Death of God Theology

55 papers
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Death of God Theology is a theological perspective that emerged in the 20th century, asserting that the traditional concept of God is no longer tenable in modern society. It explores the implications of a world where divine authority is questioned or rejected, emphasizing human autonomy and existential concerns in the absence of a transcendent deity.
The article attempts to analyze unconscious cognitive empathy in Sam Harris’ dis-course. Harris equates the theology of Abrahamic religions with ancient mythology. However, the expulsion of the Numinous into the sphere of the... more
Richard Bourke brings Hegel back to the forefront of the debate with masterful theoretical clarity, philosophical acumen, historical accuracy, and impressive knowledge, presenting to us a vivid account of Hegel's political thought. In... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Rudolf Bultmann, pour nous montrer en quoi il croit, se réfère essentiellement à la prédication de Paul et, secondairement, à l’Evangile de Jean. Selon lui, Paul et Jean disent la vérité. Cette vérité, par la foi, devient la sienne. La... more
Part of the Comparative Literature Commons, and the Critical and Cultural Studies Commons Dedicated to the dissemination of scholarly and professional information, Purdue University Press selects, develops, and distributes quality... more
Questions séculaires ! "D'où vient que l'auteur de notre existence nous a appelé à la vie, si celle-ci, d'après notre exacte estimation, ne mérite pas d'être désirée par nous" ? 2 Cette question centrale n'est pas neuve ni en philosophie,... more
In the aftermath of the 1960s counterculture, a radical immanent worldview took hold of (post)modern consciousness, making it difficult for religions to find their place. Between the 1970s and 1990s, Thomas J.J. Altizer’s (1927-2018)... more
Modern Western culture has undergone many sociocultural developments in recent decades. These changes led, among other things, to different conceptions of God/the ultimate. In the 1960s, cultural and religious dissatisfaction opted for... more
Thomas J.J. Altizer's (1924-2018) death-of-God theology incorporates concepts from Nicholas of Cusa's (1401-64) theological-mystical thinking, despite their different religious and cultural contexts separating them by over 450 years. Due... more
In the opening lines of his Existential essay "The Myth of Sisyphus" Albert Camus promptly addresses what he believes to be the most important issue facing all people, regardless of their philosophical tastes: "There is but one truly... more
At a distance of twenty years, in notes written for a preface to the second edition of Guilty, Georges Bataille reflected on his life in the late 1930s: "I had passed the preceding years with an unbearable preoccupation: I had resolved,... more
BOOK REVIEWS 813 the Last Supper (there is more here, I suspect, than Weaver teases out), creation and suffering. Running like a leitmotif throughout the book are four clearly visible strands of thought. The first is 'In which ways is the... more
How to cite this article: Pretorius, S.P., 2014, ‘The effect of misapplied religious practices in some alternative religious groups’, HTS Teologiese Studies/ Theological Studies 70(3),
Sayat Nova (1712?-1795?), the ‘singer’ par excellence of the Transcaucasian peoples and ashuq (lover), follows the hard path of Love of the ashuq/lovers towards the Beloved (or towards the Lord, God, in a sufi, mystical approach). Being... more
Why does the Römerbrief give its readers the impression that theology can never again be done in exactlyt his way? What did Barth accomplish with this book: did he refresh European theology or did he put an end to it? This paper aims at... more
Je voudrais introduire mon propos 1 par une anecdote de traducteur. Parvenu à la page 455 du texte allemand du premier tome de la Théologie systématique de Wolfhart Pannenberg, après avoir quelque peu peiné sur la traduction de Wesen et... more
In this contribution, the authors describe the theological contribution of Don Cupitt, initially in stronger relation to Jacques Derrida and also contextualising his insights through the work of some of his predecessors, contemporaries... more
Ակտիվների արժեթղթավորումը ժամանակակից ֆինանսական շուկաների կարևոր գործառույթներից է, որը սակայն ՀՀ-ում դեռևս արմատավորում չի ստացել: Հոդվածում քննարկվում են զարգացած երկրներում արժեթղթավորման տարբեր դրսևորումները, նշվում են ՀՀ-ում դրանց... more
O conceito em história das religiões de deus otiosus, que se refere a uma relação distanciada entre um povo e o Deus Supremo do panteão, possui similitudes com o conceito de morte de Deus surgido no contexto ocidental contemporâneo,... more
The argument of human dignity plays an important role in current debates on human rights and their relevance in modern biomedicine. When discussing the contribution of Christian theology to current debates on human dignity and human... more
