Democracy and Citizenship Education
Recent papers in Democracy and Citizenship Education
We revisit Aristophanes’ charge against Socratic education in the Clouds and, placing that charge in its democratic context, propose that the play is equally critical of Socratic education as it is of democracy’s narrowly utilitarian... more
מאמר זה בוחן את המושג רפובליקניזם, בפרט אל מול המושג לאומיות, ומסיק שישראל זקוקה לתודעה רפובליקנית אך כזו המחזקת את הלאומיות ולא באה תחתיה. חלקו הראשון של מאמר זה (סעיפים א-ג) מתאר את ליבת העמדה הרפובליקנית ואת הגרסאות השונות לה זכתה... more
טַעַם וָדַעַת: בין אדם לאדם, למקום ולזמן, נפתלי רוטנברג, ירושלים תשפ"ב, 2022. Naftali Rothenberg Reason and Opinion Among Person to Person, God and Time טַעַם וָדַעַת: בין אדם לאדם, למקום ולזמן, משתף את הקוראים בניסיונות חוזרים ונשנים... more
Even though the interrelationship between education and democratic politics is as old as democracy itself, it is seldom explicitly formulated in the literature. Most of the time, the political system is taken as a given, and education... more
Revisión crítica de la noción de interculturalidad y deslindes entre interculturalidad normativa (angelical), crítica y transformativa, como base para el análisis de políticas públicas en los campos de la educación, la salud y la... more
Teacher education in England now requires that student teachers follow practices that do not undermine " fundamental British values " where these practices are assessed against a set of ethics and behaviour standards. This paper examines... more
Cop Estratto_studi soc 3-4_10 4-02-2011 12:30 Pagina 1 S o m m a r i o p. 243 C. LANZETTI p. 251 » 273 » 287 » 309 » 323 » 347 » 383 Saggi G. GOBO La globalizzazione della survey. Storia, limiti e opportunità N. PAGNONCELLI Le difficoltà... more
Resume Denne ankel belyser nogle af de spørgsmål og udfordringer, studerende og undervisere i dag konfronterer i arbejdet med kritisk tænkning og tilegnelsen af social-og hurnanvidenskabens kritiske traditioner. Artiklen forsøger dernæst... more
The popularity of Participatory Action Research (PAR) increases the risk of tokenism and blurring the boundaries of what might be considered ‘good’ PAR. This became a pressing issue when we were invited by the City of Amsterdam to conduct... more
Decentralisation facilitates participation and helps deepen democracy. Nevertheless, it has been confronted with diverse challenges in Lesotho. First, the process has not succeeded to improve participation relative to the traditional... more
Pensare ad un rammendo delle periferie come operazione di mera pianificazione urbanistica, di integrazione con il centro è un'operazione priva di valore. Una più complessiva e plastica ricucitura del tessuto periferico urbano deve... more
The anthropological transformation we are undergoing shows us the urgency of rethinking teaching and training, underlining the substantial inadequacy of our schools and universities in dealing with hypercomplexity, with the global... more
What we witness today is secularism in church and state relation and moral pluralism in society. The modern state separates state and church, if not on all the levels, surely on the level of separation of governmental and religious... more
Research Article The aim of this study is to develop a measurement tool to make an assessment of students' perceptions and opinions about citizenship. This scale was applied to 250 high school students (state school) located in the... more
La conférence s’attache à préciser les rapports entre enseignement de la citoyenneté et enseignement de la religion. Elle constate le changement de contexte de cette problématique qui remonte au XIXe siècle, mais dont les coordonnées sont... more
Youth are coming of age in a digital era and learning and exercising citizenship in fundamentally different ways compared to previous generations. Around the globe, a monumental generational rupture is taking place that is being... more
How are religious traditions and exchanges between them constructed in textbooks used in Quebec? Through a critical discourse analysis of History and Citizenship Education, and Ethics and Religious Culture textbooks, we find that the... more
All education regulated by nation-states is, in one sense, education for (some kind of) peace. In the liberal “social contract” tradition, the purpose of any government is to protect citizens from violence, as a prerequisite for their... more
Since the beginning of the 2010s, the existence of widespread shared workshops has enabled access to digital manufacturing tools. Mainly located in urban areas, these facilities seek to make means of production, to design, prototype and... more
