Database Design
Recent papers in Database Design
Relationships are an integral part of the design of a database. Comparing and integrating relationships from heterogeneous databases requires that the relationships be mapped to each other or to a common classification. Identifying... more
Practical experience shows that the design of very large database schemata causes severe problems, and no systematic support is provided. In this paper we address this problem. We define an Entity-Relationship schema algebra, which... more
This paper describes how a database design can play an important role for developing practical industrial maintenance system. The good database design will in return give a better information sharing and good system in term of data... more
A key is simple if it consists of a single attribute.
Database design is often described as an intuitive, even artistic, process. Many researchers, however, are currently working on applying techniques from artificial intelligence to provide effective automated assistance for this task. This... more
Database dependencies, such as functional and multivalued dependencies, express the presence of structure in database relations, that can be utilised in the database design process. The discovery of database dependencies can be viewed as... more
An intelligent manufacturing system is intended to produce one or more subjects that it is designed for in an optimal way. This means that it has to find a proper production process to produce the subject in an optimal way. The... more
The infrastructure departments of the Portuguese municipalities need to make great efforts in beginning or continuing to use advanced information technology tools to increase institutional productivity and effectiveness in managing their... more
Kami menyediakan jasa pembuatan database terbaik dan juga kami melayani pembuatan database di seluruh indonesia.. tak hanya itu kami akan memberi layanan yang paling terbaik kepada anda.. Hubungi Call/WA: 0857 3306 8896 (Ibu Mei) Jasa... more
Medical database security plays an important role in the overall security of medical information systems. The development of appropriate secure database design and operation methodologies is an important problem in the area and a... more
Big Data Visualization Tools : A Survey of the State of the Art and Challenges Ahead
Relational databases are holding the maximum amount of data underpinning the web. They show excellent record of convenience and efficiency in repository, optimized query execution, scalability, security and accuracy. Recently graph... more
XML is rapidly becoming the standard method for sending information across the Internet. XML Schema, since its elevation to W3C Recommendation on the 2 nd May 2001, is fast becoming the preferred means of describing structured XML data.... more
A large scale operative data format for transparent storage, administration and retrieval of environmental Life Cycle Inventory (LCI} data has been implemented by applying data modelling and database design. Key concepts in the design are... more
A federated database system (FDBS) is a collection of cooperating database systems that are autonomous and possibly heterogeneous. In this paper, we define a reference architecture for distributed database management systems from system... more
In an administrative information system, of course a database will be the main pillar in supporting system operations. However in designing a database for a system there are several stages that become the basis for determining the scope... more
Database is a core component the Electronic Health Record (EHR) system, and creating a datamodel for that database is challenging due to the EHR system’s special nature. Because of complexity, spatial, sparseness, interrelation, temporal,... more
Objectives: To develop a simplified Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System (TISS) based on the TISS-28 items and to validate the new score in an independent database. Design: Retrospective statistical analysis of a database and a... more
There are only very few approaches to normalizing objectoriented data. In this paper we present an approach to normalization of the object-oriented conceptual model based on UML class diagrams. First part of the paper describes the... more
The amount of data stored in IoT databases increases as the IoT applications extend throughout smart city appliances, industry and agriculture. Contemporary database systems must process huge amounts of sensory and actuator data in... more
Database and data model evolution cause significant problems in the highly dynamic business environment that we experience these days. To support the rapidly changing data requirements of agile companies, conceptual data models, which... more
Web applications and particularly Web based Information Systems are very popular due to several reasons. The main reason is the ability to update and maintain them without distributing and installing software on thousand of client... more
Semantic data models have emerged from a requirement for more expressive conceptual data models. Current generation data models lack direct support for relationships, data abstraction, inheritance, constraints, unstructured objects, and... more
Abstract: Relational databases are holding the maximum amount of data underpinning the web. They show excellent record of convenience and efficiency in repository, optimized query execution, scalability, security and accuracy. Recently... more
We present HyperGraphDB, a novel graph database based on generalized hypergraphs where hyperedges can contain other hyperedges. This generalization automatically reifies every entity expressed in the database thus removing many of the... more
This paper was submitted to the 10th World Computer Congress, IFIP 1986 conference, but rejected by the referee. It introduces a (still) new notation and arithmetic for numbering concepts.
I. Pengantar RDBMS Dan Konsep DB II. Konsep SQL A. Data Definition Language (DDL) B. Interactive Data Manipulation Language (IDML) C. Embedded Data Manipulation Language (EDML) D. View Definition E.... more
Software as a Service (SaaS) is an online software delivery model which permits a third party provider offering software services to be used on-demand by tenants over the internet, instead of installing and maintaining them in their... more
Oracle Academy English Database Design
Prodi TI
Politeknik Negeri Semarang
Prodi TI
Politeknik Negeri Semarang
Oracle Academy English Database Design
Prodi TI
Politeknik Negeri Semarang
Prodi TI
Politeknik Negeri Semarang
This paper first examines crime situation in Benin metropolis using questionnaire to elicit information from the public and the police. Result shows that crime is on the rise and that the police are handicapped in managing it because of... more
vii 8) Keluarga penulis yang memerikan semangat dan sumbangsih sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan tiap semester dengan baik. 9) Dan teman seperjuangan yang sudah mewarnai dalam penulisan laporan ini.
This is a complete CRUD Application. With This c C# Application you can perform various tasks : 1. Insert Data Into Microsoft Access Database. 2. Delete Data from Microsoft Access Database. 3. Update Microsoft Access Database. 4. Display... more
Database design is often described as an intuitive, even artistic, process. Many researchers, however, are currently working on applying techniques from artificial intelligence to provide effective automated assistance for this task. This... more
Materi Perkuliahan Ke-3 Database Design (Perancangan Basis Data), berisi proses perancangan database dengan tahap-tahap koleksi dan analisis persyaratan, rancangan konseptual, pemilihan DBMS, perancangan logikal, perancangan fisik, dan... more
Materi Perkuliahan Ke-2 Database Design (Perancangan Basis Data). Berisi sejarah perkembangan teknologi database, pemetaan database, model pengembangan perangkat lunak, model-model database dan abstaksi data.
For anyone who need an example for make a database system for their task or project here I uploaded one my final project, this database system talk over a cinema database. Wish it will helpful.
The use of design patterns such as the GRASP (General Responsibility Assignment Software Principles) or GoF (Gang-of-Four) patterns in software engineering has been well-documented and widely used in software design and implementation.... more
Materi Perkuliahan Ke-5 : Database Design (Perancangan Basis Data), berisi tentang komponen-komponen SQL yang terdiri atas Data Manipulation Languge (DML), Data Definition Language (DML), Data Control Language (DCL) dan Transaction... more