Death Certificates

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Death certificates are official documents issued by a governmental authority that record the details of an individual's death, including the cause, date, and place of death. They serve as legal proof of death and are essential for various administrative, legal, and statistical purposes.
To determine the causes of death and risk factors in systemic sclerosis (SSc). Between 2000 and 2011, we examined the death certificates of all French patients with SSc to determine causes of death. Then we examined causes of death and... more
We used capture-recapture methodology to estimate total deaths and efficiency of reporting for 2 systems. During 1987-1992, there were 165 measles-associated deaths in the multiple-cause mortality database at the National Center for... more
Objectives: The objective of this study was to examine variation in place of death of older people dying from dementia in countries across 4 continents. Design: Study of death certificate data. Methods: We included deaths of older (65 þ... more
Suspect classification of homicide deaths of Connecticut residents under 20 years of age was noted for 29 percent of cases examined. Misclassification was attributed to incomplete or erroneous information recorded on the death... more
Introduction: Death certification is largely random and fragmented in most developing countries. Objective: This study is done to evaluate errors in medical & non-medical part and to determine causes of errors of cause of death. Material... more
Objectives: We have compared mortality and risk factors for late deaths in patients with tetralogy of Fallot undergoing surgical repair in 1972 and 1982 in a Japanese multicentric study, examining in particular the impact of time of... more
To determine the causes of death and risk factors in systemic sclerosis (SSc). Between 2000 and 2011, we examined the death certificates of all French patients with SSc to determine causes of death. Then we examined causes of death and... more
Objectives: To examine whether inequalities in mortality across socioeconomically diverse neighbourhoods changed alongside the decline in mortality observed in New York City between 1990 and 2000. Design: Cross-sectional analysis of... more
Climate change is increasing the frequency and severity of extreme heat events. These events affect cities in increasingly abrupt and catastrophic ways; yet, many of the deaths caused by exposure to heat have gone unnoticed or are... more
Death during childhood is a rare event in Western societies. The factors that keep children healthy, and the reasons why some children die, are now well researched and understood (Goldman 1999). Unlike adults, whose deaths are more likely... more
5 Galve E, Ordi J, Barquiner4 heart disease in the primar syndrome. Ann Int Med 19 6 Kalashnikova LA, Nasonov I et al. Sneddon's syndrome; and antiphospholipid ant Rheumatol 1991;9:357-61. 7 Zelger B, Sepp N, Schmid F tory of cutaneous... more
Aim-Many deaths fall in the "grey" area between those that are clearly natural and those that are unnatural. There are no guidelines to help doctors in dealing with such cases and death certification is often arbitrary and inconsistent.... more
To examine the factors used by Coroners to distinguish between suicide and accidental death among young men in Merseyside and Cheshire. Design -Retrospective epidemiological survey of deaths due to external causes. Data sources included... more
Background: On February 27, 2010 a powerful earthquake followed by a tsunami stroke Chile. The study of mortality during this emergency can provide important public health information. Aim: To describe the main characteristics of people... more
Objectives-The purpose ofthis study is to describe and compare the distribution of injury deaths among rural and urban Colorado children that occurred between 1980-8. Method-Death certificates coded E800-E969 were obtained for children... more
In Italy during the period 1968-78, female heart disease mortality decreased in all age groups up to age 79, with an average annual rate of decline in the 35-74 age-standardized rate of over 0.7 per cent. In males, age-specific death... more
The aim of this analysis was to examine associations between lung health in childhood and mortality between ages 18 and 44 years in the Tasmanian Longitudinal Health Study (TAHS). The 1961 Tasmanian birth cohort who attended school in... more
This report presents the results of an evaluation study of the validity of race and Hispanic origin reporting on death certificates in the United States and its impact on race- and Hispanic origin-specific mortality estimates. The... more
Objectives-This report analyzes education reporting and classification on the death certificate and their effect on estimates of mortality and life expectancy by education level in the United States. Methods-The National Longitudinal... more
Objectives. We estimated complete period life tables for the non-Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) population residing in Contract Health Service Delivery Area (CHSDA) counties for the period 2007–2009. Methods. We used... more
