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Normally, The Internet grows rapidly and most useful in each domain but network vulnerability and intrusions are still an important issue that causes attacks. Attacks can immediately cause system down. Therefore, it is necessary to detect... more
Cluster analysis in data processing could be a main application of business. This investigation describes to gift DBSCALE algorithmic rule that extends enlargement seed choice into a DBSCAN algorithm rule. And also describes the density... more
Cluster analysis in data mining is a main application of business. This Investigation describes to present NCDBC algorithm that extends expansion seed selection into a DBSCAN algorithm. And the DBSCAN Algorithm describes the density based... more
In this paper a fuzzy point symmetry based genetic clustering technique (Fuzzy-VGAPS) is proposed which can determine the number of clusters present in a data set as well as a good fuzzy partitioning of the data. A new fuzzy cluster... more
This paper proposes a novel particle swarm optimisation (PSO) algorithm using the concept of age of particles. Effective fitness of a particle depends both on its functional value and age. Age of a newly generated particle is taken as... more
Efficient data collection in wireless sensor networks (SNs) plays a key role in power conservation. It has spurred a number of research projects focusing on effective algorithms that reduce power consumption with effective in-network... more
Due to the dramatic increase of data volumes in different applications, it is becoming infeasible to keep these data in one centralized machine. It is becoming more and more natural to deal with distributed databases and networks. That is... more
An e$cient clustering algorithm is proposed in an unsupervised manner to cluster the given data set. This method is based on regulating a similarity measure and replacing movable vectors so that the appropriate clusters are determined by... more
Data clustering can find similarities and hidden patterns within data. Given a predefined number of groups, most partitional clustering algorithms use representative centers to determine their corresponding clusters. These algorithms,... more
Application uses URL as contribution for Web Application Vulnerabilities recognition. if the length of URL is too long then it will consume more time to scan the URL (Ain Zubaidah 2014).Existing system can notice the web pages but... more
Several games nowadays try to improve the player immersion by representing human behavior as real as possible, generally using agent technologies to model non-player characters (NPCs). However, agent-based behavioral models representing... more
Modularity, hierarchy, and interaction locality are general approaches to reducing the complexity of any large system. A widely used principle in achieving these goals in designing software systems is striving for high cohesion within a... more
In this paper, a previously introduced data mining technique, utilizing the Mean Field Bayesian Data Reduction Algorithm (BDRA), is extended for use in finding unknown data clusters in a fused multidimensional feature space. In the BDRA... more
This chapter provides a survey of some clustering methods relevant to clustering Web elements for better information access. We start with classical methods of cluster analysis that seems to be relevant in approaching the clustering of... more
In this paper we combine clustering ensembles and semisupervised clustering to address the ill-posed nature of clustering. We introduce a mechanism which leverages the ensemble framework to bootstrap informative constraints directly from... more
Effective client base segmentation is a difficulty for telecom businesses in order to customise services and marketing tactics. In order to obtain precise telecom consumer segmentation, we provide an approach in this paper that blends... more
Detection and tracking of human face and hands are curial for gesture recognition. In this paper, a skin segmentation framework is presented, where a robust elliptical model in HSV color space is developed, which promises not only to... more
We explore the possibility that the G2 gas cloud falling in toward SgrA * is the mass-loss envelope of a young T Tauri star. As the star plunges to smaller radius at 1000-6000 km s -1 , a strong bow shock forms where the stellar wind is... more
We present a comprehensive comparative analysis of classical Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) clustering and kernel –based Fuzzy C-Means clustering. While Fuzzy C-Means is a popular soft-clustering method, its effectiveness is largely limited to hyper... more
Recent work has focused the incorporation of a priori knowledge into the data clustering process, in the form of pairwise constraints, aiming to improve clustering quality and find appropriate clustering solutions to specific tasks or... more
Abstract: The collection of wild larvae seed as a source of raw material is a major sub industry of shellfish aquaculture. To predict when, where and in what quantities wild seed will be available, it is necessary to track the appearance... more
