Recent papers in De
Extended X-ray absorption fine structure and X-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopies have been utilized to determine the structural environment of the heme iron sites in horseradish peroxidase compounds I and 11. For... more
La operatoria en el marco del mercado involucra un constante proceso de toma de decisiones por parte de los operadores. Dada la información que cada individuo extrae de los precios vigentes en un momento dado, ese sujeto determina cursos... more
Mycetomas are inflammatory pseudotumours of subcutaneous and possibly osseous soft fabrics, generally polyfistulas with chronic mode of evolution. This study was carried out at the laboratory of parasitology and mycology of Le Dantec... more
Concepto: E s u n m é t o d o a r i t m é t i c o , q u e c o n s i s t e e n c a l c u l a r u n v a l o r d e s c o n o c i d o d e u n a m a g n i t u d , m e d i a n t e l a c o m p a r a c i ó n d e m a g n i t u d e s p r o p o r c... more
Universidad Nacional Abierta (UNA) Maestría en Educación Abierta y a Distancia (MEAD)
Así como el comienzo de la civilización occidental se caracterizó por la instalación permanente de pueblos nómades en la cuenca del Mediterráneo, el comienzo de lo que es distintivamente moderno en nuestra civilización se caracteriza por... more
A brief and succinct account on what the techniques for collecting data are, how to apply them, where to find data of any type, and the way to keep records for an optimal management of cost, time and effort.
Si quiere saber más de nuestros productos, por favor visite nuestra página web Si tiene problemas con cualquiera de nuestros productos o sólo necesita información adicional, deje un ticket en Si... more
- by Karen Valle
- De, Referencia, Mikroc, A
This article presents the background to and prospects for a new initiative in archaeological field survey and database integration. The Roman Hinterland Project combines data from the Tiber Valley Project, Roman Suburbium Project, and the... more
Objectives. Illustrate the specific and nonspecific aspects of myositis ossificans circumscripta (MOC) in standard imaging, cross-sectional imaging (sonography, CT, and MRI), and bone scintigraphy. Patients and methods. Eight patients... more
revue iconographique neuroradiologie Les aspects en imagerie de la tuberculose du système nerveux central Abstract Résumé Imaging Features of CNS Tuberculosis J Radiol 2008;89:209-20
We present a review of literature on aspects of sound production in a clarinet which involve non-linearities of the flow in the instrument. We discuss the flow in the reed channel, the contribution of turbulence to the sound production,... more
Le lymphangiome est une lésion bénigne habituellement plus fréquente chez l'enfant et siégeant plus particulièrement au
This article presents the background to and prospects for a new initiative in archaeological field survey and database integration. The Roman Hinterland Project combines data from the Tiber Valley Project, Roman Suburbium Project, and the... more
This article examines reactions to de-Stalinisation in Soviet Moldavia between February 1956 and March 1957. The article is based on evidence from the archives of both the former Communist Party of Moldavia and the Moldavian KGB. It... more
Medical image security provides challenges and opportunities, watermarking and encryption of medical images provides the necessary control over the flow of medical information. In this paper a dual security approach is employed .A medical... more
Breve historia del ensayo "El destino etimológico de un término básico, raramente es un accidente". H. Marcuse "Las palabras, al igual que las costumbres, están sujetas a la tiranía de las modas". José L. Gómez-Martínez
- by Franklin Punina
- De, 2012, Manual, Ensayos
Traitement chirurgical des tumeurs endocrines gastro-entéro-pancréatiques
En el mundo y especialmente en Latino América, la creciente demanda de obras civiles durables y que permanezcan en buen estado hace que los ingenieros en la actualidad tengan que pensar en diseños óptimos de acuerdo con los mejores... more
The present paper demonstrates the route used for solving differential equations for the engineering applications at UAEU. Usually students at the Engineering Requirements Unit (ERU) stage of the Faculty of Engineering at the UAEU must... more
- by Waleed Ahmed
- Engineering, Matlab, De, Ode
Hem yalnızlık hem de dindarlık temel insanî olgu ve deneyimlerdendir. Ancak söz konusu her iki deneyim de tek boyutlu değildir. Bunlar çeşitli faktörlerin etkisiyle çok değişik biçimlerde tezahür edebilmektedirler. Dolayısıyla farklı... more
Conclusion: Les mesures d'ARFI montrent que l'HNF est une lésion dont l'élasticité est bien supérieure à celle du parenchyme adjacent. Ce dernier présente la même élasticité que celle mesurée chez des volontaires sains.
When stresses are applied to a material in a metastable crystallographic structure, different effects are observed. Phase transformation kinetics is affected, a transformation plasticity deformation occurs, and transformation mechanisms... more
Different optimization methods have been applied to solve hydrothermal scheduling problems. This study reviews some of the common optimization methods and algorithms their strengths and weaknesses. The study found out that with time, old... more
Rbum6. -Les effets de la r6duction de la taille des grains dans des Bchantillons naturels de goethite sont decrits, comme ils se manifestent en spectroscopie Mossbauer, en diffraction de rayons X et en thermogravimktrie. Nous avons trouvk... more
The indications for treating carotid artery stenosis are related to the symptomatic nature of the lesion and the degree of stenosis. Duplex sonography is adequate for screening. While some groups believe that Duplex US alone or in... more
The authors report a case of cervico-thoracic region hydatid cyst suspected by the presence of a palpable right lower neck mass. This location is very rare. Neck ultrasound and computed tomography showed the cyst. Magnetic resonance... more
Different optimization methods have been applied to solve hydrothermal scheduling problems. This study reviews some of the common optimization methods and algorithms their strengths and weaknesses. The study found out that with time, old... more