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The ever increasing demand to develop highly fuel efficient engines coincides with the need to minimize air pollution originating from the exhaust gases of internal combustion engines. Dramatically improved fuel efficiency can be achieved... more
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      ZeolitesSCR DeNOxDeNOx
The NO x selective catalytic reduction of ethanol (EtOH-SCR) was studied using a complex gas mixture representative of a diesel exhaust, over zinc alumina mixed oxide supported silver catalysts (2 wt.% Ag/Zn x-Al 2 O 3 , with x = 10–20–33... more
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      Silver NanoparticlesDeNOxZinc aluminate
Vanadium based catalysts supported on a mixture of tungsten and titanium oxide (V2O5/WO3–TiO2) are known to be highly active for ammonia selective catalytic reduction (NH3–SCR) of NOx species for heavy-duty mobile applications. However... more
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      Heterogeneous CatalysisSynthesis and characterization of heterogeneous catalysis for oxidation of organic compoundsDeNOx