Recent papers in Deafblindness
Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Education of the University of
Birmingham, England, for the degree of Master of Education (1987).
Birmingham, England, for the degree of Master of Education (1987).
In this experience paper we consider the relevance of social policy to the design of personal cameras for accessibility. As researchers with different backgrounds, in disability studies, accessible computing, AI-based systems, HCI and... more
В работе проводится сопоставление двух научно-исследовательских программ психического развития слепоглухих детей – рефлексологической (Соколянский) и культурно-исторической (Выготский). Обе эти программы утверждают общность законов... more
Structured abstract: Purpose: Previous studies have guided the development of deafblindness rehabilitation by reporting on the priorities of researchers and of deafblind individuals; however, service and care providers may be able to... more
Lambert, M. (1988) Educating the deaf-blind. In Riordan, J. (1988) Soviet Education: the Gifted and the Handicapped. London: Routledge, pp.122-39.
Deaf blind baby: A program of early care (translation).
Este livro narra a pesquisa de mestrado que analisa o processo de ensino de um garoto surdocego de onze anos efetuado pela autora, com a ajuda de sua orientadora. Para promover a aprendizagem dos conteúdos, a pesquisadora criou recursos... more
tekst opublikowany w: Przemiany prawa publicznego i prywatnego na początku XXI wieku, red. Robert Frey, Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomii i Prawa im. prof. Edwarda Lipińskiego, Kielce 2012, ISBN: 978-83-60056-88-2, ss. 81-95; opracowany do wersji... more
This article is based on the analysis of customer interactions of Pradip, a deafblind man, with street sellers and shopkeepers in Mumbai. Pradip made use of visible and tactile gesturing including pointing at and tapping on objects (to... more
Ahead-of-print. Free access for early readers.
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to describe the benefits of a social prescribing service for older people with sensory impairments experiencing social isolation. The paper draws on the findings from a 12-week programme run by Sense,... more
Four linked sessions about (historical and) contemporary ethical dilemmas in deaf education, specifically in the praxis of deaf pedagogy. The aim of the workshop is to identify and interrupt problems in deaf education which have long... more
This study was conducted to explore the learning of special needs students in reading and writing; determine their preferred teaching approaches; and obtain their suggestions to improve the teaching of both reading and writing modules.... more
This study was conducted to explore the learning of special needs students in reading and writing; determine their preferred teaching approaches; and obtain their suggestions to improve the teaching of both reading and writing modules.... more
This writing paper discusses metaphor for language Acquisition. In my own opinion, the metaphor that best represented language acquisition was growth and development of a newly born baby. We (mother) can not grab the arm or legs of a... more
COVID-19 is deepening pre-existing inequalities. Emerging research suggests that people with disabilities across the world have experienced various rights violations and been disproportionality affected by the health, economic and social... more
Deafblindness is a dual sensory impairment that affects many aspects of life, including mobility, access to information, communication, and social interactions. Furthermore, individuals living with deafblindness are under a high risk of... more
COVID-19 is deepening pre-existing inequalities. Emerging research suggests that people with disabilities across the world have experienced various rights violations and been disproportionality affected by the health, economic and social... more
Deafblindness, also known as dual sensory loss, is the combination of sight and hearing impairments of such extent that it becomes difficult for one sense to compensate for the other. Communication issues are a key concern for the... more
This study was conducted to explore the learning of special needs students in reading and writing; determine their preferred teaching approaches; and obtain their suggestions to improve the teaching of both reading and writing modules.... more
It is generally understood that the human senses are interconnected and always work in relation to each other. How does this work when one or two senses are lost due to a dual sensory impairment? Deafblind persons' perception and... more
Deafblindness is a dual sensory impairment that affects many aspects of life, including mobility, access to information, communication, and social interactions. Furthermore, individuals living with deafblindness are under a high risk of... more
Deafblindness, a form of dual sensory impairment, significantly impacts communication, access to information and mobility. Independent navigation and wayfinding are main challenges faced by individuals living with combined hearing and... more
eBAY continues to engage in direct, intentional, ignorant discrimination against deaf as a matter of POLICY by requiring phone calls to resolve common business issues such as shipping a heavy item. eBay threatened to cancel the sale... more
Through the 1980s for more than a decade, Lesbian and gay d/Deaf persons formed groups that didn't become subcultures, but which helped persons doubly-marginalised connect and explore identities. The internet now articulates many groups... more
COVID-19 is deepening pre-existing inequalities. Emerging research suggests that people with disabilities across the world have experienced various rights violations and been disproportionality affected by the health, economic and social... more
COVID-19 is deepening pre-existing inequalities. Emerging research suggests that people with disabilities across the world have experienced various rights violations and been disproportionality affected by the health, economic and social... more
Deafblindness is a condition that limits communication capabilities primarily to the haptic channel. In the EU-funded project SUITCEYES we design a system which allows haptic and thermal communication via soft interfaces and textiles.... more
Deafblindness, a form of dual sensory impairment, significantly impacts communication, access to information and mobility. Independent navigation and wayfinding are main challenges faced by individuals living with combined hearing and... more
An important issue in the education of children with disabilities in contemporary Japan is the enhancement of measures to deal with the severity, pluralization, and diversi cation of disabilities. This requires an improvement in teachers’... more
COVID-19 is deepening pre-existing inequalities. Emerging research suggests that people with disabilities across the world have experienced various rights violations and been disproportionality affected by the health, economic and social... more
Reunidos em banquetes para comemorar o aniversário de nascimento do abade Charles-Michel de l’Épée (1712-1789), os surdos-mudos franceses contribuíram ao seu modo com o modelo civilizatório que a França emanava para o mundo no século XIX.... more
Nowadays, the wide majority of Europeans uses smartphones. However , touch displays are still not accessible by everyone. Individuals with deafblindness, for example, often face difculties in access-ing vision-based touchscreens.... more
More than thirty years after her death, Helen Keller is still known internationally as the little deaf blind girl, the ‘miracle child’ who triumphed over adversity. But behind the image, hidden from the public gaze, was a flesh-and-blood... more