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Euro-American performance arts are exceptional among the world’s cultures in that music and dance are separable and constitute independent disciplines. In the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries, a distinct consciousness emerged... more
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      MusicPerforming ArtsDance StudiesCreative processes in contemporary dance
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      MusicMusicologyDance StudiesDance Anthropology
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      AnthropologyDance StudiesPerformance StudiesDance Anthropology
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      Dance AnthropologyDance and PoliticsAnthropology Of DanceDance and Politics (Anthropology)
A peer-reviewed paper that evaluates and discusses the impact of a dance and health project in a setting for people with dementia in Nottinghamshire, UK that was designed and carried out by Tina Heeley. It discusses the importance of... more
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      Dance StudiesDance/Movement TherapyDance AnthropologyDance and the brain
We take pleasure in inviting you to the World Congress on Dance Research to be held in Mumbai, India. The congress is open to all forms of dance:
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      Dance StudiesDance/Movement TherapyDance ScienceDance Anthropology
This article provides an overview of the methods used for a structural analysis of a Ukrainian Canadian dance “kolomyika.” The "kolomyika" exists in numerous historical and contemporary contexts. Focusing specifically on this "one" dance,... more
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      Ethnic StudiesDance StudiesDance AnthropologyUkrainian Studies
Blumen sind mehr als Blumen: Sie kodieren historisch und kulturell bedingte Nachrichten, die entziffert und gelesen werden können. Was zeichnet eine solche Kommunikation durch die Blume aus? Der Band erkundet erstmals das Feld der... more
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      Cultural StudiesComparative LiteratureQueer StudiesPhilosophy
Premières pages de la thèse de doctorat en anthropologie, résumé et sommaire.
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      AnthropologyDance/Movement TherapyDance AnthropologyNew Age spirituality
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      Dance StudiesHigher EducationDance AnthropologyDance History
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      Dance StudiesDance AnthropologyAnthropology Of Dance
iq ka or;a jh ú §u ks id we;s jk i;= g idfma la Ih' th mq oa .,dkq noa Oj jq ufkda uQ ,s l ia jrEmhla ys ñlr.ka fka h' ^The Psychedelic beauty& kuq ;a ta iq ka or;a jh fmdÿ rihla njg m;a ùfï È ta i|yd n,mdk jdia ;úl iq ka or;a jhla... more
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      Dance StudiesDance/Movement TherapyDance ScienceDance Anthropology
Versuch der Rekonstruktion eines initiatorischen Handelns* "Es soll also gesagt werden, und sollte es mich auch mit Schmach und Gelächter ordentlich wie eine aufsprudelnde Welle überschütten .... Wenn nicht ... entweder die Philosophen... more
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      Political PhilosophyEpistemologyPlatoInitiation Practices (Anthropology)
You don't look like a Bulgarian!?!" (M.S.)-"What do Bulgarians look like?" (G.P.-T.)-"Dark ... dark skin, dark hair ... like the Roma are. Sorry! Aren't you Roma there?" (M.S.) 1 I have had this kind of conversation very often in... more
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      Social SciencesEthnomusicologyDance AnthropologyPolitics
Esta investigación hace hincapié en la articulación dancística y en los elementos culturales amerindios y africanos que subrayan las dinámicas amefricanas dentro de la sociedad actual. El propósito es vincular la perspectiva... more
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      Dance StudiesDance AnthropologyDance ResearchAntropologia del cuerpo, la danza y la performance
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      FolkloreDance AnthropologyAnthropology Of DanceDance History
The topic I have chosen is the Nijemo Kolo- a silent folk dance from the Dalmatian Hinterland in Croatia. In this essay, my inspiration is the concept of folk dance, where I focus on dance in text, while later I write about the experience... more
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      AnthropologyFolkloreDance StudiesEthnography
This is an edited version of the essay published by the Netherlands Association for Gender Studies and Feminist Anthropology in LOVA Journal Issue #36 (February 2016). Abstract This essay explores the role of dance in Katherine Dunham's... more
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      Cultural StudiesBlack Studies Or African American StudiesAmerican StudiesSocial and Cultural Anthropology
The Book titled “Hasta Mudra Therapy – An effective aspect of Dance Therapy” deals with various disciplines like Dance, Therapy, Dance Therapy, Hasta Mudra Therapy, Hasta Mudras used in Dance, Yoga, Hindu and Buddhist religious practices;... more