Criminal disenfranchisement persists as the only remaining franchise exclusion of mentally competent adult citizens in the United States. The practice itself disproportionally affects Black Americans, denying their political efficacy,... more
Social media platforms have gained prominence worldwide over the past decade. Texts, images, recordings/podcasts, videos and innovations of all sorts have been created, and can be shared and disseminated, including fake news in all of its... more
I læreplanen for norskfaget integrerer fagfornyelsen bærekraftig utvikling samt demokrati og medborgerskap som tverrfaglige temaer. Denne artikkelen argumenterer for å kombinere arbeidet med begge temaene. Med bakgrunn i miljø- og... more
Democracy in a post-colonial Africa has not replicated the “Westminster model” that was inoculated upon the continent by its former colonial masters. African democracy, which is flawed mainly in comparison to the West, has posed different... more
Toronto boasts a large and diverse system of public alternative schools: schools where democratic practices, student access and a commitment to public education are fundamental. There are academic schools; schools with thematically... more
The article attempts a comprehensive review of the human security concept in order to question its utility for both research and policy-making. It notes the term’s interdisciplinary and extensively normative content that have facilitated... more
Using the Social Reconstructionist educational philosophy as a theoretical framework, this study attempts to understand the place of society and major societal issues in the current Education and Training Policy of Ethiopia. To achieve... more
Despite schools' responsibility to develop democratic citizens, digital technologies that offer novel avenues for civic education are largely ignored in Ontario education. To address this gap, the current literature review examined... more
This is a conference paper for an invited talk. It basically asks whether leadership and democracy are compatible. It adopts the position that they are not and hence to safeguard the development of democracy one has to constrain the... more
Since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, in response to internal and external political pressures, the practice of democratic principles is recognized in most Sub-Saharan African states as the best method of good governance. The... more
full paper in Norwegian) This paper examines some of the complex questions that "super-diversity" and migration raise in relation to schooling, focusing on education for democratic citizenship and human rights. It considers challenges to... more
The human society has been running on fumes - the fumes of pleasure, reward, gratification and charm. And while walking on this illustrious path, they have constructed illustrious ideals without thinking about their practicality and... more
This paper shares the finding of a comparative analysis of the ESL/ELD curriculum Grades 9 -12 (OME, 2007a) (ESL/ELD) and the FSL curriculum Grades 9 -12 (OME, 2014) (FSL) focused on the Ontario Ministry of Education’s (OME) global... more
Fundament polskiego systemu politycznego stanowi Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z 2 kwietnia 1997 roku. Jest ona aktem posiadającym najwyższą moc prawną, określającym naczelne zasady ustrojowe, podmioty władzy w państwie i... more
O presente trabalho pretende debruçar um olhar sobre o exercício da cidadania, designadamente através da participação. Considerando a importância que o meio digital assume na atualidade, nas mais diversas esferas da organização social,... more
What are we choosing when we pick a racial category in America?
ביטחון איננו רק עניין צבאי. זוהי סוגיה אזרחית, שלה מגוון היבטים. הטענה המרכזית של הספר היא שמי שתרבותם מבוזה ומודרת, שמופגנות כלפיהם התנהגויות גזעניות, או שהם מתקשים להגיש לילדיהם ארוחה מספקת אינם יכולים לחוש בטחון; גם אזרחים ואזרחיות... more
The NRC is till date the largest drive to verify citizenship in India. It is a list of Indian citizens living in the state which sets out to identify foreign nationals residing in Assam. More than 1.9 crore people were excluded from a... more
Державні підходи до громадянської освіти та її включення до навчальних програм Як освітній предмет громадянська освіта з'явилось в Україні на початку 2000-го року. Розробка першої Концепції громадянської освіти (виховання) особистості в... more
Recenzenci Prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Karolczak (część historyczna) Prof. dr hab. Jarosław Ławski (część literacko-kulturowa) Redakcja Anna Grochowska-Piróg Projekt okładki i stron tytułowych PHOTO DESIGN -Lesław Sławiński ISBN... more