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This paper approaches the question of the appropriate level of decentralisation of power in government as a problem in the allocation of control rights under incomplete contracts.
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      EconomicsEuropean Economic IntegrationConflict of InterestDecentralisation
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      Civil EngineeringIntegrated Water Resources ManagementDecentralisationEnvironmental Science and Engineering
Policies of "Indirect Rule" under the British and "Association" under the French created an "institutional segregation" in which most Africans were relegated to live in a sphere of so called "customary" law (or the "indigenat") while... more
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      Social ChangeAnthropologyForestryAfrica
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      Distributed ComputingMethodologyDistributed SystemDecentralization
Cette review examine les liens entre les expertises scientifiques et les priorités publiques, à commencer par celles de l’État, à propos de la relation des services publics et de la ville. Leurs relations peuvent être appréhendées sous... more
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      SegregationDecentralisationServices publicsGestion Des Villes
It is widely recognized that conventional plant breeding has been more beneficial to farmers in high-potential environments or those who can profitably modify their environment to suit new cultivars, than to the poorest farmers who cannot... more
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      TechnologyParticipatory ResearchPlant BreedingBiodiversity
Are States in contemporary Europe subject to new forms of convergence under the impact of economic crisis, enhanced European steering and international monitoring? Or is the evolution of governance (national and sub-national) driven... more
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      European StudiesLawInternational RelationsPublic Administration
Indonesia is the world's largest archipelagic state, and one of the most spatially diverse nations on earth in its resource endowments, population settlements, location of economic activity, ecology and ethnicity. The regional... more
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      IndonesiaRegional InequalityRegional developmentDecentralisation
Objective To investigate the relation between decentralization and equity of resource allocation in Colombia and Chile. Methods The ''decision space'' approach and analysis of expenditures and utilization rates were used to provide a... more
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      Primary Health CareColombiaPoliticsSocial Justice
This paper retraces: (1) the promulgation of protectionist wildlife policies by colonial administrators at the turn of the 19th Century in Zimbabwe, and their evolutionary trajectory over distinct time periods, (2) the paradigmatic shift... more
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Water is a fundamental resource for human life, ecosystems, and the economy. Population growth and accelerating economic development in all water use sectors together with climate change impose huge demands on global water resources. The... more
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      Integrated Water Resources ManagementDesalinationDecentralisationIntegration
Despite pervasive exurban development in the United States (US) over the last several decades, a lack of relatively precise data has hindered basic research, including classification of the types of emerging exurban settlement patterns.... more
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      EngineeringSpatial AnalysisLandscapeDecentralization
It is common to understand the governing of rural space as the outcome of a conflict between some romantic protectors of a lost past on the one hand, and the people who worry about creating economic values on the other. However, the power... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyRural SociologySocial Change
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      SociologyAnthropologyHealth CarePolitical Culture
Globally, decentralisation has become the dominant paradigm for environmental governance. This paper explores the linkages between green governmentality approaches to subjectivity and Gramscian notions of hegemony to examine recent... more
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      Human GeographyConservationIrrigationPolitics
This paper discusses contradictory movements in centralization and de-centralization by examining two groups of policies: those that are meant to regulate fiscal relations between national and subnational governments and those that have... more
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      Natural ResourcesGovernmentLocal DevelopmentDecentralization
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      EducationConstructivismEducational ResearchIdeology
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Community participation in school management—and in hiring and firing of teachers in particular—has been actively advocated as an effective reform to improve school and teacher accountability in the Global South. This paper examines... more
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      African StudiesEducationInternational DevelopmentCommunity Engagement & Participation
The performances of urban growth management are often criticized because their original objectives are frequently inconsistent with local development facts. Underlying the many reasons for this are the political and institutional contexts... more
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      Human GeographyTransformationLocal DevelopmentChina
The impact of administrative decentralisation on equity in health and health care is an important unresolved issue in the health policy debate. Predictions from the limited theoretical literature and the relevant empirical research are... more
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      EconomicsHealth EconomicsHealth inequalityHealth Care
As we enter the 1990s, scholars and practitioners of development administration in the Third World share a deep concern with its disappointing performance. Looked to as the primary agent of modernization during the optimistic first days... more
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      Applied EconomicsDecentralizationDeveloping CountryBusiness and Management
Responding to David Harvey’s critique of my paper ‘Why a radical geography must be anarchist’, I once again reiterate the importance of anarchist perspectives in contemporary politics and geographical praxis. In challenging Harvey on the... more
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      Critical TheoryManagementHistoryEconomic History
After a decade of devolution and amid uncertainties about its effects, it is timely to assess and reflect upon the evidence and enduring meaning of any 'economic dividend' of devolution in the UK. Taking a multi-disciplinary approach... more
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      EconomicsPolitical EconomyEconomic GrowthEconomic policy
Agent-based approaches in application development seem to meet the requirements of adaptability, scalability, decentralization, and flexibility imposed by complex software systems. In open applications, interactions among agents are one... more
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      Agent BasedSoftware ArchitectureDecentralizationDecentralisation
