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Blockchain technology is, in part, a proposal to resolve ‘the political’ through technical means: decentralised networks to solve the problem of authority; cryptography to coordinate and secure the network; and game theory and incentive... more
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      GovernancePoliticsPeer to Peer NetworksDecentralisation
As we enter the 1990s, scholars and practitioners of development administration in the Third World share a deep concern with its disappointing performance. Looked to as the primary agent of modernization during the optimistic first days... more
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      Applied EconomicsDecentralizationDeveloping CountryBusiness and Management
We briefly summarize some major achievements of, continuing challenges for, and future tasks within Ukraine’s ongoing decentralization drive. We have dealt in more detail with these and other dimensions of the current reset of Ukraine’s... more
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      Regional and Local GovernancePost-Soviet RegimesUkrainian StudiesLocal Government
Decentralisation facilitates participation and helps deepen democracy. Nevertheless, it has been confronted with diverse challenges in Lesotho. First, the process has not succeeded to improve participation relative to the traditional... more
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      HumanitiesPolitical ParticipationDigital HumanitiesCommunity Engagement & Participation
L'Accord de Nouméa signé le 5 mai 1998 est un acte privé entre partis politiques calédoniens afin de trouver un compromis pacifique sur le statut de l'archipel de Nouvelle-Calédonie, qui a reçu une consécration dans la Constitution du 4... more
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      Constitutional LawDecentralisationNouvelle-CalédoniePouvoir Constituant
Biological processes and methods have been influencing science and technology for many decades. The ideas of feedback and control processes Norbert Wiener used in his cybernetics were based on observation of these phenomena in biological... more
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      Artificial IntelligencePerceptionDecision MakingCybernetics
The article proposes a scientific and methodological approach to strategising the development of a manufacturing enterprise in a decentralised environment based on the principle of feedback. This approach involves taking into account the... more
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      StrategyDecentralisationNational Sustainable Development Strategyterritorial community
The article discusses three decentralisation designs considered by either of the parties to the conflict in the east of Ukraine as instrumental in resolving the crisis: the devolution of power to local territorial communities, territorial... more
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      Conflict ResolutionUkraineDecentralisationDevolution of Power
Mondialisation, construction europeenne, multiculturalisme... autant de phenomenes qui bousculent la conception nationale de la citoyennete heritee du modele republicain. Pourtant, elle constitue encore le fondement du vivre ensemble au... more
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      SociologyGlobalizationSciences HumainesDecentralization
It is common to understand the governing of rural space as the outcome of a conflict between some romantic protectors of a lost past on the one hand, and the people who worry about creating economic values on the other. However, the power... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyRural SociologySocial Change
This research focuses on the examination of problems related to the national teacher performance appraisal system by the Thai Ministry of Education. It highlights major problems of the current performance appraisal system by delineating... more
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      EducationEvaluation ResearchDecentralisationEvaluation methods
The interrelatedness between computer systems, networks, code, and traditional law and legal frameworks continues to pose a number of important and vexed questions. This report will consider one area of the relationship: legal recognition... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingQuantum ComputingArtificial Intelligence
Les premieres lois de decentralisation francaise, parues au debut des annees quatre-vingt, sont ici apprehendees du point de vue de hauts fonctionnaires qui les ont (mal) vecues. Percues comme un desaveu par les ingenieurs des Ponts et... more
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      ArtPolitical ScienceDecentralizationNew Public Management
Document pédagogique pour le cours d’Institutions judiciaires et administratives (ICES) / Organisation judiciaire et administrative (ICP).
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      Public AdministrationAdministrationDecentralisationCentralisation
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      PsychiatryEpidemiologyMental HealthSchizophrenia
Publication metadata ESIR is a high-level expert group that provides evidence-based policy advice to the European Commission on how to develop a forward-looking and transformative research and innovation policy. This will help drive... more
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      GovernanceHealth PolicyDecentralisationCoronavirus disease
Omar BESSAOUD 4. Une wilaya correspond sur le plan administratif au département en France 5. Cf. décrets exécutifs n°91-118 du 27-4-91, n°91-394 du 22-10-91 et n°92-379 du 131-92. 6. Loi n°90-31 du 4-12-90 relative aux associations.
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      Social CapitalDecentralizationDecentralisationCapital social
Gram Sabha is the lowest functionary of grassroots democracy in India. An empowered Gram Sabha is considered as the base for establishing a sound democratic system. The paper highlights the Pathalgadi movement as a critical way of... more
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    • Decentralisation
Četiri se glavna povijesna modela lokalne samouprave u Europi: francuski (napoleonski, južnoeuropski), njemački (germanski, porajnski), švedski (skandinavski, nordijski) i engleski (anglosaksonski), kojima neki autori dodaju i peti model,... more
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      SubsidiarityRegional and Local GovernanceGovernanceLocal Government
This article discusses three main nodes of resistance (farmers, states and regional identities) to the BJP government’s farm laws and demonstrates that the linking wire between these three nodes is that these laws weaken the states’... more
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      Development StudiesIndian studiesAgrarian StudiesFederalism
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Document pédagogique pour le cours d’Institutions judiciaires et administratives (ICES) / Organisation judiciaire et administrative (ICP).
