Decolonial Turn
Recent papers in Decolonial Turn
The dislocated, deterritorialized discourse produced by repatriates from formerly European colonies has remained overlooked in academic scholarship. One such group is the Eurasian “Indo” community that has its roots in the former Dutch... more
This article draws on the epistemologies of the south, namely decolonial theory, to point to the analytical and interpretive limitations of northern theories of globalisation. It gestures toward decolonial globalisation studies to provide... more
Meditation on decolonizing the discipline of philosophy, combating epistemic extractivism, and exploring the abolition of the canon. A defense of decolonizing philosophy as a counter-catastrophic task, and of decolonial philosophical... more
Este ensayo, aborda la doble filiación del neologismo «colonialidad», tanto en Roselene Dousset-Leenhardt como en Aníbal Quijano (ambos mencionan que se trataría de un neologismo), abriendo un campo novedoso de investigación y... more
This paper offers preliminary arguments for a decolonial critique of vitriol and disinformation circulating on online media-a phenomenon that has raised moral panic among liberal minded critics. The decolonial critique developed here... more
O resgate de intelectualidades fora do âmbito hegemônico, no “sul global”, é uma das características marcantes de uma nova história intelectual em curso. A entrada de novos agentes sociais nas universidades ocidentais, e no Brasil em... more
(article paru dans lundimatin- C'est en cultivant son potager qu'Ailton Krenak, le grand leader de la lutte des peuples de la Forêt au Brésil, a communiqué à l'Université de Brasilia, qui le sollicitait par téléphone, le... more
This article seeks to identify impediments to, as well as opportunities for, change in American art museums in the face of demands for social justice and greater inclusivity. Focusing specifically on the representation of American art in... more
1 Originalmente este texto foi publicado em espanhol, com o título de "La colonialidad del ver. Hacia un nuevo diálogo visual interepistémico", na revista Nómadas (ISSN 0121-7550), n. 35, p. 13-29, outubro de 2011. Agradecemos a gentil... more
This e-book is a collection of papers focussing on the discursive dimension of the 'eastern enlargement' of the European Union, relying on lessons from post-colonial scholarship, world-systems analysis and critical race studies. The... more
""This book takes up the point of view of the colonized in order to unsettle and supplement the conventional understanding of human rights. Putting together insights coming from Decolonial Thinking, TWAIL, Radical Black Theory and... more
Dorronsoro, Begoña (2013), "El territorio cuerpo-tierra como espacio-tiempo de resistencias y luchas en las mujeres indígenas y originarias", en Cabo dos Trabalhos, Nº 10, 2014, Coimbra, 10 pp.... more
This paper argues that there are important similarities between Zhao Tingyang’s conception of tianxia and the decolonized, post-racial world envisioned by prominent decolonial thinkers of the global south. Defined in terms of... more
Publicado en el libro: Culturas literarias del Caribe- Alción-Córdoba, 2012.
The objective of this report is to present the project C1461 "Mobile Laboratory of Action and Thought in Biomimetic Arts" (2021-2022), registered at the South Headquarters of the University of Costa Rica. The purpose of the project is to... more
"In The Extractive Zone Macarena Gómez-Barris traces the political, aesthetic, and performative practices that emerge in opposition to the ruinous effects of extractive capital. The work of Indigenous activists, intellectuals, and artists... more
Increasing calls to decolonize the university brought forward by student-led movements have raised the question regarding how to reassess the canon of European social and political thought. This article offers a critical but appreciative... more
Ranging from ascribed documented practices (i.e., macroethics) to contextually and sociohistorically located relations (i.e., microethics), ethics in Applied Linguistics research concerns the power dynamics that are inherent to all human... more
Un resumen de la historia del MUSEF rastreándola hasta el primer Museo público de La Paz, y su desarrollo en diferentes contextos sociales y políticos, incluyendo los tiempos del Nacionalismo boliviano. El desarrollo de su discurso... more
In this chapter I weave a tapestry of theoretical threads that combine postcolonial, decolonial and psychoanalytical concerns and that (to a great extent) inform the work of the "Gesturing Towards Decolonial Futures" arts/research... more
Parto de um artigo de Nelson Maldonado-Torres, no qual ele apresenta dez teses com vistas a uma analítica da colonialidade e da decolonialidade, mas ressalvo sua pouca atenção concedida à análise espacial, como faz boa parte da literatura... more
This paper approaches “indigenous futurism” as a possible conceptual category for the analysis of works by indigenous artists who in recent years have been gaining ground in the Brazilian art system. Based on different theoretical... more
2/25 image and film. For example, working from within the postcolonial feminist tradition, Minh-ha 1991 argues that the conceit of objectivity and the tradition of studying the Other worked at the behest of the worst sexist and racist... more
The article deals with a general presentation of the concept of social transformation, focusing on the author's positionality and ministerial experience, the African context, and the possible future applications in the area of pastoral... more
Decolonizar la Educación. Pedagogía, Currículo y Didáctica Decoloniales
A decolonial reading presupposes provincializing the Eurocentric modernity/coloniality, which evaluates non-European cultural traditions exclusively in light of the European model, and from within the European tradition, instead of... more
נקודת המוצא של מחקר זה רואה את התנועה הציונית כפרויקט של קולוניזציה במזרח התיכון, בנוסף להיותה תנועת שחרור לאומית של יהודי אירופה. הבסיס התיאורטי של המחקר הינו התפתחויות עכשוויות של התיאוריה הפוסט-קולוניאלית בעיקר בקרב מדעני חברה... more
Il corso intende riflettere criticamente, con esempi e casi di studio, sul tema della relazione delle società umane con il passato anche a partire dagli stimoli emersi dal recente movimento di dibattito culturale denominato “cancel... more
In this article we will review the anthropological work of the Prussian philosopher Immanuel Kant, in its relationship with the scientific instrumentalization by imperial policies of the time, and from the point of view of the Latin... more
Las investigaciones sobre la representación de las mujeres en los medios de comunicación, desarrollados a partir de la denominada como Segunda Ola del Feminismo, han demostrado la reproducción de estereotipos y roles sexistas que terminan... more
This chapter questions the reliability and universality of the Western historiography of human rights, and argues in favour of the legitimacy of Third-World histories elaborated in the context of modern colonialism. The method will be... more
Decolonizar las Ciencias Sociales. Investigación Decolonial
Using a brief summary of the development of postcolonial studies and anticolonial thought as its main backdrop, the essay explores representations of postcolonial imagination in various public history projects in contemporary... more
Las relaciones interpersonales que se desarrollan en el espacio áulico entre profesores y estudiantes, en las cuales los contenidos curriculares tienen una importancia extraordinaria. Es preciso que los profesores reconozcamos la... more
Este trabajo está depositado en Zenodo: DOI: RESUMEN Se problematiza y cuestiona la epistemología por enarbolar un conocimiento verdadero universal (episteme) centrado en el "investigador",... more