Decentralisation policies in Africa increasingly place responsibilities and resources for the provision of public services in the hands of public bodies at the lowest level, for example in School Management Committees (SMCs). This paper... more
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      GovernanceUgandaApplied EconomicsBusiness and Management
The need to enhance the relevance and quality of pre-and in-service teacher education in India has long been recognised in official commentaries. Despite the structural innovation of District Institutes of Education and Training to... more
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      Teacher EducationEducational DevelopmentTeacher DevelopmentDecentralisation
Hoping to achieve the current Japanese administration's goals of decentralisation and privatisation, the Japanese government has granted substantial latitude to local governments and individual schools as part of its recent reform of... more
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      LinguisticsDecentralizationLanguage PolicyForeign Language
In the Mediterranean area, there is increase in demand for summer cooling satisfied by electrically driven units in domestic and small commercial sectors; this involves electric peak loads and black-outs. Consequently, there is an... more
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      EngineeringEnergy Efficiency BuildingsComparative StudyFacility Location
This article joins the continuing policy debate over the social responsibility of corporations, particularly in the mining indusrry. The ciuthor urgues that the 'old school mining ortiiodo~'-cipproacking rhe exploitation qf mineral... more
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      GlobalizationGovernanceEnergy PolicyEconomic Development
In response to slow and ineffective agrarian reform in South Africa, an integrated and inclusive rural economy is proposed through the active engagement of a capable and developmental state. This noble-sounding official ambition raises... more
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      Development StudiesSouth AfricaDecentralisationDevelopmental State
A major challenge for many researchers and practitioners relates to how to recognize and address cross-scale dynamics in space and over time in order to design and implement effective governance arrangements. This editorial provides an... more
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      GlobalizationNatural Resource ManagementEnvironmental SustainabilityMulti-level governance
This article examined community participation in the delivery of water and primary health care services in the Local Government Authorities (LGAs) in Tanzania. This was the descriptive research study which employed both qualitative and... more
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      GovernancePublic HealthDecentralisationWater Services
This paper studies the relationship between corruption and decentralisation from a macroeconomic perspective. Providing a macroeconomic analysis may help to understand better the links and channels between corruption, decentralisation and... more
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      EconomicsGrowthSocial Science Research NetworkCorruption
Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of durable and stable chemicals, which have been used in non-stick cookware, fire retardant materials and stain resistant carpets and have found their ways to Nation's drinking water... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentSustainable Water Resources ManagementWater ReuseEnvironmental Sustainability
Decentralisation has returned as a key theme in English health policy in recent years in policies such as Patient Choice and Foundation Trusts, among many others. The goal of these policies appears to be to stimulate self-sustaining... more
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      Decision MakingPrimary Health CarePoliticsHealth Policy
With deepening European integration, domestic interest groups have increasingly engaged in multi-level venue shopping. Regional authorities are no different and have represented their interests through both intra- and extra-state... more
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      European UnionLobbyingDecentralisation
Geographically decentralized plannirLg and management is an emerging theme within the health sector in many OECD countries. Advocates of decentralization argue that providing greater authority to local decision-making bodies can improve... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyOrganizational TheoryDecision Making
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      Political SociologySocial MovementsPublic AdministrationPolitical Economy
Providing efficient decentralised local public services such as healthcare in hard to reach and remote areas has been the recent concern of public finance experts. Thus public finance theory, the public choice, has been devoted to explain... more
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      Environmental SustainabilityLocal GovernmentsDecentralisationPoverty Reduction
Local government initiative to attract colleges, in spite of being formally excluded from the higher education system, is shown to represent urban entrepreneurialism, in which strategies undertaken -reactive or proactive, competition or... more
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      EconomicsHigher EducationMarket OrientationIsrael
During the last decade, in many European countries and cities, area-based Urban Development Programmes have been initiated, in response to major problems of poverty and social exclusion.
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      EconomicsPublic AdministrationSocial ExclusionUrban Policy
A REDD+ scheme would involve the transfer of financial resources to forested developing countries taking part in it. This paper simulates different approaches to the design of intergovernmental fiscal transfers (IFTs), a possible means to... more
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      MultidisciplinaryDecentralisationLand Use PolicyOpportunity costs
The paper revisits participation and decentralization in relation to local clientelism, arguing that they share the personalization of links between residents and the State and the local possibility to adapt state policies. The line... more
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      Community ParticipationDecentralisationClientelismJohannesburg
Focusing on the case of South Africa, this study examines how decentralisation policies and inter-party politics have affected urban servicedelivery responsibilities and resources. Service delivery does not appear to be worse off in Cape... more
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      Human GeographyEconomicsPolitical EconomyUrbanisation
A major obstacle to the provision of health services is lack of an effective workforce. Human resource management (HRM) can improve the effectiveness of the workforce, though this is difficult in large bureaucratic organisations.... more
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      BusinessAnthropologyHuman Resource ManagementChina
While, in theory, decentralisation offers many benefitsincreased efficiency and effectiveness of public service provision, reduced horizontal inequalities, and an associated consolidation of the social contract between states and their... more
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      Human GeographyGovernanceDevelopment policyDecentralisation