News portals, such as Yahoo News or Google News, collect large amounts of documents from a variety of sources on a daily basis. Only a small portion of these documents can be selected and displayed on the homepage. Thus, there is a strong... more
Conceptual clustering is a discovery process that groups a set of data in the way that the intra-cluster similarity is maximized and the inter-cluster similarity is minimized. Traditional clustering algorithms employ some measure of... more
At present, network security needs to be concerned to provide secure information channels due to increase in potential network attacks. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a valuable tool for the defense-in-depth of computer networks.... more
In this paper, we propose a new method of citation data clustering for author name disambiguation. Most citation data appearing in the reference section of scientific papers include the coauthor first names with their initials. Hence, we... more
We explore the idea of evidence accumulation for combining the results of multiple clusterings. Initially, n d−dimensional data is decomposed into a large number of compact clusters; the K-means algorithm performs this decomposition, with... more
Each clustering algorithm induces a similarity between given data points, according to the underlying clustering criteria. Given the large number of available clustering techniques, one is faced with the following questions: (a) Which... more
This paper introduces and evaluates a new class of knowledge model, the recursive Bayesian multinet (RBMN), which encodes the joint probability distribution of a given database. RBMNs extend Bayesian networks (BNs) as well as partitional... more
The goal of data clustering is to partition a set of data vectors into groups called clusters such that the intra-cluster similarity is maximized while the inter-cluster similarity is minimized. Distributed Clustering is performed on very... more
The massive volume of organic information, the conventional software engineering procedures and calculations neglect to take care of complex natural issues of this present reality. In any case, present day computational methodologies, for... more
The massive volume of organic information, the conventional software engineering procedures and calculations neglect to take care of complex natural issues of this present reality. In any case, present day computational methodologies, for... more
In recent years, fuzzy based clustering approaches have shown to outperform state-of-the-art hard clustering algorithms in terms of accuracy. The difference between hard clustering and fuzzy clustering is that in hard clustering each data... more
We are developing a multi-channel/multifunction prosthetic hand/arm controller system capable of receiving and processing signals from up to sixteen Implanted MyoElectric Sensors (IMES). The appeal of implanted sensors for myoelectric... more
Because of variable dependence, high dimensional data typically have much lower intrinsic dimensionality than the number of its variables. Hence high dimensional data can be expected to lie in (nonlinear) lower dimensional manifold. In... more
We consider the problem of fast time-series data clustering. Building on previous work modeling the correlation-based Hamiltonian of spin variables we present an updated fast non-expensive Agglomerative Likelihood Clustering algorithm... more
In recent years, thyroid diseases have become increasingly prevalent worldwide. In India, for instance, one in eight women is affected by hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, or thyroid cancer. Research indicates that approximately 20% of... more
We present a novel extension of watershed cuts to hypergraphs, allowing the clustering of data represented as an hypergraph, in the context of data sciences. Contrarily to the methods in the literature, instances of data are not... more
In recent years, there has been an increasing focus on developing energy-efficient routing algorithms for wireless sensor networks. Due to the limited power resources in sensor nodes, conserving energy is crucial for both individual node... more
Wireless sensor networks, also known as WSNs, are made up of small sensor nodes that are able to function and record events in environments that are inaccessible to humans. The data packets that are produced by these networks can be... more
A method is introduced for improved estimation of missing data that preserves the multi-regime characteristics of a dataset. The approach analyzes regime change in spatial time series by applying an Expectation-Maximization algorithm (an... more
In this paper, we propose two novel techniques, which successfully address several major problems in the field of particle swarm optimization (PSO) and promise a significant breakthrough over complex multimodal optimization problems at... more
This paper presents a new production system architecture that takes advantage of modern associative memory devices to allow parallel production firing, concurrent matching, and overlap among matching, selection, and firing of productions.... more
Background: Active trachoma is not uniformly distributed in endemic areas, and local environmental factors influencing its prevalence are not yet adequately understood. Determining whether clustering is a consistent phenomenon may help... more