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      Dance StudiesDance/Movement TherapyDance Medicine and ScienceDance Science
Otgonbayar Chuluunbaatar -Ч. Отгонбаяр (Монгол улсын ШУА-ийн Хэл зохиолын хүрээлэнгийн гадаад гишүүн, Австри улсын судлаач) Монголчуудын дунд биелгээ эсвэл бүжиг гэж нэрлэдэг байхад харин ойрадууд үүнийг бий хэмээн нэрлэдэг. Ойрадын... more
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      EthnomusicologyDance AnthropologyMongolian StudiesEthnic minorities
El cuerpo es uno de los ejes centrales-tanto en la teoría como en la práctica-de la performance. Debido a este importante vínculo entre corporalidad y performance, en este artículo se propone reflexionar sobre la danza como práctica... more
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      Dance StudiesPerformance StudiesDance AnthropologyAntropología Social
This thesis examines the concept and meaning of igal, an indigenous dance tradition of the Bajau Laut community in Semporna, Sabah. Igal or ‘dance’ to the Bajau Laut community signifies more than just a ‘dance’. This thesis posits that... more
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      Dance StudiesDance AnthropologyEthnochoreologySabah
This is an excerpt of my M.A. thesis that summarizes a two-year long research, which concentrated on different social and cultural issues surrounding participants’ and teachers’ understanding of the imagination-stimulating... more
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      ImprovisationDance AnthropologyTransmissionFreedom
Bu kitap bir başka! Bunu “bizden” biri olarak yazmaya çalıştım çünkü. Akademik kadroda görevli bir biliminsanı olmamı gözardı etmeden, bilimle elde ettiğim tecrübelerimle kolkola; bir sanatçı olarak tozunu yuttuğum sahnelerin ışıkları... more
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      Dance ScienceDance AnthropologyDance ResearchTraditional dances and music
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      Dance StudiesDance ScienceDance AnthropologyDance History
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      Dance StudiesDance AnthropologyAnthropology Of DanceDance Research
Attraverso un esperimento svolto nel 2011, riprendendo la teoria di Turner sui fenomeni liminoidi in relazione ai drammi sociali, sono andata alla ricerca del dramma sociale rappresentato attraverso le performance di improvvisazione in... more
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      ImprovisationDance StudiesCreative processes in contemporary danceDance Anthropology
Al di là di ogni pretesa universale ricorrenza di forme espressive di carattere coreutico, della possibilità di ricondurle entro una o più tipologie funzionali (stante, se non altro, la diversità delle concezioni del corpo e dei... more
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      Performance StudiesDance Anthropology
A modo de etnografía o diario de viaje, desde la perspectiva de las profesoras se presentan reflexiones en torno al proyecto “Escuela de Danza ¡A Danzar!”, inicialmente denominado “Escuela de Danza en Recoleta”, consistente en desarrollar... more
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      Teaching and LearningDance StudiesLearning and TeachingDance Anthropology
Este capítulo resalta la importancia de la relación contractual en las danzas devocionales en las regiones de Texcoco y Teotihuacán en las cercanías de la ciudad de México. Las danzas en esas regiones son una importante devoción y las... more
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      Dance AnthropologyTeotihuacanMarcel MaussEx Voto
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      Dance StudiesDance AnthropologyAnthropology Of DanceDance
Dance Management is a new domain in the theoretical aspects of Management. It is at a very young stage with respects to its literature; however, the concept of management prevailed since its evolution. The management tools, features,... more
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      Dance StudiesDance/Movement TherapyDance ScienceDance Anthropology
In my earlier article on Tanjore Gnyana (In Search of Gnyana, the Prettiest Dancer in Tanjore) I was concerned with making the case that certain pictorial and textual links had worked to associate a number of photographs, found at several... more
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      Dance AnthropologyDance HistoryIndian classical Dance (BhârataNatyamDance Research
Abstract in English: The author in her article presents the method of feedback interview on the example of dances in a Transylvanian village (Câmpia Transilvaniei, Romania). The name of the method comes from Anglo- American... more
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      Dance StudiesEthnographyDance AnthropologyAnthropology Of Dance
While researching different forms of technology in relation to bodily practices for several years, I have become increasingly interested in the decision-making and power relations in this domain because technology is now an essential part... more
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      Sociology of SportCognitive ScienceHuman Computer InteractionAnthropology
