Death Certificates

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Death certificates are official documents issued by a governmental authority that record the details of an individual's death, including the cause, date, and place of death. They serve as legal proof of death and are essential for various administrative, legal, and statistical purposes.
To describe trends in pregnancy-related mortality and risk factors for pregnancy-related deaths in the United States for the years 1991 through 1997. METHODS: In collaboration with the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists... more
Background: Systematic and reliable epidemiological information at population level, preferably cross-national, is needed for an adequate planning of (end-of-life) health care policies, e.g. concerning place of death, but is currently... more
To determine the role of homicide and other injuries in maternal deaths in North Carolina over the three-year period from 1992 through 1994. Methods: Maternal deaths were identified from death certificates that indicated a maternal death... more
The study area includes the Municipalities of Gela, Niscemi and Butera located in the South of Sicily, Italy. In 1990 it was declared Area at High Risk of Environmental Crisis. In 2000 part of it was designated as Gela Reclamation Site of... more
To evaluate the completeness ofregistration ofinfant and child deaths in Egypt, reinterviews were conducted with families who had reported a death of a child under age 5 in the five years before the survey for two national surveys... more
Infant mortality in Israel is twofold higher among non-Jews than Jews. To determine the impact of congenital malformations and Mendelian diseases on infant mortality. We compared the causes of infant mortality in a 4 year period among... more
Aims Type 2 diabetes mellitus and its complications are common among Polynesians in New Zealand. This study investigated the mortality from diabetes among indigenous Maori and recent migrants from the South Paci®c.
Accurate and timely data on cause of death are critically important for guiding health programs and policies. Deaths certified by doctors are implicitly considered to be reliable and accurate, yet the quality of information provided in... more
Deaths involving prescription and illicit opioids are on the rise, which is an issue of increasing concern to health care professionals, policymakers, and the public. However, because medical examiners, coroners, and other practitioners... more
Medical examiner and coroner reports are a rich source of data for epidemiologic research. To maximize the utility of this information, medicolegal death investigation data need to be electronically coded. In order to determine the best... more
The objective of this study was a) to compare patterns of drug use in fatal and nonfatal overdoses and b) to find out if toxic drugs are overrepresented in overdoses with fatal outcome. A total of 179 cases of fatal overdoses in... more
This qualitative study explores socio-cultural and health systems factors that may impact on death reporting by lay people to registry systems at the commune level. Information on local perceptions of death and factors influencing death... more
Accurate and timely data on cause of death are critically important for guiding health programs and policies. Deaths certified by doctors are implicitly considered to be reliable and accurate, yet the quality of information provided in... more
In Africa, mortality statistics are not reliable due to the low performance of the death registering systems. Our aim is to implement an efficient system. In this article we make a comparison between the existing system model and the new... more
Interpretation Death among neonates and infants is commonly preceded by medical end-of-life decisions. Most Dutch paediatricians seem to find prospects for survival and prognostic factors relevant in such decisions. Public control by a... more
Although nurses play an important role in end-of-life care for patients, they are not systematically involved in end-of-life decisions with a possible or certain life-shortening effect (ELDs). Until now we know little about factors... more
Background Systematic and reliable epidemiological information at population level, preferably cross-national, is needed for an adequate planning of (end-of-life) health care policies, e.g. concerning place of death, but is currently... more
The right to be treated humanely when detained is universally recognized. Deficiencies in detention conditions and violence, however, subvert this right. When this occurs, proper medico-legal investigations are critical irrespective of... more
Background: Since the 1990s, West Virginia has led the U.S. in the per-capita death rate from all-terrain vehicle (ATV) crashes, with rates eight times the national average and continually increasing. A comprehensive assessment was... more
Background Empirical data about end-of-life decision-making practices are scarce. We aimed to investigate frequency and characteristics of end-of-life decision-making practices in six European countries: Belgium, Denmark, Italy, the... more
, a case of inhalational anthrax was identified in a 94-year-old Connecticut woman, who later died. We conducted intensive surveillance for additional anthrax cases, which included collecting data from hospitals, emergency departments,... more
