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Data quality is crucial in all information systems. As a key step in obtaining clean data, record linkage or entity resolution (ER) groups database records by the underlying real world entities. In this pa- per we give practical... more
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      Lattice TheoryEntity ResolutionData Quality (Computer Science)Record Linkage
OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a free map of the world which can be edited by global volunteers. Existing studies have showed that completeness of OSM road data in some developing countries (e.g. China) is much lower, resulting in concern in... more
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      ChinaData Quality (Computer Science)Traffic EngineeringVolunteered Geographic Information
Victims of road traffic accidents face severe health problems on-site or after the event when they arrive at hospital lately in their emergency cycle. Road traffic accident has negative effect on the physical, social and emotional... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceReinforcement LearningMachine LearningData Mining
International Conference on Data Science and Applications (DSA 2020) will act as a major forum for the presentation of innovative ideas, approaches, developments, and research projects in the areas of Data Science and Applications. It... more
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      Data MiningMultimediaImage AnalysisData Warehousing
Companies desires for making productive discoveries from big data have motivated academic institutions offering variety of different data science (DS) programs, in order to increases their graduates' ability to be data scientists who are... more
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      Information RetrievalData MiningDatabase SystemsData Curation (Computer Science)
Victims of road traffic accidents face severe health problems on-site or after the event when they arrive at hospital lately in their emergency cycle. Road traffic accident has negative effect on the physical, social and emotional... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceReinforcement LearningMachine LearningData Mining
Victims of road traffic accidents face severe health problems on-site or after the event when they arrive at hospital lately in their emergency cycle. Road traffic accident has negative effect on the physical, social and emotional... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceReinforcement LearningMachine LearningData Mining
Training Report on Machine Learning
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      Machine LearningTraining and DevelopmentTrainingApplications of Machine Learning
This paper is an Editorial for the Special Issue titled “OpenStreetMap as a multidisciplinary nexus: perspectives, practices and procedures”. The Special Issue is largely based on the talks presented in the 2019 and 2020 editions of the... more
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      GeographyComputer ScienceSocial SciencesSpatial Practices
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      Sentiment AnalysisWord Sense DisambiguationData Quality (Computer Science)Data cleaning
In a swiftly transform global business environment, make accurate and appropriate decisions by taking advantage of business intelligence analytics is the demand on organizations. The ability to recognize challenges, spot opportunities,... more
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      Data Quality (Computer Science)Data quality (Business)Data GovernanceBig Data
Data quality (DQ) assessment and improvement in larger information systems would often not be feasible without using suitable " DQ methods " , which are algorithms that can be automatically executed by computer systems to detect and/or... more
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      Data ManagementData Quality (Computer Science)Data quality (Business)Database Management Systems
Data is the most valuable asset companies are proud of. When its quality degrades, the consequences are unpredictable and can lead to complete wrong insights. In Big Data context, evaluating the data quality is challenging and must be... more
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      Data Quality (Computer Science)SamplingBig DataData Quality
Today's largest and fastest growing companies' assets are no longer physical, but rather digital (software, algorithms. . .). This is all the more true in the manufacturing, and particularly in the maintenance sector where quality of... more
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      Decision Support SystemsData Quality (Computer Science)Maintenancemulti-attribute decision making theory (MADM)
Analysis of the driving pattern of a person and its application in providing personalized insurance premium is an emerging field in the area of Telematics. In the current work, we have assessed the driving pattern using smartphone sensors... more
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      Machine LearningData Curation (Computer Science)Data Quality (Computer Science)Data sciences
As the world is catching up with various technological developments, blockchain technology slowly catches the Malaysian attentions. In Malaysia, this technology is still in its infancy stage and is yet to gain popularity. This research is... more
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      Information SystemsData Quality (Computer Science)
The question of data reliability is of first importance to assess the quality of manually annotated corpora. Although Cohen ' s κ is the prevailing reliability measure used in NLP, alternative statistics have been proposed. This paper... more
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      Data Quality (Computer Science)ReliabilityCorpus AnnotationCohen´s Kappa
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsActuarial ScienceData Quality (Computer Science)
Autonomy Heterogeneity no yes totally semi DIS DW & MIS VMS CIS RS P2P no
