D. W. Winnicott
Recent papers in D. W. Winnicott
Created in 1957, the well-known English children's book character Paddington Bear is the product of a dizzying number of displacements. Author Michael Bond (1926-2017) was inspired to make Paddington an undocumented migrant by World War... more
Bonjour à toutes et à tous. Je vous propose aujourd'hui de relire avec vous l'article de Donald Winnicott, « La crainte de l'effondrement ». Il se trouve qu'au moment où la proposition m'a été faite d'intervenir pour évoquer un texte... more
This article explores the influence of Winnicott's conceptual constellation of early childhood, play, use, transitional phenomena, and transitional object upon Agamben's thinking of contemporary historical exigency.
Cet article introduit quatre textes de D.W. Winnicott restés jusqu’alors inédits en français : « Jeu dans la situation analytique » (1954), « Le destin de l’objet transitionnel » (1959), « Notes sur le jeu » (non daté) et, enfin, « Le jeu... more
Hello everyone. I propose today to reread with you Donald Winnicott's article, "Fear of Breakdown". It so happens that when I was offered to speak about a major psychoanalytical text, it was this one that immediately came to my mind. At... more
In his review of Memories Dreams Reflections, Winnicott diagnosed Jung as suffering from a psychic split, and characterized the content and the structure of analytical psychology as primarily moulded and conditioned by Jung's own... more
A person's own inner most awareness and the movements within their awareness field bring forth their direct personal experience of their cosmological archetypal field of awareness. This spontaneous event is given to us within the... more
Ci si può affidare alla psicoanalisi nel trattamento e nella comprensione della Disforia di Genere? L’articolo esplora diverse teorie psicoanalitiche sull’identità sessuale, sull’Identità di Genere e sul transessualismo, nel tenta- tivo... more
This article considers a relational perspective regarding the intergenerational transmission of the trauma of violence. The psychoanalytic literature suggests that parents often transmit the trauma of violence to their children in the... more
What is amazing is that the unfolding of our felt sense of ongoing continuity of Being and the felt sense of the continuity of our sense of self is a convergent experience. Our very sense of self and our very sense of Being are intimately... more
Research into the use of transitional objects (Winnicott, 1971) by adult clients in psychotherapy has given little attention to the question of how a transitional object (TO) works. This question is addressed through the use of a... more
This paper represents an intervention by Joel Whitebook in the debate his has been conducting with Axel Honneth concerning Critical Theory and Psychoanalysis. Focusing on the concept of omnipotence, It presents a criticism of Honneth's... more
The aim of this study was to examine how transitional objects (TOs) work from the perspective of adult clients in psychotherapy. Data were collected using a semistructured interview with 6 female clients in humanistic psychotherapy.... more
Using Winnicott's theory, the article produces an account of the individual's relation to a given conceptual framework. Whereas Winnicott's ideas have been almost exclusively discussed in developmental and psychopathological contexts, the... more
Mind Alone For many years psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy was singularly centered on the unconscious mind and conscious mind. There was only mind and the mind could become aware of its own self and its own representational... more
Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer Nature B.V.. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be self-archived in electronic repositories. If you wish to self-archive your... more
This is a post from my blog, objectrelationstheory.net
IT): A partire dalla riflessione sui concetti di ritmo e ripetizione, questo contributo propone di investigare la musica come "arte del limite", in accordo ad una riflessione che salvaguardi inevitabilmente la liminarità del nostro stare... more
Taking a micro-social example of a specific moment of food consumption, this paper contributes to the social aesthetic study of intercultural food exchange. Theoretically it mobilises the varied resources of anthropology, psychoanalysis... more
Alison Bechdel is both a driver and beneficiary of the welcoming of comics into the mainstream. Indeed, the seemingly simple binary of outside/inside seems perpetually troubled throughout the career of this important comics artist, known... more
A constitutional democracy is in serious trouble if its citizenry does not have a certain degree of education and civic virtue. Resumo: O estudo pretende investigar a construção da eticidade democrática no contexto das estruturas das... more
Nancy Chase (1999) in her Burdened Children tells us about a Time Magazine issue (April 1996) where on the cover photo we find the picture of Jessica, a seven year old girl, who died in the crash of her small plane facing a storm, while... more
We have focused on the transmission of the field of awareness and on the extension of the field into the present, the past and the future. We have focused on cutting through methods which are forms of the methodology of the ancient... more
It is really [our] being in the awareness state that phenomenology makes sense. When you are not in awareness, it"s like gobbledygook. That is why many of these understandings of phenomenology, or even of Eastern philosophy, are through... more
This paper investigates the emergence of dream material in the graphic novel Arsène Schrauwen, authored by Belgian comics artist, Olivier Schrauwen. Although the author purports to tell the story of his grandfather’s misadventures as a... more
O estudo constata, de início, que, diferentemente da psicanálise freudiana para a qual é o complexo de Édipo que instaura o triângulo e a família, em Winnicott é a existência da família que propicia, pela instauração da saúde, a... more
Today and tomorrow, our theme will be psychosomatic oneness. We will focus on oneness and its lack, then, more specifically, on the mind/body [duality or split], working with splits, and regaining oneness. Let"s enter our awareness right... more
Esse livro reúne a maior parte dos artigos que foram apresentados no XVII
Colóquio Internacional sobre o pensamento de Winnicott, realizado em 2012, na PUC de São Paulo, com o feliz título tirado de um artigo do autor, “E o pai?”.
Colóquio Internacional sobre o pensamento de Winnicott, realizado em 2012, na PUC de São Paulo, com o feliz título tirado de um artigo do autor, “E o pai?”.
"Patterns of psychoanalysis and theory of recognition. Axel Honneth’s intersubjective psyche". An overview of the several scopes and patterns used over time by Axel Honneth in his “theory of recognition” is presented. After a discussion... more
This is a draft of a paper that will appear in a Festschrift for Axel Honneth entitled Debating Critical Theory.
The author discusses Winnicott's concept of the use of an object, illustrating how it was used in the case of a woman who survived a suicide bomb attack that killed four people. The author as analyst extends Winnicott's and Ogden's ideas... more