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      European Studies20th Century German LiteratureGerman CinemaEast German History
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      German CinemaDEFAEast GermanyHolocaust film
基於筆者在“視覺再現、世界文學與現代中國和東亞的左翼國際主義” 研討會上的英文發言。
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      Eastern European StudiesWorld LiteraturesVisual StudiesFilm Studies
"[T]he carefully constructed essays in [this volume] contribute to elevating this reference book so much more than its component parts could have achieved - much like German cinema itself. It is a volume that contributes significantly to... more
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      Cultural StudiesPsychoanalysisEuropean StudiesComparative Literature
This article uses three German films—The Lives of Others, Good Bye Lenin! and Sonnenallee—to point toward multiple phases in the relations between Germans since unification. What these films afford is a way into thinking about the uneasy... more
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      European StudiesFilm Studies20th Century German LiteratureGerman Cinema
Er war 19, als er im Frühjahr 1945 als Offizier der Roten Armee und Staatsbürger der Sowjetunion nach Deutschland zurückkehrte. Erstere war ihm seine »Heimat«, das andere sein »Vaterland«, das ihn und seine Familie 1935/1937 ausgebürgert... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesGerman Studies
"Martin Gloger approaches the common ‘capitalist spirit’, not so much from a sociological and economic perspective but from a narratological point of view, identifying fundamental differences between North American societies and... more
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      European StudiesGerman StudiesMedia StudiesFilm Studies
The post war Trümmerfilm forms a key part of German foundational iconography in relation to the immediate effects of Germany’s defeat and capitulation in 1945. Whether created in the Western or Soviet occupation zones this genre has been... more
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      European StudiesGerman StudiesFilm StudiesGerman History
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      European Studies20th Century German LiteratureGerman CinemaGDR History
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      Film CensorshipRussian CinemaDEFAEast German Cinema
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      Film Music And SoundDEFAEast German Literature and CultureFilm & Television Scores
The East German longitudinal documentary Die Kinder von Golzow (The Children of Golzow, Winfried & Barbara Junge, 1962-2007) offers unique insight into representation of ordinary lives and documentary filmmaking praxis in the German... more
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      Documentary FilmDEFAEast German CinemaOrdinary People
So unterschiedlich in der Zeit des Kalten Krieges das jeweilige Verhältnis zur Kultur und deren freier Entfaltung war, so verschieden präsentierte sich auf beiden Seiten des Eisernen Vorhangs der Umgang mit gesellschaftskritischer Kunst.... more
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      Italian WesternsWesternsDEFAFilms
"Suicides and suicide attempts appear with remarkable frequency in the German cinema made under the Allied Occupation from 1946-49. By adopting a symbolic symbiosis between Jews and Nazis as an abstracted and completed narrative, film... more
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      Jewish StudiesSuicideGerman CinemaThe Third Reich
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      European StudiesTestimonyFilm Theory and PracticeFilm Studies
This paper is concerned with East German films, which deal with the subject of Chile in the aftermath of the 1973 coup d'état, in a contemporary Chilean cultural framework. Conceived in the charged political atmosphere of the Cold War,... more
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      Audience and Reception StudiesExile CinemaDEFAEast German Cinema
Accompanying essay to the DVD release of Lothar Warneke's Our Short Life
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      SocialismDEFAEast German Literature and CultureEast Germany
Over the decades, much has been written and revealed about the continuity of economic and political elites in the transition from German fascism to post-war West Germany. To a large degree, common knowledge about this issue has been... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistorySociology
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      European Studies20th Century German LiteratureGerman CinemaTransnational Cinema
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      European Studies20th Century German LiteratureGerman CinemaTransnational Cinema
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      European Studies20th Century German LiteratureGerman CinemaTransnational Cinema
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      Film StudiesDEFAEast German Literature and CultureFilm & Television Scores
Über die Elitenkontinuität zwischen deutschem Faschismus und BRD ist über die Jahrzehnte viel aufgedeckt worden. Doch in der Regel beschränkt sich diese Kenntnis auf die Ebene der Politik und Justiz. Zu den kaum im öffentlichen Bewußtsein... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesEuropean StudiesGerman Studies