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      Information SystemsInformation TechnologyData Quality (Computer Science)Database Management Systems
OpenStreetMap (OSM) is currently an important source for building data, despite the existence of potential quality issues. Previous studies have assessed OSM data quality by comparing it with reference building data, which may not... more
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      Spatial AnalysisQualityData MiningData Quality (Computer Science)
The second Risk Management International Workshop, “Risk Information Management, Risk Models and Applications, 2014,” with special emphasis on risk information management, was held in Berlin November 17–18, 2014. The workshop facilitated... more
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      Disaster risk managementCompeting Risk ModelsRisk ManagementData Quality (Computer Science)
Data quality drawn a major concern when dealing with data especially in the event that insightful outputs is needed. Research in data quality emerged in various topics and diversification in known knowledge and used approach is... more
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      Information SystemsInformation TechnologyData Quality (Computer Science)Databases
In this paper we have discussed the problems of data quality which are addressed during data cleaning phase. Data cleaning is one of the important processes during ETL. Data cleaning is especially required when integrating heterogeneous... more
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      Data WarehousingData Quality (Computer Science)Data cleaningETL
Laser scanning is a promising geometric data collection tool for construction, facility, and infrastructure management due to its fast sampling rate (tens of thousands of measurements per second) and millimeter-level accuracy. However,... more
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      Image ProcessingData Quality (Computer Science)3D Laser scanning (Architecture)Nondestructive Testing, Inspection and Evaluation (NDT/NDE)
Ontologies are important knowledge representation and sharing tools in the workflow of biology research. The high cost of creating and maintaining ontologies encourages their sharing and reuse, and an increasing number of ontologies have... more
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      Information SystemsBioinformaticsOntologyActivity Theory
Erhebung der aktuellen Situation zur Stammdatenqualität in Unternehmen und daraus abgeleitete Trends Thomas Schäffer, Helmut Beckmann 2014 | Broschiert, fbg. | 82 S., dt. ISBN 978-3-95663-008-8 (Print) ISBN 978-3-95663-009-5 (E-Book)... more
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      Information SystemsData Quality (Computer Science)Data quality (Business)Business Process Improvement, Data Quality Dimensions, Information Quality , Qualitative and Quantitative Methodology
This paper reflects on six years developing semantic data quality tools and curation systems for both large-scale social sciences data collection and a major web of data hub. This experience has led the author to believe in using... more
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      Linked DataData Quality (Computer Science)
In lots of large digital collections the only way a user could access a digital object is via its metadata. If metadata is not precise, contains inappropriate or less information users miss the object, and data creators lost the energy... more
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      MetadataData Quality (Computer Science)Data ScienceMetadata Quality
Mobile Crowd-Sensing (MCS) has appeared as a prospective solution for large-scale data collection, leveraging built-in sensors and social applications in mobile devices that enables a variety of Internet of Things (IoT) services. However,... more
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      TrustData Quality (Computer Science)CrowdsourcingReputation
In last few years there are many changes and evolution has been done on the classification of data. Application area of technology increases then the size of data also increases. Classification of data becomes difficult because of... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyComputer ScienceSocial SciencesProblem solving (Education)
"With this PhD dissertation, I intend to contribute to a better understanding of the Wiki phenomenon as a knowledge management system which aggregates private knowledge. I also wish to check to what extent information generated through... more
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      Information SystemsWeb 2.0WikisData Quality (Computer Science)
Victims of road traffic accidents face severe health problems on-site or after the event when they arrive at hospital lately in their emergency cycle. Road traffic accident has negative effect on the physical, social and emotional... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceReinforcement LearningMachine LearningData Mining
Without robust quality control, insights gained by exploiting linked data will be incomplete, unreliable and misleading. Much of what passes for quality control, however, is not designed to verify complete end-to-end real world processes... more
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      Knowledge ManagementSupply Chain ManagementLinked DataData Quality (Computer Science)
Background: The ubiquity of health wearables and the consequent production of patient-generated health data (PGHD) are rapidly escalating. However, the utilization of PGHD in routine clinical practices is still low because of data quality... more
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      Participatory ResearchWearable TechnologiesData Quality (Computer Science)Quality Assurance
Tackling sample bias, Non-Response Bias, Cognitive Bias, and disparate impact associated with Protected Categories in three parts/papers, data, algorithm construction, and output impact. This paper covers the Data section.
