the news piece, Rick Shenkman, emphasizes a neurological and... more
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      Political Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismPopulismPublic Opinion (Political Science)Democracy
Some problems of governance regularly resurface, and the use and role of ‘quangos’— public bodies operating at arm’s-length to ministers—is a case in point. The administrative history of the British state is littered with official reviews... more
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      Expert SystemsPublic AdministrationDelegationDemocracy and Good Governance
Development and sustenance of economic growth is contingent on savings and investments made in an economy. There are many variable factors to it and are very much interrelated and is pre-conditioned to each other. If we look around the... more
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      Economic GrowthElectionsThe role of the judiciaryDemocracy and Good Governance
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      Youth StudiesSustainable DevelopmentUnited NationsYouth Civic Engagement
Introduction: Actions taken at the level of the European Union and related to the implementation of the European governance model are based on the assumptions of the theory of good governance. The research problem is the analysis of the... more
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      Civil RightsEuropean UnionEuropean Union LawRule of Law
CONSTITUTIONAL ANOMIE IS A DEBILITATING CONDITION. Its symptoms include the introduction of reforms in a manner bereft of any underlying logic or explicit principles, combined with the inability to adopt a strategic approach that is... more
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      British PoliticsPoliticsModern British HistoryConstitutionalism
The World Bank has tracked six country-level Worldwide Governance Indicators since 1996. Regression analysis across 150 countries identified two of these indicators, Government Effectiveness and Regulatory Quality, that consistently help... more
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      Modeling and SimulationSimulationGood GovernanceDemocracy and Good Governance
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      Youth Civic EngagementDemocracy and Good GovernanceSocial Movements/Civil Society
This article deals with one of the perennial questions of legal and political philosophy, i. e., how the state should relate to religion? It makes a distinction between five models: (i) the atheist state, (ii) the theocratic state, (iii)... more
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      Politics of SecularismDemocracy and Good GovernanceSecularismIslam and Secularism
Fundament polskiego systemu politycznego stanowi Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z 2 kwietnia 1997 roku. Jest ona aktem posiadającym najwyższą moc prawną, określającym naczelne zasady ustrojowe, podmioty władzy w państwie i... more
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      Constitutional LawCommunicationDemocracyConstitutionalism
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      Political TheoryPolitical ScienceDemocracyBook Reviews
This paper responds to Jason Brennan’s prominent critique of democracy. Brennan argues that the average citizen is ignorant and irrational, and votes incompetently, exercising illegitimate authority over her neighbors, thereby violating... more
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      Political PhilosophyDemocratic TheoryPublic ReasonPolitical Legitimacy
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyRegulation And GovernanceSocial Media
The article offers a systematic analysis of the comparative trajectory of international democratic change. In particular, it focuses on the resulting convergence or divergence of political systems, borrowing from the literatures on... more
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      Comparative PoliticsGlobalizationPolitical ScienceGlobalization and Governance
Deutschland steht vor gewaltigen Herausforderungen: Klimakrise und Zerstörung der Ökosysteme, die Covid-19 Pandemie und der rasante demographische und technologische Wandel lassen sich in den tradierten Verwaltungsstrukturen nicht mehr... more
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      Public AdministrationPolitical ScienceDemocracyDemocracy and Good Governance
History never repeats itself but it is surprising how often it rhymes. Although the ‘new politics’ narrative, promoting a stark institutional and cultural shift away from the power-hoarding and adversarial system of politics and... more
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      British PoliticsConstitutional PoliticsElectoral systems, political parties, and executive-legislative structuresDemocracy and Good Governance
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      Constitutional LawRevolutionsDemocracy and Good Governance
Las Evaluaciones de Impacto Ambiental (EIA) surgen en Estados Unidos por medio de la Ley de Política Pública Ambiental Nacional (NEPA) en 1970 como un método para integrar una «racionalidad ambiental» a la política pública y los procesos... more
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      Environmental LawEnvironmental policyEnvironmental StudiesSustainable Development
From January 15, 1966 when the overzealous demarche of the hotheaded Majors ushered in a watershed in the contours of the Nigerian political environment, the military has aggressively cleaved onto power with a plethora of sanctimonious... more
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      DemocratizationCivil-military relationsDemocracy and Good Governance
El propósito de este boletín es identificar los elementos que tienen mayor efecto positivo en el ejercicio de presupuesto participativo en el ámbito local en Jalisco, así como sus principales oportunidades y restricciones. Se estudian los... more
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      Participatory DesignDeliberative DemocracyDemocracyDirect Democracy
The aim of this article is to place the African Union’s (AU) membership admission approach within the context of the aspiration to deepen regional integration efforts in Africa. Put in more specific terms, to what extent should values... more
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      International LawRegional IntegrationAfrican UnionDemocracy and Good Governance
Since 2008, the impact of the global financial markets meltdown, often attributed to the downturn in sub-prime mortgage industry in advanced Western economies, have resulted in worldwide deterioration of living standards, mass... more
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      Human GeographyLawGender StudiesInternational Relations
La recente riforma del Terzo settore (L. n. 106 del 6 giugno 2016) costituisce un punto di arrivo di un mutamento del mondo associativo avvenuto negli ultimi decenni ma anche il punto di partenza di un processo attuativo che si produrrà... more
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      Voluntary AssociationsThird Sector StudiesSocial PoliciesCivil Society
This chapter describes the significance of the Universal House of Justice for the development of the Bahá’í community as well as for the well-being of humanity as a whole. To understand the singular role of this global institution, the... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionPolitical PhilosophyPhilosophy Of Religion