Laden with all the freight of its "skyscraper" typology-Urbanism, Consumerism, Corporate Capitalism-it is not immediately obvious that Frankfurt's Commerzbank Headquarters (completed in 1997) should invoke anything as quaint as the idea... more
In the classical theological paradigm divine omnipotence is absolutely constricted by the goal intrinsic to God’s own Plan or Nature: the goal is an absolute union in which God knows Godself in relation to an individual via a creature... more
Це дослідження розкриває теоретичні положення такої теологічної «течії», як радикальна теологія (далі – РТ). У тексті розглядаються її основні представники, як предтечі, так і ті, хто входив у першу і наступні хвилі розвитку цієї... more
The following paper takes Pope Francis' Encyclical on Climate Change as an opportunity to reopen the debate, begun in 1967 by Lynn White Jr., on the theological origins of the environmental crisis. I note that the Pope's critique of... more
Le fanatique est souvent la mauvaise conscience des croyants : lui, au moins, ne doute pas. On condamne peut-être son impatience ou son intolérance, mais plus rarement sa certitude. Bien sûr, le doute est parfois valorisé comme nécessaire... more
A manifesto sets out an impassioned political and social argument, while traditionally the religious equivalent has been a creed. Yet read from the position of a radical theology and secular political theology, the historic and... more
The following essay is an autobiographical reflection that describes the author's experiences growing up in a fundamentalist, Southern church and how such an experience continues to impact him today.
This article argues that the atheist Modernist playwright is relevant to a-theological thinking in his narratives of philosophical relativism and deconstruction of religion. The "mysticism" of his novelistic creation Moscarda is argued... more
In this talk I explore a possible a/theological response to what Nietzsche called the “death of God”—or Hölderlin’s and Heidegger’s “flight of the gods”—through a juxtaposition of the Christian-Pauline concept of kenōsis and the ancient... more
Essay #8 of “Thomas J. J. Altizer & Radical Theology,” special issue of Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory 19, no. 1 (Winter 2019), guest edited by Lissa McCullough.
Giorgio Agamben's recent works have been preoccupied with a certain obscure passage from St. Paul's 'Second Epistle to the Thessalonians,' which describes the portentous events that must occur before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ can... more
A group of scholars critiquing secularism, Blanton et al, have reclaimed radical theology in the wake of 9/11 for a new political activism in An Insurrectionist Manifesto: Four New Gospels for A Radical Politics (2016), using Paul and his... more
Обсуждаются вопросы богословского обоснования секулярности культуры и образа жизни современного человечества, данные сквозь призму рассуждений германского теолога XX в. Вольфхарта Панненберга. Анализируются взгляды Гегеля, представителей... more
In this paper, I explore a possible a/theological response to what Nietzsche called the ‘death of God’—or Hölderlin’s and Heidegger’s ‘flight of the gods’—through a juxtaposition of the Christian-Pauline concept of kenōsis and the... more
In this contribution, the authors describe the theological contribution of Don Cupitt, initially in stronger relation to Jacques Derrida and also contextualising his insights through the work of some of his predecessors, contemporaries... more
The article examines some specific episodes of the Ossetic folklore with special reference to the travels in the kingdom of the dead, the eat-moon monsters and the modernity of some behaviours of Satàna, heroine of the Narts.
Giorgio Agamben's recent works have been preoccupied with a certain obscure passage from St. Paul's 'Second Epistle to the Thessalonians,' which describes the portentous events that must occur before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ can... more
Travail de Maîtrise en Théologie : il porte principalement sur une comparaison et une évaluation des propositions d'Eberhard Jüngel et de John D. Caputo sur le sujet de la toute-puissance de Dieu. Une enquête théologique et philosophique... more
We can see an abundant use of the term «Vorstellung » (representation) in the first volume of Wolfhart Pannenberg's Systematic Theology. Such employment is not harmless for an author who studied as much the work of Hegel. After a few... more
“Let God Die.” Rev. of Godhead and the Nothing, by Thomas J.J. Altizer. Stirrings Still: The International Journal of Existential Literature1.1 (2004): 74-82.
Chapter 3 in Thinking Through the Death of God: A Critical Companion to Thomas J. J. Altizer, ed. Lissa McCullough and Brian Schroeder (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2004)