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3-D printing has entered the consumer market because of recent radical price declines. Consumers can save substantial money by offsetting purchases with DIY pre-designed 3-D printed products. However, even more value can be obtained with... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer Aided EngineeringComputer EngineeringManufacturing
In order to assist researchers explore the full potential of distributed recycling of post-consumer polymer waste, this article describes a recyclebot, which is a waste plastic extruder capable of making commercial quality 3-D printing... more
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      Materials EngineeringPolymer EngineeringMaterials ScienceComposite Materials and Structures
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      Cultural StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesSubculturesCulture
Best DIY E-Liquid kits in the UK. We recently published an article and a video on the subject of mixing your own E-liquids. Visit our content.
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      Electronic CigarettesDo It Yourself (DIY)DIYElectronic Cigarette
Från början var det en ganska enkel ide. En av oss jobbar som fritidsledare och har en lång erfarenhet inom punken, den andre har tillbringat tio år med att forska om subkulturella meningsstrukturer.
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      DIY culturePunk RockDo It Yourself (DIY)DIY
Curso de Mesa Resinada PDF Grátis! Aprenda agora como criar sua Propria Mesa resinada com nosso Curso Grátis passo a passo.

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      DIYmesa de resina epoxi
Cuttlebug Sandwich Guide detailing compatible dies and folders for the Cricut Cuttlebug, such as Sizzix.
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      Decorative ArtsDIY cultureDIYHandmade Papermaking
Apa yang terbersit dibenak kawan-kawan begitu mendengar kata Jogja. Pasti ada ribuan jawaban yang seketika itu muncul. Tapi mayoritas orang akan mengatakan Jogja itu romantis, Jogja itu bikin kangen, Jogja itu murah. Tak salah karena... more
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      DIYKearifan Lokal
This paper discusses three methodological themes employed by contemporary media artists who reuse obsolete information technology hardware in their work. Methodologies include the exploration of the hidden “blackboxed” layer of technology... more
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      Visual StudiesArt HistoryNew MediaMedia Archaeology
KEYWORDS:  amplifier audio amp hifi loudspeaker 10 W kit design construction buid diagram scheme circuit components parts Texas Instruments LM1875T class AB gainclone compact integrated stereo power small desktop computer pc hum
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      Audio EngineeringElectronic CircuitsDo It Yourself (DIY)Audio Amplifiers
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      DesignPublic ArtDesign TheoryModern and contemporary crafts (Art)
3-D printing has entered the consumer market because of recent radical price declines. Consumers can save substantial money by offsetting purchases with DIY pre-designed 3-D printed products. However, even more value can be obtained with... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer Aided EngineeringComputer EngineeringManufacturing
Do it Yourself (DiY) is a participatory culture which exemplifies a particular ethos in its approach to technology and materials. Rather than engage with 'complete' technologies, such as a technology supplied as ready-to-go item, the DiY... more
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      ElectronicsEthnographic Fieldwork (Anthropology)Ethnography of CommunicationElectronic Music
This e-book is based on the research reports produced during the first year of the EU financed project EDUfashion, a two-year project for the development of a col- laborative platform for fashion creation and continuous education... more
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      Environmental SustainabilityCultural EconomySocial ResponsibilityOpen Source
Most experimental research projects are executed with a combination of purchased hardware equipment, which may be modified in the laboratory and custom single-built equipment fabricated inhouse. However, the computer software that helps... more
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      Open Source SoftwareScienceDesign of ExperimentsAdditive Manufacturing
The high cost of what have historically been sophisticated research-related sensors and tools has limited their adoption to a relatively small group of well-funded researchers. This paper provides a methodology for applying an open-source... more
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      Instrumentation EngineeringSensors and SensingColorimetrySensors
KEYWORDS: small mini speakers compact diy loudspeakers desktop computer pc bookshelf project driver audio hifi kit construction design build vented ported bass reflex filter crossover two 2-way parts components diagram scheme circuit... more
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      SoundSonidoDo It Yourself (DIY)DIY
The third KISMIF International Conference “Keep It Simple, Make It Fast! (KISMIF) DIY Cultures, Spaces and Places” was help in Porto, Portugal, between 18th July and 21st July 2016. This edition was once again focused on underground... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCultural HistorySociologyCultural Studies
The 2020 toy and game market is projected to be US$135 billion. To determine if 3D printing could affect these markets if consumers offset purchases by 3D printing free designs, this study investigates the 100 most popular downloaded... more
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      EngineeringDesignManufacturingOpen Source Software
Anarchism and geography have a long and disjointed history, characterized by towering peaks of intensive intellectual engagement and low troughs of ambivalence and disregard. This paper traces a genealogy of anarchist geographies back to... more
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      Critical TheoryIndustrial And Labor RelationsHistoryEuropean History
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      Open Source SoftwareFeminismHacktivismP2p(peer-2-Peer) Networks
KEYWORDS: hi-fi diy loudspeakers project driver audio hifi kit construction design build vented ported bass reflex floor standing calculate filter crossover two 2-way parts components diagram scheme circuit tweeter ScanSpeak Classic... more
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      SoundSonidoDo It Yourself (DIY)DIY
A promising method of enhancing the circular economy is distributed plastic recycling. In this study plastic waste is upcycled into 3-D printing filament with a recyclebot, which is an open source waste plastic extruder. The recyclebot is... more
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      Materials EngineeringPolymer EngineeringMaterials ScienceEconomics
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      ArduinoEletrônicaHardwareSoftware Livre
Three years in the making, Recipes for Disaster is the long-awaited follow-up to the CrimethInc. collective’s notorious first book, Days of War, Nights of Love. This 624-page manual complements the romance and idealism of that earlier... more