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      Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningData Quality (Computer Science)Machine Learning Big Data
Open data are a basic infrastructure for the creation of business, products, and services. To analyze their usefulness, the dif- ferences between data access, and dissemination, and reuse must be taken into account. The objective of this... more
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      Linked DataData Quality (Computer Science)Open DataBarcelona
Environmental policy involving citizen science (CS) is of growing interest. In support of this open data stream, validation or quality assessment of the CS data and their appropriate usage for evidence-based policy making, needs a... more
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      Data Quality (Computer Science)Volunteered Geographic InformationVGIData
The current decade is a witness to an enormous explosion of data being published on the Web as Linked Data to max-imise its reusability. Answering questions that users speak or write in natural language is an increasingly popular... more
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      Data Quality (Computer Science)Question Answering SystemDbpediaLinked Open Data
Executive Summary/Abstract: In an effort to improve the data quality levels of applications developed by McKesson Specialty Patient Services, the Quality Assurance team has implemented a data quality approach to system testing. The QA... more
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    • Data Quality (Computer Science)
In the article in is described the family of portable biosensor for express-diagnostics of plant state developed in V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics from scientific idea to serial production, produced on modern contract manufacture.
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      Research MethodologyData Quality (Computer Science)Biological SciencesNew Technologies
Within the context of the smart city, data are an integral part of the digital economy and are used as input for decision making, policy formation, and to inform citizens, city managers and commercial organisations. Reflecting on our... more
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      Data Quality (Computer Science)CrowdsourcingOpen DataGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Dieses Kapitel gibt einen Überblick über das Datenqualitätsmanagement. Es listet einige Ansätze zum Thema und seine grundlegenden Definitionen auf. Die Datenqualität hängt immer vom Kontext und Zweck der Daten ab, daher haben... more
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      Data Quality (Computer Science)Research Data Management
During recent years, more and more Open Data becomes available and used as part of the Open Data movement. However, there are reported issues with the quality of the metadata in data portals and the data itself. This is a serious risk... more
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      Data Quality (Computer Science)Multi Criteria Decision MakingE-GovernmentOpen Data
Without robust quality control, insights gained by exploiting linked data will be incomplete, unreliable and misleading. Much of what passes for quality control, however, is not designed to verify complete end-to-end real world processes... more
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      Computer ScienceKnowledge ManagementSupply Chain ManagementLinked Data
Victims of road traffic accidents face severe health problems on-site or after the event when they arrive at hospital lately in their emergency cycle. Road traffic accident has negative effect on the physical, social and emotional... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceReinforcement LearningMachine LearningData Mining
The buildup of huge data within business intelligence is essential because such data includes complete conceptual and technological stack in addition to raw and processed data, data management, and analytics. Evaluating Data Quality Model... more
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      Data Quality (Computer Science)Big Data / Analytics / Data MiningMachine Learning Big DataDeeper Learning
Incomplete data is a crucial challenge to data exploration, analytics, and visualization recommendation. Incomplete data would distort the analysis and reduce the benefits of any data-driven approach leading to poor and misleading... more
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      Data Quality (Computer Science)Data VisualizationData ExplorationIncomplete Data
Open access (OA) has mostly been studied by relying on publication data from selective international databases, notably Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus. The aim of our study is to show that it is possible to achieve a national estimate of... more
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      Science PolicyOpen AccessBibliometricsScholarly Communication