Dance Education
Recent papers in Dance Education
This article reports the findings of a study exploring the effects of using videoconferencing (VC) to deliver dance instruction to rural communities. The context of the study is a university community partnership run through blended live... more
This article explores body, power and pedagogical issues related to a study in dance education. The study investigated the body perceptions of participant student teachers in a somatics and creativity project within a university level... more
The extent to which creativity and perfection can be considered compatible aims for dancers was investigated. Also investigated were how creativity and perfectionism are (1) nurtured versus inhibited, and (2) related to basic... more
This article explores the integration of creative dance in students' meaning-making processes in the literature classroom. Analytical focus lies on fifth-grade students' interpretations of a poem and how interpretations are created and... more
Keeping abreast of political and policy changes can be difficult at present, due to the seemingly endless educational reforms that are being spearheaded by our new coalition government. This article offers an insight into the Tickell... more
Статья посвящена анализу танцев, являвшихся в XVIII веке эталоном при обучении
The effects of an eight-week instructional program in creative dance/movement on the social competence of low-income preschool children were assessed in this study utilizing a scientifically rigorous design. Forty preschool children from... more
Full terms and conditions of use: This article maybe used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution ,... more
The purpose of the book is to help teachers develop an understanding of dance in the preschool setting, sense when dance can be a natural extension of classroom activity, and develop skill in planning and leading meaningful dance... more
Pesquisa financiada pelo Ministério da Cultura, que apresenta um diagnóstico quanti-qualitativo da área em relação ao perfil dos agentes da dança, formação, produção artística e conhecimento das políticas setoriais.
This thesis is an exploration of the contributions of contemporary theories in film and literacy with the purpose of understanding how those theories inform an arts-based researcher in education. Additionally, further insights are drawn... more
This study provides the first in-depth investigation of how perfectionism is experienced in highlevel dance. Seventy-seven students (M age = 15.52, SD = 2.30) completed a perfectionism questionnaire. Next, dancers with the highest and... more
Movement and Dance in the Inclusive Classroom by Stacey N. Skoningan is an article published in Teaching Exceptional Children Plus Volume 4, issue 6, July 2008. The article outlines the many benefits to the use of creative dance and... more
Move, Act, Play, Sing (MAPS) explored early childhood teaching and learning in the performing arts through community artist interventions and relational practices and pedagogies. The research developed three early childhood centre case... more
This essay examines evolving diversity and inclusion practices in U.S. college and university dance programs. I argue that the lenses through which we view dance, the modes of instruction, and the goals of dance education must adapt to... more
Within the Western fine arts tradition of concert and theatrical dance, new dances may be created in any number of ways. No matter how dance making begins, however, unless the work is to be improvised afresh each time it is performed, a... more
Introduction. The richness of the terminology of academic dance lies both in the great quantity and variety of its nomenclature and in the accuracy of its terms. We refer to words that describe the execution of the movement itself, the... more
During the years 2003-2006 I conducted a PhD research in three dance programs in three public high schools in the center of Israel. One of them was located in a low income peripheral city close to Tel Aviv by the name of Bat Yam. One of... more
Dance research has various approaches such as historical, political, socio-cultural, ethnic, epistemological and so on. These approaches need to be theorized for which theoretical foundations need to be addressed and adhered to, in order... more
With the French colonisation of Algeria in 1830, women’s dance in the Ouled Naïl region came to be confused with what in the West is called ‘belly dancing’. Postcolonial nationalism continues to build on the fetishisation of the art form... more
Making and understanding fusion dance involves more than learning dance vocabulary or using choreographic devices because of the need to understand the culturally different dances that are being fused. This presentation will include a... more
A initial description of a coming research pilot project that investigates the role of the term "sense" at the interface of body and place through choreographic site specific work.
Since the Nine-year Curriculum's launch in 2000, there have been an increasing number of studies on the implementation of creative dance or its related elements in the context of school education in Taiwan. Most of the researchers in... more
Dance sport is the competitive aspect of social dancing, and encompasses 5 genres of Latin dance: Cha Cha, Samba, Rumba, Paso Doble, and Jive. Education of technique focuses predominantly on foot positions and directions, and there is a... more
Dance technique training is both social (shaped by the values of the dance aesthetic and those imparting or judging the dance aesthetic) and individual (shaped by the dancer's lived body experiences). It is important that a dancer does... more
Resumo: Este artigo apresenta o conceito de gênero em educação, mostrando sua incorporação como uma categoria útil de análise no campo da dança, no qual as discussões sobre gênero aparecem muito raramente, especialmente quando se analisa... more
Abstract My dissertation, a self-reflective autoethnography, examines, analyzes, and interprets children’s dances created by seventeen nine- 11 year olds attending a Midwestern, urban elementary school. The significance of this... more
Disciplinary literacies in dance and drama are underrepresented in classrooms and in scholarship, especially at the elementary level. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to examine how preservice teachers constructed meaning of... more
Editorial for the International Documentation of Contemporary Dance Education (IDOCDE) website: the relation between thinking, movement and dialogue.
Environmental, organizational and attitudinal obstacles continue to prevent people with vision loss from meaningfully engaging in dance education and performance. This article addresses the societal disabilities that handicap access to... more
This Study is an action research, investigating didactic approach by three different dance teachers at the Resource Centre at the Community School of Arts in Stockholm. The Resource Centre offer activities after school, for children and... more
The Dart Procedures, developed by anatomist and anthropologist Raymond Dart and Alexander Technique teachers Joan and Alex Murray, are a developmental movement sequence born from scientific, somatic, therapeutic, and dance histories.... more
e body is the canvas for creativity. We paint with our hands, dance with our feet, sing with our breath, and sculpt with our palms. Our very beings are creative--we are made with the glorious impossible-ears that hear, esh that remembers,... more
Il lavoro di tesi dal titolo Danza Mimesis Educazione. Riflessioni per una danza che nutra l’umano nell’uomo cerca di trovare una risposta all’ ipotesi secondo cui, se è vero che l’influenza della società è forte e visibile nella danza,... more
Mindful Movement: The Evolution of the Somatic Arts and Conscious Action is a masterful book that traces the complex spider web of somatic influences on American and European contemporary dance, with a focus on the integration of somatic... more
In India, the term 'professional dancer' is most often applied to someone who is a performer. This unidimensional way of understanding the dance profession has many implications on how dance is taught and on the hierarchies created... more
A local trend in commercial dance studio education is the implementation of real-time digital video surveillance. This case study explores how digital video cameras in the dance studio environment affect asymmetrical power relationships... more
The differently-abled dancing body has become more of a presence in dance culture over the past thirty years; however, professional training for these bodies is still minimal in scope (Charnley 2011; McGrath 2012; Benjamin 2002).... more
The Book titled “Hasta Mudra Therapy – An effective aspect of Dance Therapy” deals with various disciplines like Dance, Therapy, Dance Therapy, Hasta Mudra Therapy, Hasta Mudras used in Dance, Yoga, Hindu and Buddhist religious practices;... more
Dancers tend to be a visual and kinaesthetic group, hence this chapter adopts those characteristics too, making a graphic invitation to prompt thinking and curiosity about what constitutes dance. This is to equip a teacher with... more