This article addresses the question of what drives the character and orientation of South Africa's foreign policy post the apartheid era. The shift from apartheid to democracy in 1994 brought with it a new paradigm shift in both South... more
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      HegemonyDemocracy and Good Governance
Governance is a complex issue due to its wide range of dimensions. To uplift the quality of the government there are some international agencies those use to extend their cooperation. But the nature and way of providing advices are... more
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      Environmental ScienceAccountabilityWatershed HydrologyInternational Organisations
The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the indivisibility and interdependence of human rights, as states’ pre-existing failure to realise economic and social rights, especially the right to health, exacerbated the spread of the virus, in turn... more
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      Human RightsRule of LawDemocracy and Good Governance
This radical critique reclaims and recasts the ‘Transition Paradigm’, countering the habit of using advanced and successful democratic transitions as a template to be followed in other regions. It argues that the Arab (and broader Middle... more
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      Middle East StudiesMiddle East & North AfricaPostcolonial StudiesReligion and Politics
The paper analyzes Ethiopia's ethnic-based politics using four primary categories in a new theoretical framework. A new analytical framework is presented as a possible toolkit for solving our long-standing problem related to... more
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      International RelationsSecurity StudiesDemocracy and Good Governance
The growing threat to liberal democracy worldwide is, in many ways, a political party threat. Recent years have witnessed the rise of a range of authoritarian populist, illiberal, far-right, nativist, and extremist parties. Some have... more
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      Constitutional LawPolitical PartiesDemocratic TheoryDemocratization
This paper focuses about the South west Airlines epitomizes the concept of teamwork and a people centered culture. According to Gary Kelly its Chairman, President and CEO , Our people are our single greatest strength and most enduring... more
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    • Democracy and Good Governance
This presentation was made during the Junior Chamber International conference, organized in Cluj, Romania with the occasion of 100 years activity of the worldwide organization.
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      European StudiesSubsidiarityRegional and Local GovernanceRegional development
Četiri se glavna povijesna modela lokalne samouprave u Europi: francuski (napoleonski, južnoeuropski), njemački (germanski, porajnski), švedski (skandinavski, nordijski) i engleski (anglosaksonski), kojima neki autori dodaju i peti model,... more
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      SubsidiarityRegional and Local GovernanceGovernanceLocal Government
Citation: Malek, J.A.; Lim, S.B.; Yigitcanlar, T. Social Inclusion Indicators for Building Citizen-Centric Smart Cities: A Systematic Literature Review. Sustainability 2021, 13, 376. Abstract: Despite the rhetoric of "citizen-first,"... more
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      Social IndicatorsSustainability IndicatorsUrban PlanningUrbanism
This article offers an argument of almost primitive simplicity: politics tends to promise too much and deliver too little. In order to substantiate this argument this article presents the results of the first attempt to analyse an... more
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      Public AdministrationBritish PoliticsRegional and Local GovernanceLocal Government
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      Latin American StudiesPolitical CampaignsBrazilian StudiesPolitical Science
In Totalitarianism in the Postmodern Age Piotr Mazurkiewicz et al. seek to answer the question whether a possible spread of pre-totalitarian attitudes among youth may in the near future pose a threat to the contemporary liberal democratic... more
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      Youth StudiesPoliticsNationalismTotalitarianism
This thesis assesses the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) as it has played out in Nigeria. The APRM is an initiative by the African Union (AU) and the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) to promote good governance through... more
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      Development StudiesCorporate GovernanceRegional and Local GovernanceRegional development
Since public sector reform initiatives, public accountability and transparency have advanced democracy and good governance on managing state finances. State financial management mechanism involves regional policies and fiscal... more
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      Public AdministrationStrategic ManagementIndonesiaState And Local Public Finance
El presente análisis presenta algunos parámetros de evaluación de la democracia mexicana en dos planos: el de los diagnósticos y el de los debates. Para tal fin, sin ánimo de exhaustividad, en la primera parte de se ofrece una... more
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      DemocracyMexicoSocial movements in MexicoDemocracy and Good Governance
This paper inspects the form of freedom that exists in Dubai to make people living in the city happy and satisfied. I ponder Berlin's two notions of negative and positive freedom to see whether these notions can truly categorically... more
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      Political PhilosophyFighting and Preventing Corruption through LawLebanonPolitical Corruption
Plato's Republic critiques Athenian democracy as practised during the Peloponnesian War years. The diseased city Socrates attempts to purge mirrors Athens in crucial particulars, and his proposals should be evaluated as counterweights to... more
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      Plato and PlatonismDemocracy and Good GovernancePlato's Republic
Call for contribution to Articulo's special issue on digitalisation and public spaces. Articulo is a peer reviewed European journal dedicated to urban studies.
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      GeographyHuman GeographyUrban GeographyDigital Humanities
En el presente artículo (publicado el 17 de octubre de 2017 en la Revista Éufrates) se analizan las principales ideas reflejadas en el Discurso de Pericles, recogido por Tucídides en el Libro II de la Historia de la Guerra del Peloponeso.... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryPolitical PhilosophyHistory of Ideas
In this introduction into the special issue on state capture and security sector governance, we argue that state capture is a relevant concept that helps us understand the current autocratisation and the rise of hybrid regimes. We argue... more
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      Public AdministrationSecuritizationSecurity sector ReformDemocracy and Good Governance