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The paper proposes an overview of decision support systems in order to define the role of a system to assist decision in university management. The authors present new technologies and the basic concepts of multidimensional data analysis... more
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      EconomicsData WarehouseDecision support systemNew Technology
The paper proposes an overview of decision support systems in order to define the role of a system to assist decision in university management. The authors present new technologies and the basic concepts of multidimensional data analysis... more
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      EconomicsData WarehouseDecision support systemNew Technology
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      Software EngineeringManagement Information SystemsData MiningSoftware Development
Decision-making is a cognitive process stemming from the analysis of available courses of action related to a given problem. Rationally, potential courses of action are derived from deliberate analysis of available data related to a... more
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      Information SystemsManagementInformation ScienceInformation Technology
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      Management Information SystemsData MiningDecision Support SystemsMis
Computerised clinical decision support systems (CDSS) are increasingly being used by nurses to support their clinical practice. One of the factors which may affect how nurses use technology such as CDSS may be their clinical experience.... more
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      Computer ScienceNursing informaticsMedicineNursing Process
Guido Maria Bazzani, Vittorio Gallerani, Davide Viaggi, Meri Raggi, Fabio Bartolini* The sustainability of irrigated agriculture in Italy under water and agricultural policy scenarios 1. Introduction Italy is characterised by a variety of... more
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      Mathematical ProgrammingEnvironmental SustainabilityQuantitative analysisDecision support system
This paper presents a system proposed for the intelligent management of computer networks. The system is based on the use of Arti cial Intelligence t e chniques | data mining, expert systems and multi-agent systems. The work is based on... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceExpert SystemsDecision MakingMachine Learning
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      Remote SensingDecision MakingEmergenceDecision support system
The minimisation of the water cost is examined in the framework of an integrated water resources planning and management model, implemented within the decision support system for the management of the Athens water supply system. The... more
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      Civil EngineeringHuman GeographyDecision MakingDecision support system
This Shrimp Partial Harvesting Model, often hereafter referred to as "Model," includes worksheets to simplify data entry and navigation. This manual describes the data entry procedures, equations unique to the Model, and a simplified... more
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    • Decision support system
Information accessibility has changed the way that chemical process plants are being managed. The traditional pyramidal hierarchy that is usually the core of any management structure is being threatened by the potential of centralized... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringDecision support systemInterdisciplinary Engineering
This paper intends to present a contribution to the development of techniques of decision-making in international projects of exploration and production of petroleum. A case study of the Multi-Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) was developed... more
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      TechnologyProductionDecision support systemRisk Analysis
We study the paper of Xu [Z. Xu, On consistency of the weighted geometric mean complex judgement matrix in AHP, European Journal of Operational Research 126 (2000) 683–687] for the group consistency in analytic hierarchy process of... more
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      Operations ResearchAnalytic Hierarchy ProcessMultidisciplinaryDecision support system
In th,s paper we describe a Decision Support System (DSS) that has beer ceveloped for tbe a re-aft ma'nterance department of the Datch alrhne company at the mam mrport in the ,~'e.herlands The an~raft maintenance department is... more
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      MultidisciplinaryDecision support systemProduction economicsCapacity Planning
Dumont Benjamin (2014). Incertitudes liées à la modélisation agro-environnementale en vue de développer des outils d'aide à la décision.
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      GeographyDecision support systemUncertainty
In large canal irrigation project areas, integrated management of surface and groundwater resources can improve water use efficiencies and agricultural productivity and also control water logging. Such integrated management requires an... more
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      Civil EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceIrrigationGroundwater modeling
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      MarketingIndustrial OrganizationDecision support systemScanner Data
Computational intelligent techniques applied to economics have played an important role in the last years. In this paper we propose a framework based on an intelligent conversational agent embedded with a decision support system, aimed at... more
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      Computational IntelligenceDecision support systemMulti Agent SystemsNatural language interface
School timetabling is a classical combinatorial optimization problem, which consists in assigning lessons to time slots, satisfying a set of constraints of various kinds. Due mostly to the constraints this problem falls in the category of... more
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      Combinatorial OptimizationSimulated AnnealingDecision support systemLocal Search
The purpose of this paper is to describe potential improvements in patient safety resulting from design decisions in the development of a computerized decision support system (DSS) for managing opioid therapy for chronic noncancer pain.... more
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      Primary CareMental HealthPatient SafetyChronic Pain
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      Information SystemsApplied EconomicsDecision support systemBusiness and Management
Extensive research has been devoted to resource constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP). Resources are renewable and there is a unique way to perform the activities. This work develops a population based evolutionary algorithm... more
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      Project ManagementGenetic AlgorithmDecision support systemResource use
A Decision Support System (DSS) to support sustainable development planning processes in the agricultural sector has been developed in the context of the research project entitled WATER MAP (Development and utilization of vulnerability... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentMathematical ProgrammingWater ManagementDecision support system
Data warehousing and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) technologies are now moving onto handling complex data that mostly originate from the web. However, integrating such data into a decision-support process requires their... more
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      Data MiningData WarehousingData WarehouseDecision support system