To assess whether resident physicians (MDs) could complete a death certificate for elderly patients with injury-related fatalities and whether their abilities were related to training or other factors. SETTING: A large tertiary teaching... more
enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC). Métodos/diseño: Se llevó a cabo un estudio de seguimiento en 3 de los 5 centros (Montevideo, Santiago y São Paulo) después de un periodo de 5, 6 y 9 años, respectivamente, con el objetivo de... more
The United Automobile Workers International Union has established a system of epidemiologic triage to evaluate patterns of mortality among groups of union members. In response to worker concerns, the Union examined mortality at a metal... more
Sweden has a long tradition of recording cause of death data. The Swedish cause of death register is a high quality virtually complete register of all deaths in Sweden since 1952. Although originally created for official statistics, it is... more
Every physician is duty bound to issue a "Cause of Death" certificate in the unfortunate event death of his/her patient. Incomplete and inaccurate entry in these certificates poses difficulty in obtaining reliable information pertaining... more
Objective To examine the incidence and patterns of intimate femicide-suicide in South Africa and to describe the factors associated with an increase in the risk of suicide after intimate femicide (i.e. the killing of an intimate female... more
Suspicious circumstances surrounding the death of wealthy socialite Mary Lily ''Lil''' Kenan Flagler Bingham in 1917 prompted a secret autopsy conducted by renowned physicians at the request of her relatives. Mrs Bingham, who was formerly... more
Gastrointestinal malignancies are among the most common cancers suffered by Cubans. The purpose of our study is to analyse the evolution of digestive cancer mortality in Cuba. Mortality data for this study were obtained from the National... more
Introduction: Black male youth are at high risk of homicide and criminal justice involvement. This study aimed to determine how early mortality among youth offenders varies based on race; gender; and the continuum of justice system... more
Mortality statistics form a crucial component of national Health Management Information Systems (HMIS). However, there are limitations in the availability and quality of mortality data at national level in Viet Nam. This study assessed... more
In this paper, we examine geographic and racial/ethnic differences in heart disease and stroke mortality in the Appalachian region. Initial comparisons are made between national rates for heart disease and stroke mortality and those for... more
Background: People who die from heart disease at home before any attempt at transport has been made may represent missed opportunities for life-saving medical intervention. In this study, we undertook a point-pattern spatial analysis of... more
This article explores trends and correlates of Chicago_s opiate-related overdose (OD) deaths. We manually examined data from every death certificate filed between 1999 and 2003 to identify all Chicago residents_ accidental deaths... more
Background: We assessed the linkage and correct linkage rate using deterministic record linkage among three commonly used Canadian databases, namely, the population registry, hospital discharge data and Vital Statistics registry. Methods:... more
Ill-defined causes of death are common among the elderly owing to the high frequency of comorbidities and, consequently, to the difficulty in defining the underlying cause of death. To analyze the validity and reliability of the... more
Sexual orientation and gender identity (SO/GI) are not systematically recorded at time of death, limiting identification of mortality disparities in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people. LGBT populations are thought to... more
Electronic health records in the United States currently isolate digital information in proprietary, institutional databases. Experts have identified inadequate data exchange as a leading challenge to advancements in care quality and... more
Palliative medicine services have invested in the community to support people dying at home. To develop end-of-life care for older people, we need to know where they die. To examine trends in age and location of death over the last 20... more
The authors conducted a nested case-control study to determine whether the fourfold increased risk of pregnancy-related mortality for US Black women compared with White women can be explained by racial differences in sociodemographic and... more
Nonstandard abbreviations used: mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA); cytochrome c oxidase (COX); nuclear DNA (nDNA); succinate dehydrogenase (SDH).
Purpose Incidence studies reported more end-of-life decisions with possible/certain life-shortening effect (ELDs) among cancer patients than among noncancer patients. These studies did not correct for the different proportions of... more
The 21st-century epidemic of pharmaceutical and other drug-intoxication deaths in the United States (US) has likely precipitated an increase in misclassified, undercounted suicides. Drug-intoxication suicides are highly prone to be... more
Sweden has a long tradition of recording cause of death data. The Swedish cause of death register is a high quality virtually complete register of all deaths in Sweden since 1952. Although originally created for official statistics, it is... more