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      DecentralisationDevolutionUnion européenneDeconcentration
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      DecentralisationGDPRBlockchainGeneral Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Something in common for Aragon, Enjin, Decentraland and Minetest. If we follow the vision of Enjin, all game assets should have real ownership, and value; If we follow the vision of Decentraland, all virtual properties should have... more
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      Decentralisation processes and development issuesDecentralizationDecentralisationMinecraft
Après avoir été une communauté urbaine (EPCI), le Grand Lyon est devenu une collectivité territoriale à statut particulier depuis le 1er janvier 2015. Outre l'évolution de ses compétences, son système institutionnel et démocratique est-il... more
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      DecentralisationLyonMetropoleDémocratie Locale
В статье рассматриваются вопросы управления современными городскими агломерациями. В зависимости от порядка принятия официальных, юридически значимых решений выделяются две базовые модели агломерации - «административная» и «договорная», к... more
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      Urban PlanningRegional and Local GovernanceLocal GovernmentUrban Studies
Dans ce travail ,nous allons traiter les généralités sur l’organisation administrative, qui seront précisés dans la suite de l’étude, et nous procéderons à l’analyse empirique l’étude sera présentée en deux parties : En premier partie ,... more
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      Public AdministrationMoroccoConcentrationDecentralisation
In light of the recent education reforms in Italy (La Buona Scuola, Law 107/15) featuring autonomy and digital skills, this paper examines the impact of teachers' pedagogical autonomy on students' computer literacy. The empirical analysis... more
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      Teacher EducationComputer LiteracyTeachers' professional developmentDecentralization
The book is based on the study carried out with the objective to understand the nature of participation of the people in the process of democratic decentralisation in Kerala through the People’s Planning programme, the nature, and impact... more
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      Development StudiesSustainable DevelopmentDevelopment anthropologyRural Development
... Government of India. Pawan and Chitra Chopra also helped xiv Page 18. PREFACE AND ... my resources. My sincere thanks to all of them. My daughter Tanya Singh and friend Bill MacKeith deserve special thanks. I thank Bill ...
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      Political EconomyDevelopment StudiesIndian studiesFederalism
La délégation consiste pour une personne, le délégant, à confier à une autre, le délégataire, la réalisation de ce qu'elle serait normalement amenée à faire elle-même. En droit administratif, cela signifie qu'une autorité publique permet... more
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The present critical inquiry of the theory of democracy starts from the perspective that much of what is widely considered as known, unavoidable or factual is not written in stone and that democracy (theory and practice) must strengthen... more
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      PopulismParticipationDecentralisationEpistemologies of the South
To cite this article: Francis Kok Wah Loh (2017) Ethnic diversity and the nation state: from centralization in the age of nationalism to decentralization amidst globalization, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 18:3, 414-432,
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      Ethnic and Racial StudiesSoutheast Asian PoliticsDecentralisationNation building and State making
From the end of the 1990s, urban research in sub-Saharan Africa began to pay more attention to small and medium-sized cities (Bertrand and Dubresson 1997) in a context marked by the promotion of decentralization and local development... more
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      DecentralisationUrban outskirtsZiguinchor
To make the administration in general and the district administration in particular slim and agile the Government has planned to delegate powers to lower levels. Apart from such delegation of powers, two strategies, viz. merger of... more
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      GovernanceDecentralisationTelangana issue
In response to the challenge of low costs airlines, several full service carriers (FSCs) around the world have created their own low cost subsidiary. In the UK, two successful examples of this strategy are bmibaby (bmi) and Go (British... more
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      Information SystemsMarketingIndustrial RelationsEmployment Relations
Literatura o polityce społecznej dotyczy w przeważającej mierze zagadnień z poziomu krajowego i ponadnarodowego. Badacze przyjmują, że wprowadzane rozwiązania instytucjonalne i kierunki polityki zależą w dużym stopniu od decyzji władz... more
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      Social PolicyGovernanceLocal GovernmentLocal Government and Local Development
Background: The implications of decentralisation on human resource for health management has not received adequate research attention despite the presupposition that the concept of decentralisation leads to the transfer of management... more
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      Human Resource ManagementGhanaHealth PolicyDecentralisation
Mémoire de recherche - Master 2 (2009) - 290 p.
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      Political ParticipationHistory of Political and Institutional ReformFrench PoliticsReferendum
Mondialisation, réformes des administrations publiques locales, inflation normative, crise de la démocratie représentative, complexité des relations centre-périphérie ou encore tensions financières... Autant de phénomènes qui redessinent... more
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      Regional and Local GovernanceLocal GovernmentFederalismLocal Government and Local Development
Local government (LG) service delivery system in Sri Lanka has unique potential like many other developed and developing countries. It affects on day-to-day activities of citizens at the grassroots level. Generally, types of public goods... more
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      Regional and Local GovernanceLocal GovernmentDecentralisation
DIRECTEUR DU MÉMOIRE : Monsieur Vincent DUSSART Professeur des Universités UNIVERSITE TOULOUSE 1 CAPITOLE 2 rue du Doyen-Gabriel-Marty -31042 Toulouse cedex 9 -France -Tél. : 05 61 63 35 00 -Fax : 05 61 63 37 98 L.... more
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      FederalismComparative FederalismDecentralisationDecentralization of government and local governance
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more
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      Organizational BehaviorInformation SystemsManagementBusiness Administration
Les spectaculaires progrès scientifiques et technologiques que le monde a connus depuis la seconde moitié du XXe siècle ont certes occasionné d'importants progrès utiles à l'émancipation humaine. Mais, force est de constater que la... more
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      GouvernanceDecentralisationGouvernance Locale Et TerritorialitéRégionalisation
Démocratie et Décentralisation : un couple platonique ? (revue Civitas Europa-n° 11-septembre 2003, pp.7-29) Christophe CHABROT I-L'indifférence technique des deux notions A/ Deux notions spécifiques 1°) La démocratie, technique de... more
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      Local GovernmentDemocracyDemocracy as Local developmentDecentralisation
Annotation After regaining the independence, Georgia had to undertake multiple systemic changes during the transformation period. The process has lasted more than 25 year by now with some success. One of the most complicated dimensions... more
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      Regional policyRegional and Local GovernanceLocal GovernmentLocal Government and Local Development