Aquatic weeds in lakes can cause different problems both to lake ecology and food webs and interfere with human activities. This drove our interest to exploit recursive satellite imagery to retrieve optical parameters suitable to develop... more
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      Time SeriesSatellite remote sensingDecision support systemSeasonality
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      GeographyRelational DatabaseEpidemiologyBiomedical Engineering
Cyber-physical systems, and the intelligent decision support systems that they enable, carry the promise of greater efficacy in environmental management. The complexity of the physical infrastructure subject to decisions by environmental... more
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      Game TheoryEnvironmental ManagementDecision Support SystemsDecision support system
Users at different levels of domain experience have very different needs. For example, a system designed to assist domain novices may frustrate experts and vice-versa. This is one of several challenges specific to building decision... more
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      EngineeringCognitive EngineeringSystem DesignDecision support system
Under circumstances where data quality may vary (due t o inaccuracies or lack of timeliness, for example), knowledge about the potential performance of alternate predictive models can help a decision maker t o design a business... more
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      Information TechnologyForecastingFinancial Risk ManagementDecision Support Systems
The selection and scheduling of a portfolio of projects is a task frequently found among the strategical activities performed by management staff in several industries. When choosing a project to be selected and scheduled into a... more
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      Project ManagementLinear ProgrammingStrategic PlanningScheduling
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      Distributed ComputingComponent-Based Software Engineering (CBSE)Trust ManagementDecision support system
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      Decision MakingDecision support systemDecision Support
Implementing information management system is still a challenging task for any organization. A lot of surveys are conducted to find out the root causes of implementation problems and propose new methods that can improve and simplify this... more
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      MathematicsOntologyInformaticsSupply Chain Management
c o m p u t e r m e t h o d s a n d p r o g r a m s i n b i o m e d i c i n e 1 0 7 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 4-15 a neuroscientist-centred tool where the protocols being followed in TMS studies are made explicit, leaving to the users flexibility in... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringDeep Brain StimulationTranscranial Magnetic StimulationSupport Vector Machines
Trading decisions in financial markets can be supported by the use of online algorithms. We evaluate the empirical performance of a threat-based online algorithm and compare it to a reservation price algorithm, an average price algorithm... more
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      HeuristicsDecision Support SystemsRisk ManagementDecision Analysis
c o m p u t e r m e t h o d s a n d p r o g r a m s i n b i o m e d i c i n e 1 1 3 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 133-143 Case based fuzzy cognitive maps Bayesian network Decision support system Knowledge representation Semantic web Practice guideline a b... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringFuzzy LogicCognitionSemantic Web
Operations Research has addressed a variety of environmental problems outside the traditional supply chain management area such as remanufacturing, reverse logistics, and waste management. Supply chain sustainability, which includes... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementOperations ResearchMathematical ProgrammingWaste Management
Developing decision support systems for environmental applications is an intricate, challenging task. The increasing complexity of environmental decision problems, the growing number of subjects involved and keen competition between... more
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      Decision MakingMultidisciplinaryWater ManagementDecision support system
Soil erosion research is a popular topic in soil science that appears in conjunction with several other topics like soil and/or water conservation, soil physics, - chemistry and - biology and others. A request for the term "soil... more
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      Decision support systemSoil ErosionBibliometric and citation analysisWater Conservation
In this paper we consider the use of rules-and knowledge-based systems for the modelling of a broad class of decision problems. NEGOPLAN is a rule-based decision support tool, originally designed for negotiation support. We have used it... more
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      RoboticsModelingDecision TheoryDecision support system
Ontology-based approaches may be tried in e-health scenario to solve some of the interoperability problems that are non-trivial, for e.g. 'Anemometer' and 'Sphygmomanometer' are two different terms but represent the blood pressure monitor... more
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      OntologyIT in healthcareDecision Support SystemsSemantic Web
Technology will help to address the challenges for sustainable forestry in the 21st century. Some of the challenges will include the shift of production from native forest to plantations in areas of comparative advantage, more efficient... more
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      BusinessInformation TechnologyForestryEnvironmental Sustainability
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      Decision support systemDecision Support
Esemplare fuori commercio per il deposito legale agli effetti della legge 15 aprile 2004 n. 106" Quaderno riprodotto al Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Matematiche e Statistiche nel mese di dicembre 2007 e depositato ai sensi di legge
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    • Decision support system
Wetlands perform functions that support the generation of ecologically, socially and economically important values. European legislation has increasingly recognised the importance of preserving wetland ecosystems. The Water Framework... more
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      Stakeholder participationMultidisciplinaryDecision support systemImpact Assessment
The French Renal Epidemiology and Information Network (REIN) registry began in 2002 to provide a tool for public health decision support, evaluation and research related to renal replacement therapies (RRT) for end-stage renal disease... more
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      Public HealthAdolescentFranceQuality Control
The fast-track method is one of the most recognized methodologies for reducing construction project schedules. However, due to the lack of definitive research to date pertaining to the effects of fast-track application in terms of time... more
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      Civil EngineeringAlgorithmsDecision Support SystemsOptimization
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      Game TheoryAlternative Dispute ResolutionOnline Dispute ResolutionDecision support system
Building community resilience requires balancing demand, time, and cost in making decisions regarding hazard exposure and risk management under dynamic conditions. This dilemma represents a long-standing problem for emergency managers. As... more
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      EngineeringDecision Support SystemsEmergency ManagementDecision support system