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      German CinemaDEFAEast German Cinema
Reviews of Elke Schieber: Tangenten: Holocaust und jüdisches Leben im Spiegel audiovisueller Medien der SBZ und der DDR 1946 bis 1990 and Lea Wohl von Haselberg: Und nach dem Holocaust? Jüdische Spielfilmfiguren im... more
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      Jewish StudiesGerman HistoryHolocaust educationIsraeli Culture
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      Second World WarHolocaust StudiesGerman CinemaDEFA
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryEuropean StudiesGerman Studies
GSA 2014
- Please don't hesitate to contact me for the full paper: [email protected]
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      German StudiesInternational RelationsFilm StudiesDEFA
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      NarratologyCinema and the CityGerard GenetteBerlin
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      Film StudiesDEFAEast German Literature and CultureNationalsocialism
After the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, film practitioners who had worked within the East German Deutsche Filmaktiengesellschaft (DEFA) found themselves free to treat themes that had previously been difficult to broach, in cinematic modes... more
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      German CinemaDEFAEast German Literature and CultureGerman Unification 1989-1990
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      Children's and Young Adult LiteratureChildren's MediaDEFAEast German Cinema
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      DEFAEast German Cinema
Please do not hesitate to contact me for the full article: [email protected] " Fragen Sie weniger über Brecht "-Die Zusammenarbeit von Slatan Dudow und Hanns Eisler Den bulgarischen Regisseur Slatan Dudow und... more
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      Film Music And SoundBertolt BrechtDEFAHanns Eisler
Peter Lilienthal und seine Filme spielten Ende der 1970er und 1980er Jahre eine bedeutende Rolle in den kulturpolitischen Land¬schaften der DDR wie auch der BRD. Die beiden deutschen Staaten nutzten das Thema Chile zur Illustrati-on ihrer... more
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      Reception StudiesDEFAGerman FilmEast German Cinema
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      Documentary (Film Studies)Documentary FilmDEFAMedia of the GDR
Anfang der 1950er Jahre konstatierte die französische Filmzeitschrift L'Ecran eine "Renaissance des deutschen Films" (Badia 1951a und b) dank der DEFA, die pro Jahr 20 Filme von internationalem Niveau produziere, wohingegen "die Situation... more
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    • DEFA
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      DEFAEast GermanyDadaism & SurrealismAnticapitalism
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      AutobiographyDocumentary FilmDEFAFilm of the GDR
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      European StudiesPoster Design20th Century German LiteratureGerman Cinema
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      European Studies20th Century German LiteratureGerman CinemaTransnational Cinema
La Bottega dello Storico è lieta di presentarvi un nuovo workshop dal titolo "Il cinema tedesco durante le due guerre mondiali". A discutere come relatrice sarà presente la Prof.ssa Chiara Tognolotti (Università di Firenze), coadiuvata... more
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      European StudiesGerman StudiesGerman HistoryContemporary History
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      German StudiesArtFilm StudiesDocumentary (Film Studies)
Jugendrebellion und Generationenkonflikte der 1950er und 1960er Jahre in Filmen der DDR Jugendkultur und Amerikanisierung in beiden deutschen Staaten Das Verhältnis der Gesellschaft zur Jugend ist wohl immer ambivalent. Für die Generation... more
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      German HistoryGenerational ConflictGDR HistoryDEFA
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      DEFAEast German CinemaChildren's Film and Media
Die DEFA-Filme über Chile waren in Chile selbst lange unbekannt, bis sie in einer Goethe-Reihe in der Cineteca Nacional in 2012 zum ersten Mal veröffentlicht wurden. Damals wurde die Reihe von Claudia Sandberg präsentiert. Heute hat sie... more
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      Audience and Reception StudiesGerman CinemaCollective MemoryExile Cinema
English: Películas Escondidas Un viaje entre el exilio y la memoria/Hidden Films. A Journey from Exile to Memory is a project that explores film-historical relations between Chile and East Germany. In the 1970s and 1980s, the production... more
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      Human RightsAudience and Reception StudiesExile CinemaTransnational Cinema
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    • DEFA
Konrad Wolf’s semi-autobiographical film Ich war neunzehn (GDR 1968), based on Wolf’s own experiences as a young soldier at the end of WWII, follows Gregor, a German-born soldier in the Russian Red Army, as he takes part in the 1945 march... more
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      DEFAKonrad WolfFilm of the GDR