Death Camps In Poland

19 papers
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Death camps in Poland refer to facilities established by Nazi Germany during World War II for the systematic extermination of Jews and other targeted groups. These camps were integral to the Holocaust, employing methods of mass murder, forced labor, and inhumane living conditions, resulting in the deaths of millions.
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Gustav Franz Wagner (1911-1980) was an Austrian SS-Oberscharführer and deputy commandant of the extermination camp Sobibór during Aktion Reinhardt. Beginning in 1940, he was a so-called "Brenner" at the Nazi killing center Hartheim, where... more
Gustav Franz Wagner (1911-1980) was an Austrian SS-Oberscharführer and deputy commandant of the extermination camp Sobibór during Aktion Reinhardt. Beginning in 1940, he was a so-called "Brenner" at the Nazi killing center Hartheim, where... more
Franz Reichleitner (1906–1944) war ein österreichischer Kriminalpolizist und SS-Führer aus Steyr. Während der Aktionen „T4“ und „14 f 13“ wurde er in der NS-Tötungsanstalt Hartheim eingesetzt und stieg später im Rahmen der „Aktion... more
Franz Reichleitner (1906-1944) was an Austrian criminal police officer and SS leader from Steyr. During the "T4" and "14 f 13" actions, he was deployed at the Nazi killing centre in Hartheim and later rose to become the commandant of the... more
The article indicates how the figure of Zofia Kossak has been recorded in the unpublished accounts by former KL Auschwitz-Birkenau female internees who during their internment came into contact with the famous writer and activist of the... more
A new class of isoxazole-tethered diarylheptanoids having characteristic 1,3-syn-diol and 1,3-anti-diol chemophoric moieties, e.g. 4a-d and 5a-c respectively, have been designed and synthesized starting from d-glucose following a... more
The implementation of the new ideological and artistic concept of the Museum and Memorial in Sobibór on the site of the former Nazi German death camp selected in the 2013 competition is discussed. The winning design is analysed; apart... more
The article discusses the image of the city presented in the novel Smutna Wenecja by Wacław Kubacki, an outstanding literary historian, and how the writer’s interests and experiences influenced the topic and the character of the work (he... more
This article shows how the ecology and nature of the Rzuchów Forest (in the Rzuchów district of the Koło forestry inspectorate in Greater Poland) was indirectly affected by the extermination of the Jewish population as a result of it... more
This publication is an edition of a historical source, a whole original war memories of Wiktoria Foltarz. This woman and her entire family was a victim of the Nazi regime. The historical period is 1940-1945 in occupied Poland. Her story... more
The subject of our analysis, conducted with the use of linguistic tools, is the phrase "Polish concentration camps." Our task is to place this phrase in the emotionally charged lexicon, i.e. among language stereotypes, and to suggest... more
Wywiady z mieszkańcami Chełmna przeprowadzone przez the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Od roku 1996, czyli dwa lata po otwarciu Muzeum dla zwiedzajacych, jeden z jego działów " Oral History " , co jest tłumaczone na język polski... more
The article discusses the literary representations of the Polish (communist) concentration/labour camp in Jaworzno (1945–1956), particularly the short story by Seweryna Szmaglewska entitled "Amnestia zastukała do bram" (1956), a novel by... more
This article includes a terminological discussion regarding the notion of camp literature. Within Polish literary science, it is usually applied to literature raising the topic of German Nazi camps, particularly concentration camps and... more
What the excavations at Sobibor they challenge a prehistorian?
En quoi les fouilles à Sobibor interpellent-elles un préhistorien ?
My doctoral dissertation examines the experiences of the Italian volunteers in the Waffen-SS troops using in-depth interviews with former volunteers as the main primary source. This phenomenon, even if significant in size (depending on... more