Definition of "tribe" in the Indian context is a highly complicated process or is made complicated because of various reasons. However, its application to the various ethnic groups in India is no less reflected in the artistic sphere... more
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      Performance StudiesIndian studiesDance AnthropologyTribal studies
Hunting stories will always glorify the hunters, since it is the hunters who write the stories. In this book, Dénètem Touam Bona takes up the perspective of the hunted, using the concept of marronage to highlight the lives and creativity... more
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      Border StudiesRefugee StudiesContemporary ArtPoetry
El origen de LA SARDANA es un extracto del libro Karuo el secreto ibero, Enrique Cabrejas o Enric Cabrejas nos relata de modo llano su experiencia personal con lo extraordinario de un descubrimiento. El 21 de Abril de 2012 consiguió lo... more
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      MusicCatalan StudiesCatalan LanguageDance Studies
Rasa plays a very prominent role in performing arts. It is the soul and motive for a successful performance of a dance, an act or a play. If Rasa is to be of any moment and significance, it must necessarily be educated and explored. This... more
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      Dance StudiesDance/Movement TherapyDance ScienceDance Anthropology
Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds. 2 Animation In cultural history, the tropisms and nastic movements of plants have been closely intertwined with the topos of transience. Floral movements, like the opening and clos ing of a... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesEnglish LiteraturePerforming Arts
This paper discusses recent folk dance activities among the Bulgarian communities in Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego and San Francisco/San Jose, California. These activities are viewed in the contexts of the larger Bulgarian folk... more
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      Dance AnthropologyCultural IdentityDiaspora StudiesCultural Anthropology
Българският текст е подготвен през 2004 г. и е мислен като есе, базиращо се на "включени" наблюдения от периода 2000-2003 г. Като доклад на английски език той е представен по време на срещата на изследователската група по... more
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      PhilosophyDance AnthropologyInterdisciplinary StudiesDance
Rasa plays a very prominent role in performing arts. Shringara Rasa is the primary Rasa that occupies a significant place amongst the Rasas. It is the soul and motive of all the Rasas; and is termed as the king of all the Rasas. Due to... more
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      Dance StudiesDance/Movement TherapyDance ScienceDance Anthropology
Indigenous and folk dance movement motifs, as points of inspiration and innovation for contemporary dance theater, have consistently functioned as choreographic tools in the dance theater scene in Manila. This Major Research Paper (MRP)... more
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      Dance StudiesEthnographyPerformance StudiesPostcolonial Studies
The paper describes the musical instruments and musical occasions of the Berom people of the Jos Plateau, Central Nigeria. These were first described by Luc Bouquiaux in the early 1960s, and the paper synthesises fieldwork 2003-2021 and... more
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      MusicAnthropologyEthnomusicologyDance Anthropology
An indian classical dancers' s perspective on the intrinsic relationship of dance with language and literature.
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      Dance StudiesChoreographic MethodologiesDance AnthropologyAnthropology Of Dance
Rasa plays a very prominent role in performing arts. It is the soul and motive for a successful performance of a dance, an act or a play. If Rasa is to be of any moment and significance, it must necessarily be educated and explored. This... more
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      Dance StudiesDance/Movement TherapyDance ScienceDance Anthropology
“Now, for objective adjustment in the physical world, Shiva propounded song, dance and instrumental music in such a manner so that it would directly vibrate the ectoplasm, so that the ectoplasmic movement converges into one point touching... more
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      HinduismMusicMusic HistoryMusicology
Il santuario di San Michele a Olevano sul Tusciano Culto dei santi e pellegrinaggi nell'altomedioevo (secc. VI-XI) Atti del Convegno Internazionale "La Grotta di San Michele ad Olevano sul Tusciano" Salerno, 24-25 novembre 2018 a cura di
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      Music HistoryAnthropologyDance/Movement TherapyMedieval Studies
Beginning with the example of Beyoncé's music video for her song "Countdown," which copied movements from Anna Teresa De Keers-maeker's early choreographic work, this article explores the role of plagiarism, reconstruction, and recreation... more
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      Cultural StudiesQueer StudiesDance StudiesCreative processes in contemporary dance