Deep Ecology
Recent papers in Deep Ecology
2017 Pre-publication proof of "Prelude" ... Link: On Routledge: On more
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The ecological crisis, understood as a crisis of consciousness and identity, demands a profound change in perspective that can be summoned by reestablishing the natural structure and organization of the human psyche. The first part... more
Excavating the future of Los Angeles in 1992, urban theorist and historian Mike Davis observed how the city's ruthless corporate planners had successfully armoured the city against the poor. In The World in a City: Multiethnic Radicalism... more
This chapter explores terms that are central to this study: religion, spirituality, nature religion, green religion, and dark green religion. Although this sort of linguistic labor may seem most pertinent to those with backgrounds in... more
The Adis of Arunachal Pradesh consider everything coming from nature as sacred and living. As opposed to the Christian theological teachings that regard humans as the conqueror of everything else on earth, in the Adi worldview, human... more
Reviews recent publication of new edition of Radical Ecopsychology by Andy Fisher, Ph.D., and responds to some of Fisher’s more provocative points concerning the direction of ecopsychology as a field that endeavors to remedy the imbalance... more
from: The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature, Taylor and Kaplan, ed., published by Continuum, 2005 Although the term "animism" was originally coined in the nineteenth century to designate the mistaken projection of humanlike attributes... more
This paper adopts the lens of environmental ethics to explore whether there is a disparity between the ethical approaches of a company in comparison to those expressed by stakeholder in relation to environmental issues, specifically those... more
In an article titled “Robochop,” The Economist reported a practical problem and its technological solution. The problem was that swarms of jellyfish clogged up the pipes of a Swedish nuclear power plant on the Baltic Sea coast, forcing... more
This paper is the complementary, written component for my Masters Thesis in Ecological Design thinking. The documentary can be found on Vimeo - The thesis was an attempt to try and complement both rational... more
For the climate movement to succeed, we must model the paradigm shift in consciousness that many of us have concluded is a prerequisite to societal change. That means replacing the scientific materialist worldview with a quantum worldview... more
Radical environmental groups throughout the world, militantly committed to defending the ecology, are growing in size and influence. In this country, activists engage in ecological civil disobedience and "ecotage"-- the sabotaging of... more
In the paper, I argue that deep ecologists did not take full advantage of the potential of Martin Heidegger’s philosophy to support the foundational assumptions of deep ecology. They have overlooked Heidegger’s attempt to reject the idea... more
This essay published in Permaculture Magazine considers the potential of creating an ecosystem restoration cooperative and ecosystem restoration camps to engage the largest numbers of people around the world in mitigation and adaptation... more
O progressivo avanço da crise socioecológica torna cada vez mais premente a necessidade de literalmente pararmos para pensar sobre o tipo de civilização em que estamos vivendo e quais os seus rumos possíveis. Há quase sessenta anos a... more
DISSERTATION AS PART OD MSC HOLISTIC SCIENCE - SCHUMACHER COLLEGE - PLYMOUTH UNIVERSITY - BY KARINA MIOTTO It is time to feel emotionally connected to the Amazon rainforest, to learn how to appreciate it not only because of her... more
Joanna Macy's " Work that Reconnects " (WTR) is a transformative learning process that endeavors to help participants acknowledge, experience, and understand the emotions that may either empower or inhibit action to address the ecological... more
Rivers are alive. Indigenous peoples worldwide recognise the spiritual presence of rivers and derive their being from them. Western neo-liberalism threatens indigenous peoples, their lands and their rivers, but resistance is becoming more... more
As Marina Warner observes in her introduction to its 2004 Vintage Classics edition, Coleridge’s life-long obsession with themes of enchantment comes to one of its fullest expressions in his 1798 poem, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. In... more
Partiendo del paradigma antropológico y mitológico compartido por Carl Gustav Jung, Joseph Campbell y Mircea Eliade, José Antonio Delgado relaciona las estructuras míticas y sus mecanismos con el alma humana y sus productos, permitiendo... more
Environmental education (EE) and education for sustainable development (ESD) researchers and practitioners offer a well-founded critique of authoritarian tendencies and the threat of student indoctrination into neoliberalist values.... more
Drawing on Ernst Bloch’s writings on utopia, Michel Foucault’s notion of heterotopia, and the ‘affective turn’ in social theory, I argue that cinema is by its nature heterotopic: it creates worlds that are other than the ‘real world’ but... more
Highlighting the ecological concerns as projected in Disney Pictures is the prime objective of the paper. The two major ground breaking theoretical concepts Deep ecology and Ecofeminism though are against the institutionalized... more
İnsanoğlunun hayvanlarla olan ilişkisinin başlangıcından bu yana insanın "efendi", hayvanların "mal" olma konumu "Derin Ekoloji" düşünce sisteminde değişir. Bu değişimde insan etkinliğinin hayvanların lehine sınırlandırılması, biz... more
The award winning Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature critically explores the relationships among human beings, their environments, and the religious dimensions of life. Further information and sample entries can be found at the urls... more
This paper is a preliminary report on the results of an informal survey tentatively exploring the connections between the practice of Permaculture and extraordinary experiences. It will introduce Permaculture, give an overview of the... more
The large-scale ecological damage caused by growth societies calls for economic degrowth in terms of a radical decrease in matter/energy throughput. This article examines the role of modern technology in degrowth with a focus on the... more
the most extensive overview of anarchist theory and practice yet to appear. His survey of the history of ecological thought is therefore quite welcome. Nature's Web is a valuable work for anyone concerned with ecological issues, and is... more
My first encounter with spawning salmon gleams with a cool, moonlit radiance in my memory. I'd grown up in the suburban east coast and knew nothing of this wild fish and its mysterious ways. It was in the mid-eighties, and I was kayaking... more
In the 1970s, deep ecologists developed a radical normative argument for ‘ecological consciousness’ to challenge environmental and human exploitation. Such consciousness would replace the Enlightenment dualist ‘illusion’ with a... more
If it is the role of the humanities is to interpret the expressions of human experience over time, what exactly can Shakespeare offer in response to critical environmental concerns? How can an ecological reading of Shakespeare serve to... more
This pandemic is more than certainly - together with the giant fires in California and Australia, the staggering melting of the Arctic and West Antarctic ice caps, the destruction of the Amazonian forest, etc. - one of the warning signs... more
This article will discuss social, environmental, and ecological justice in education for sustainable development (ESD) and Education for Sustainable Development Goals (ESDG). The concept of sustainable development and, by extension, the... more
Työni tavoitteena on selvittää, miten Gary Snyder käyttää eläinkuvastoa runokokoelmissaan. Lähestyn ongelmaa poikkitieteellisesti käyttäen ekokriittistä näkökulmaa yhdistettynä buddhalaiseen uskonnolliseen teoriaan. Aineistoni... more
Thomas Hobbes was one of the first modern political philosophers, and his approach to politics is still influential. Hobbes’s philosophy is humanistic, and I examine how the natural world is treated in Hobbes’s Leviathan (1946). While... more
Toplumları derinden etkileyen ve son yıllarda sıkça kendinden bahsettiren ekolojik bunalım, bütün olumsuzluklarına ve kriz haline karĢın önemli bir farkındalığı da ortaya çıkarmıĢtır. Ġçinde bulunduğumuz bu kriz öncelikle, geleneksel... more