Data Structures and Algorithms
Recent papers in Data Structures and Algorithms
This is a book which is really best for data structure study using c++
For an edge-weighted connected undirected graph, the minimum k-way cut problem is to find a subset of edges of minimum total weight whose removal separates the graph into k connected components. The problem is NP-hard when k is part of... more
Análise amortizada: método agregado, método do contador, método do potencial. Exemplos: contador binário, tabelas dinâmicas, árvores chanfradas (splay trees).
Abstract. The restricted rotation distance dR(S, T) between two binary trees S, T of n vertices is the minimum number of rotations by which S can be transformed into T, where rotations can only take place at the root of the tree, or at... more
Decision support tools that employ the use of computational intelligence are natural candidates to tackle the problem of dispatching trains in a railroad, allowing for the construction of flexible algorithms that explore the solution... more
Dynamically changing background ("dynamic background") still presents a great challenge to many motion-based video surveillance systems. In the context of event detection, it is a major source of false alarms. There is a strong need from... more
The emergence of Blockchain have revolutionize the decentralization in distributed architecture. The advances in the consensus mechanism techniques and the development of different variants of consensus algorithms gives a huge impact on... more
This paper presents the systematic way of hashing string values using NFO and NOF collision resolution strategies. NFO and NOF are techniques used for hashing numeric keys. The same principles and techniques for hashing numeric keys are... more
Abstract. We consider the problem of assigning radii to a given set of points in the plane, such that the resulting set of circles is connected, and the sum of radii is minimized. We show that the problem is polynomially solvable if a... more
A bloom filter is a space efficient probabilistic data structure which can quickly test for set membership. However, since a standard bloom filter will only test for presence, it has limitations. This project shows the feasibility of... more
An analysis An analysis and implementation of an efficient in-place bucket sort An analysis An analysis and implementation of an efficient in-place bucket sort An analysis An analysis and implementation of an efficient in-place bucket... more
We examine the Maximum Independent Set Problem in an undirected graph. The main result is that this problem can be considered as the solving the same problem in a subclass of the weighted normal twinorthogonal graphs. The problem is... more
ABSTRACTThe growth of the telecommunication industry is fast-paced with ground-breaking engineering achievements. Notwithstanding the technological advancement in the industry, it had continued to cope with the phenomenon ofresource... more
In this paper we present a new data structure for double ended priority queue, called min-max fine heap, which combines the techniques used in fine heap and traditional min-max heap. The standard operations on this proposed structure are... more
Wireless Mesh Network has more attractive features such as high-speed last-mile wireless internet access facility, instant deployability and low-cost backhaul services for large area coverage, etc. These features increase the application... more
Árvores de busca balanceadas: árvores rubro-negra. Introdução, propriedades, operações de busca, inserção e remoção.
DSA Lab Skills Rubric is used to evaluate students' lab skills in Data Structures & Algorithms subject.
Big Data Visualization Tools : A Survey of the State of the Art and Challenges Ahead
A Compendium of over 1,500 short questions and answers This is a quick assessment/quiz book, with a vast collection of questions with answers on Data structures and Algorithms. It covers all commonly used data structures and algorithms:... more
Cấu trúc dữ liệu giải thuật PTIT
Our aim is to estimate the perspective-effected geometric distortion of a scene from a video feed. In contrast to most related previous work, in this task we are constrained to using low-level, spatio-temporally local motion features... more
The use of algorithmic prediction in insurance is regarded as the beginning of a new era, because it promises to personalise insurance policies and premiums on the basis of individual behaviour and level of risk. The core idea is that the... more
For an edge-weighted connected undirected graph, the minimum k-way cut problem is to find a subset of edges of minimum total weight whose removal separates the graph into k connected components. The problem is NP-hard when k is part of... more
In this talk I'll explore gaps between the theoretical study of algorithms and the use of algorithms in practice. Examples will be drawn from my own experiences in industry and academia, and will include data structures and network... more
This textbook grew out of a collection of lecture notes that I wrote for various algorithms classes at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, which I have been teaching about once a year since January 1999. Spurred by changes of... more
This research paper will take a look at sort algorithms and their efficiency. For this investigation two types of data structures and five different sorting algorithms were selected. The selected sort algorithms are; bubble sort, insert... more
Comme tout processus industriel, un système photovoltaïque peut être soumis, au cours de son fonctionnement, à différents défauts et anomalies conduisant à une baisse de la performance du système et voire à son indisponibilité. Permettre... more
Cancer is a disease that develops in the human body due to gene mutation. Because of various factors, cells can become cancerous and grow rapidly, destroying normal cells at the same time. Support vector machines allow for accurate... more
This research works on high symbolic Bengali text and transforms it into corresponding less symbolic English complying with the transliteration method. The Huffman-based approaches serve to compress retaining the original quality of the... more
Second Edition - Springer This book is intended as a manual on algorithm design, providing access to combinatorial algorithm technology for both students and computer professionals. It is divided into two parts: Techniques and Resources.... more
This paper provides a brute force approach to solve the eight queen problem. The code is implemented using Java while using swing packages to draw unique and random solution each time the user executes a command.
1. Abstract: With the increasing number of users growing on the internet over the years, it becomes difficult to manage this enormous data amount. Searching information from this chunk of large data amount is critical in this big data... more
Mother and Father, it is impossible to thank you adequately for everything you have done, from loving me unconditionally to raising me in a stable household, where your persistent efforts and traditional values taught your children to... more
ABSTRACTThe growth of the telecommunication industry is fast-paced with ground-breaking engineering achievements. Notwithstanding the technological advancement in the industry, it had continued to cope with the phenomenon ofresource... more
عملي هياكل البيانات والخوارزميات 1
This paper provides a brute force approach to solve the Knight Tour problem in JAVA
Réalisation d'un simulateur de tri en utilisant différents structures de données vues en
cours : Tableau, Liste chainées, Arbres binaire de recherche, AVL, Tas ….
cours : Tableau, Liste chainées, Arbres binaire de recherche, AVL, Tas ….
Data mining and knowledge discovery in databases have been attracting a significant amount of research, industry, and media attention of late. There is an urgent need for a new generation of computational theories and tools to assist... more
‘Herbert Marcuse and the Legacy of One Dimensional Man’, International Herbert Marcuse Society Conference,
Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science (UTiCS) delivers high-quality instructional content for undergraduates studying in all areas of computing and information science. From core foundational and theoretical material to final-year... more
Computer graphics and animation have has become a key technology in determining future research and development activities in many academic and industrial branches. The aim of this journal is to be an international peer-reviewed open... more