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      Social MovementsTactics (Military Science)ViolenceMovement Ecology
Con el objetivo de dar a conocer BioEucaliptol, producto hecho para uso tópico, y comprobar su efecto antibacterial se procedió a la creación del mismo a partir de Etanol 95°, trimetanolamina, Glicerina, Carbopol, agua destilada y... more
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      DIY cultureDIYQuimica OrganicaCompuestos Orgánicos
‘Low vision’ (LV) is a common form of vision impairment that involves irreversible vision loss, significantly reduced vision but not total blindness and hence still usable vision, which affects 246 million people globally. The project... more
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      Inclusive DesignIndustrial DesignInteraction DesignAssistive Technology
The ZoOHPraxiscope is a modified overhead projector that can be used to show cinematographic animations. It allows blending and mixing of animated shadow play with cinematographic animation. Similar to the Zoopraxiscope that was developed... more
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      Media ArchaeologyCinematographyDIY
With the emergence of punk in the UK and USA, in the 1970s, the production, distribution and consumption of fanzines became relevant, as an area of freedom of thought and creativity, and as an alternative to conventional media. Since then... more
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      Punk CulturePunkPunk StudiesFanzines
Purpose – The Printable Modular Robot (PMR) is a highly customizable, modular, snake-like robot platform for research and education. The robot can be assembled and re-assembled on the fly and automatically detects changes in its topology... more
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      Modular RoboticsDistributed Embedded SystemsRapid PrototypingArduino
"Socio-economic and physical change have visibly affected post-socialist cities, yet the state of decay of their inherited large housing estates has only deepened throughout the 1990s, despite the change in tenure through policies of... more
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      Eastern European StudiesHousingPrivatisationRomania
Sepertimana yang kita semua sedia maklum, dunia sedang mengalami pandemik Coronavirus ataupun dikenali dengan singkatannya sebagai Covid-19 atau SARS-CoV-2 yang lebih akademik. Berikutan kebimbangan para pemimpin dunia dengan penularan... more
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      Do It Yourself (DIY)DIYHand Sanitiser Formulation
Since more than 25 years the cutting and forming of THT components is the core business of EBSO. With over 20 standard preforming machines we can provide solutions to any kind of lead forming jobs. Despite of the SMT technology, THT... more
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    • DIY
In this work will be an approach of Open Design and a description of the Ecosystem Open Design. For this, a brief history of man's ability to adapt in his natural environment and his manufacturing capacity will be made. Capacity that was... more
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      Digital EcosystemsOpen DesignEmerging TechnologiesDIY
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      Art and Design Education3D printingArt EducationDIY
Hearing aids and cochlear implants can improve accessibility and quality of life for people with hearing impairments. However, use of these devices may cause concern amongst some users due to sociocultural issues such as unwanted... more
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      DesignSocial NetworksWearable ComputingOnline Communities
Miastotwórczy antykapitalizm polegający w dużej mierze na koncepcji wyjścia poza bycie klasą pracującą oraz nadaniu wartości społecznie użytecznym pracom, wykonywanom w czasie wolnym, poza strukturami gospodarki rynkowej, opiewa w swojej... more
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    • DIY
KEYWORDS:  vu-meter led audio power meter peak signal level sound LM3915N dot bar display driver kit design construction buid diagram scheme circuit components parts 30 leds 90 dB hum
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      Audio EngineeringSoundElectronic CircuitsDo It Yourself (DIY)
This paper examines micro-independent record companies, mostly set up by musicians according to the Do It Yourself (DIY) principle. They serve as distribution channels for counter-mainstream, often local, music. This paper discusses the... more
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      Sociology of MusicMusic ProductionDIY
The text analyzes the rise of a digital networked makers culture, connecting the rise of Web 2.0 with new forms of crafting. In the first part, the author highlights the major changes in contemporary culture and economy that are driving... more
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      Web 2.0P2PDIYCrafting
This article discusses how the Central Sydney independent musicians' 'online DIY' (do-it-yourself) practices not only provide additional opportunities for practising 'independence', but such practices, established pre-COVID-19, allow them... more
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      Social NetworkingNetworkingOnline CommunicationDIY culture
This article integrates a series of diverse projects that together exemplify and interpret the Systemic Approach to Architectural Performance (SAAP) that has been developed by the author. SAAP is a fusion of several process-based fields... more
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      Ecosystems EcologyEcosystem ServicesService DesignUrban interventions (Architecture)
Delai sam (do it yourself) is a deeply rooted phenomenon in Russian life. However, as a form of contemporary art, this phenomenon has taken on an activist tenor in post-socialist urban Russia. Founded in 2010, the Delai Sam Festival of... more
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      Social MovementsRussian StudiesContemporary ArtUrban Planning
​ In this paper, we describe a number of experiments and discoveries related to electroluminescent paper. Working with its chemical and physical properties, we present designerly ways of using electroluminescence, using different... more
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      Active MaterialsElectroluminescent MaterialsDIY
So far, most sustainability research in HCI has been framed by persuasion theories . Without denying the merits of this approach, there is danger that we limit our understanding and our visions of sustainable living if we focus too much... more
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      Digital FabricationEnvironmental SustainabilityDIY cultureDIY
A handmade book project by Garnet Hertz in the field of critical technical practice and critically-engaged maker culture. Critical making is defined by Ratto as exploring how hands-on productive work - making - can supplement and extend... more
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      Critical TheoryVisual StudiesNew MediaDigital Humanities
Recently, it has become increasingly recognised that self-servicing is a growing rather than declining phenomenon. To explain this, a range of competing theories have emerged which variously portray those engaged in self-servicing either... more
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      EntrepreneurshipEconomic SociologyHousehold StudiesInformal Economy