Recent papers in DeGrowth
A proposal for a progressive alliance, a multi-party non-Tory electoral pact, has been bouncing around the UK political discourse for the last few years. To some it’s an appealing idea whose time might come, just as it has in the past,... more
The limits of the planet and of natural resources impede pursuing the modern project based on permanent growth and represent a major challenge for humanity. Drawing on an agency-centred approach, this paper... more
The world is experiencing unprecedented demographic transformation. In the second half of the 20th century human populations expanded more rapidly than at any time in our history – from approximately 2.6 billion people in 1950 to 6.1... more
From the perspective of degrowth as described by Serge Latouche, the eight "R" can be read as a political project for the democratization of the economy and, consequently, for the protection of humanity. These eight "R" presuppose the... more
The video is available here: Abstract: Degrowth is the literal translation of 'decroissance', a French word meaning reduction. Launched by activists in... more
The emergent field of degrowth studies assumes a multi-disciplinary investigation of economic, ecological and cultural sustainability. It contests growth strategies that privilege resource expenditure and accumulation (Kallis, 2011,... more
In: Merlin Wolf (Hrsg.): Irrwege der Kapitalismuskritik. Aschaffenburg 2017. S. 129-148.
Descripció i valoració de l'evolució de la implantació i l'ús de les noves tecnologies de la informació i de la comunicació en les campanyes ecologistes de les Balears.
Force est bien de le constater : la justice animale n'est pas une préoccupation centrale de la part des principaux promoteurs de ce que l'on appelle la « décroissance soutenable » ou « conviviale ». Certains d'entre eux, tel Paul Ariès en... more
There is now plenty of evidence that economic growth is highly problematic for human welfare and survival. The evidence comes from three domains. 1) The ecological: continual growth uses up the resources that supply and the sinks that... more
The Manchester collective, “Steady State Manchester” has been working for the last three years on the idea of a post-growth economy. This proceeds from the understanding that aggregate growth of the economy is deeply problematic,... more
For much of sociology’s history, few of its scholars have cared about Robert Malthus (1766–1834), and his principle that the human desire to procreate will always outstrip what nature can provide. Early interest (cf. Alexis de Tocqueville... more
Comment mettre fin aux ravages de l’extractivisme et du monde industriel qu’il soutient? Répondre à cette question exige évidemment de s’entendre sur ce qui fonde cet extractivisme. Or, une telle entente ne va pas de soi. Deux grandes... more
Barely five years ago, the debate about humanity's energy future was still organized by the paradigm of "peak oil." That is, the existence of a relative threshold beyond which the planetary consumption of oil would grow more quickly than... more
Zusammenfassung: Solidarische Ökonomien betten wirtschaftliches Handeln in so-ziale Beziehungen ein, die natürliche und soziale Qualitäten berücksichtigen und Konkurrenzdynamiken zurückdrängen können, sofern sie demokratisch gestaltet... more
Community-supported agriculture (CSA) is a model of organizing food production and distribution that brings about a number of potential benefits for the territorial development of functional urban areas. However, in Poland CSA is a... more
Tout à la fois historien et critique social, polyglotte et professeur itinérant, Ivan Illich (1926-2002) connut un grand succès dans les années 1970, à travers sa critique de la société industrielle et de l’idéologie du développement.... more
Par souci de cohérence, les objecteurs de croissance devraient prôner le véganisme, tandis que les militants véganes devraient associer à leur lutte le refus de la croissance.
The chapter suggests future research directions in food for degrowth studies. A range of theoretical and mainly transdisciplinary practical approaches and key research questions to advance food for degrowth futures are considered. The... more
This Spanish/French documentary explores the industrial practice of planned obsolescence. Weaving together a narrative of historical cartel machinations, shifts in engineering ethics, and a surge of criticisms of consumption this film... more
Alternative energy fetishes such as solar cells and wind turbines have become spectacles that do nothing to offset coal use. Instead, these technologies serve mostly as symbols that distract Americans and prevent them from considering... more
Ce texte revient sur les raisons pour lesquelles nous ne parvenons pas à dissocier croissance économique et dégradation de notre habitat terrestre. Au point où nous en sommes, la décroissance n'est plus une option. Elle est notre horizon,... more
How does the relationship between business and profit affect social and ecological sustainability? Many sustainability scholars have identified competition for profit in the market as a key driver of social exploitation and environmental... more
Table of contents + Introduction. London/New York/Calcutta: Seagull Books, 2022. ---------- The first and exhaustive biography of twentieth-century leftist philosopher André Gorz. Recognized as one of the most lucid and innovative... more
The case for degrowth is a case for stopping the pursuit of growth and for reorienting lives and societies toward wellbeing. This chapter impels moves to build good lives for all, and shows how existing resources can be shared and... more
At a time of globally intensifying yet highly unequally felt crises, an overwhelming majority of formal governmental bodies continues to adhere to institutional frameworks in which social justice and ecological integrity are no more than... more
The shock of the May 68 protests opens a breach in the organized modernity by which the new social movements infiltrate themselves. These movements transform the ecology in the melting pot of the self-governance movement. From scientist... more
This paper applied an ecocritical perspective on street art to expand on the notion that street art can have an impact on how we relate to urban public space. In doing so, it argued that street art is particularly well positioned to... more
Language use and cognition are generally underappreciated topics in ecological economics, even if effective communication is essential for social and political impact. To challenge the economic growth paradigm, the concept and term "... more