Bathed in the vibrant hues of multiculturalism, "world literature" explodes beyond its Eurocentric past. Comparative literature, once a quest for universality, now stumbles at the crossroads. Aristotle's mimesis, a grand mirror... more
This article explores Spivak’s long-standing engagement with anthro pology, and reads Death of a Discipline as the third volume of a trilogy encompassing A Critique of Postcolonial Reason and Imperatives to Reimagine the Planet. In... more
Comparative Literature has been in the verge of crisis for the last few decades; some seminal questions have been posed against it pertaining its subject matter and executed methodology. The emergence of Area Studies, Postcolonial studies... more
With the beginning of the new millennium a new era began for the discipline. Comparative literature realized the necessity of the globalization, hence the discipline moved toward world literature, or one may argue that it returned to its... more
In the previous paper, I pointed that Clements's attempt to trace the genealogy of comparative literature lacks explication on the very purpose of comparing national literatures worldwide. Why, I asked, is there a need juxtapose bodies of... more
The Import of the Comparative in Comparative Literature 'It seems to me that the "comparative" in comparative literature is equally, if not more, crucial a factor in considering the future of comparative literature: exactly what... more
In the long-standing and divisive debate on Comparative Literature, comparatist scholars from both the Great European Tradition and the Southern Hemisphere agree on the importance of two elements: first , the definition of Comparative... more