Objectives. We tested the data artifact hypothesis regarding the Hispanic mortality advantage by investigating whether and to what degree this advantage is explained by Hispanic origin misclassification on US death certificates. Methods.... more
OBJECTIVES: Rates and trends for chronic liver disease mortality in the United States were examined. METHODS: National Center for Health Statistics data on underlying cause of death for chronic liver disease for the United States from... more
Background-Elevated levels of circulating liver enzymes have been associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Their possible association with atrial fibrillation (AF) has received little attention. Methods-We studied 9333... more
Depuis 1986, l'Office Fédéral de la Statis-(OFS) a suspendu la collecte, le traiteet les analyses' sur les lieux de décès les statistique sanitaires et démogra-ll>~liques en Suisse. Cette décision compromet les travaux de lieltheJ•che... more
There are very few detailed reports on the cause of death in patients with Parkinson syndrome, and most reports lack postmortem verification. Pulmonary embolism has been reported as an infrequent terminal event. We reviewed the results of... more
At the beginning of each month, there is a spike in government payments to individuals, resulting in a beginning-of-the-month spike in purchases of prescription drugs and in increased pharmacy workloads. Studies suggest that pharmacy... more
Background— Research published in Circulation has shown that cardiac mortality is highest during December and January. We investigated whether some of this spike could be ascribed to the Christmas/New Year’s holidays rather than to... more
Background and Purpose— Intracranial vascular malformations (IVMs) are an important cause of intracranial hemorrhage, epilepsy, and long-term disability in adults. There are no published prospective, population-based studies dedicated to... more
Background and Purpose— The rarity of intracranial vascular malformations (IVMs) and the infrequency of their outcomes make large, prolonged cohort studies the best means to evaluate their frequency and prognosis. Methods— The Scottish... more
The objective of this study is to use a new data set to compare the circumstances of fatal poisoning in deaths ruled as suicides to those ruled as unintentional, particularly with regard to the prevalence of mental health, substance... more
Objective: To examine predictors of death in young offenders who have received a custodial sentence using data routinely collected by juvenile justice services. Design: A retrospective cohort of 2849 (2625 male) 11-20-year-olds receiving... more
Background-To support health research on the unique cohort of women with a history of military service, this study assessed the completeness of mortality ascertainment for Texas women veterans in Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and... more
Exsanguination from hemodialysis vascular sites may cause a rapid death. Due to extensive blood loss at the scene, investigators may initially suspect a homicide or suicide. We reviewed 100 deaths due to hemorrhage from hemodialysis shunt... more
We describe the methodology and impact of merging detailed statewide mortality data into the master patient index tables of the clinical data repository (CDR) of the University of Virginia Health System (UVAHS). We employ three broadly... more
In Germany, data on place of death is recorded from death certificates, but not further analyzed. Consequently, hardly any information is available at the population level regarding the distribution of place of death (e.g. home, hospital,... more
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We examined the risk of bacteremia in patients with liver cirrhosis (compared with the risk for all Danish citizens 120 years of age who were living in North Jutland County, Denmark), as well as the type of bacteremia and the 30-day... more
With over 1 million HIV-related deaths annually, quality end-of-life care remains a priority. Given strong public preference for home death, place of death is an important consideration for quality care. This 11 country study aimed to i)... more
Background: Where people die can influence a number of indicators of the quality of dying. We aimed to describe the place of death of people with cancer and its associations with clinical, socio-demographic and healthcare supply... more
CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Mortality measurements are traditionally used as health indicators and are useful in describing a population's health situation through reporting injuries that lead to death. The aim here was to analyze the... more
Background: On February 27, 2010 a powerful earthquake followed by a tsunami stroke Chile. The study of mortality during this emergency can provide important public health information. Aim: To describe the main characteristics of people... more
Study objective: Syncope is a common condition that is usually benign but occasionally associated with death. This study evaluates the incidence of death after an emergency department (ED) visit for syncope and whether these deaths can be... more
Aims: Assessment was made of the validity of mortality estimates based on data collected during 1999 - 2000 by quarterly follow-up visits and compared with other methods (re-census, communal death registration, and neighbourhood survey).... more