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This paper focuses on the specific role of mid-range universities in knowledge transfer and explores the knowledge flows from these mid-range universities which face a number of additional constraints in transitional Central Eastern... more
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      Human GeographyWestern EuropeEastern EuropeLocal Economic Development
Kniha byla vydána v Praze roku 1970 / The book was published in Prague in 1970.
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesGeography
В 1996 р. Чеська Республіка вступила до НАТО, а ще через шість років – до Євросоюзу. Ці два головні чинники привели до формування у чехів враження, ніби вони живуть в цілком безпечному просторі, що їхню свободу та демократію вже не... more
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      Russian StudiesMilitary IntelligenceCzech HistoryIntelligence Studies
One of the primary tools for raising awareness on biological invasions has been the publication of species accounts of the most prominent alien invaders. Until now such compilations have been available only for particular taxa, biomes... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental ManagementInvasive SpeciesCzech Republic
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      Palliative CareTreatment OutcomeMedicineCzech Republic
The paper compares the experience of unem-ployment in Britain with that in three former state socialist societies – Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, countries with relatively recent welfare systems, providing a low level of... more
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      SociologySocial ExclusionCzech RepublicEuropean Social Policy
Real Instituto y Observatorio de la Armada (ROA) carries out daily intercomparisons of time and frequency using the GPS satellite system. For this type of links and for high-precision global comparisons, the use of geodesic GPS receivers... more
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      Czech RepublicPhase measurementPerformance Test
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      Media StudiesPolitical CampaignsPolitical communicationSocial Media
This article presents the results of the study conducted in six new member states that joined the European Union in 2004 (This article is based on the report “Juvenile delinquency in six new EU member states’, 2008. Participant and... more
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      Juvenile DelinquencyEuropean UnionYoung PeopleCzech Republic
Substantial changes in the composition of crops in Central Europe during the last two decades (increasing areas of maize, rape and sunflower fields) have significantly influenced the structure and dynamics of animal communities, though... more
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      ZoologyAgroecosystemsAnimal communicationCzech Republic
Current broadband sensors are not capable of separating the initial stages of forest damage. The current investigation evaluates the potential of hyperspectral data for detecting the initial stages of forest damage at the canopy level in... more
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      Remote SensingAir pollutionCzech RepublicGeomatic Engineering
This paper derives the distribution of peatland in Europe as the extent of peat and peat-topped soils indicated by soil databases. The data sources were the 1:1,000,000 European Soil Database (v1.0) and a data set of organic carbon... more
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      CarbonDatabasesCzech RepublicPeat
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      Romani StudiesCzech RepublicVietnamese studies
Background: General psychiatric and forensic psychiatric beds, supported housing and the prison population have been suggested as indicators of institutionalized mental health care. According to the Penrose hypothesis, decreasing... more
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The frequency and prognostic relevance of RET proto-oncogene somatic mutations in sporadic medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) remain controversial. In order to study somatic mutations in the RET proto-oncogene in sporadic MTCs found in the... more
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      GeneticsTreatment OutcomeAdolescentCzech Republic
According to published reports from the WHO, health care is undergoing a transformation that reflects the increasing importance of community care based on social, group, and individual needs. Community health care is provided by... more
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      Preventive medicineCzech RepublicCommunity MedicineCommunity health nursing
RefDoc Bienvenue - Welcome. Refdoc est un service / is powered by. ...
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      ArchaeologyArtArchaeological TheoryCzech Republic
This paper explores attitudes and perceptions towards entrepreneurs in three Central Eastern European (CEE) countries undergoing transition from planned to market-based economic systems. Entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized... more
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      Eastern EuropePolitical ScienceCzech RepublicEast Germany
Mutations in several genes such as parkin can be detected in up to 20% of patients with early-onset Parkinson's disease (EOPD). The aim of our study was to determine the frequency of parkin alterations and phenotypic characteristics... more
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      Czech RepublicMutationPolymerase Chain ReactionPhenotype
In this paper we develop a two-country dynamic general equilibrium model by means of which we seek to explain the long-run paths of a converging emerging market economy. The model’s novel feature is the inclusion of quality investment to... more
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      ConvergenceCzech RepublicMonetary PolicyEmerging market economies
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      Eastern EuropeIncome DistributionCzech RepublicEconomic System
Psychosocial factors at work have been found to predict a range of health outcomes but their effect on mental health outcomes has not been extensively studied. This paper explores the relationship between psychosocial factors at work and... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyEastern EuropeMental Health
The INTEGRAL X-ray monitor, JEM-X, (together with the two gamma ray instruments, SPI and IBIS) provides simultaneous imaging with arcminute angular resolution in the 3-35 keV band. The good angular resolution and low energy response of... more
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      Dust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)Czech RepublicAstronomyX Rays
The accounting rules from each country evolve in time in order to respond the social, cultural and economical environment needs. After some communist countries (as Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Estonia,... more
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      Research MethodologyEuropean UnionCzech RepublicFinancial Reporting
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      Central EuropeMultinational EnterprisesForeign Direct InvestmentPoland
Method: A group of psychiatrists from the region evaluated the status of psychiatry at the end of 2004 based on data from their countries and information available on WHO homepages. Results: There is a shift from traditional in-patient... more
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      PsychiatryEastern EuropeBulgariaMedicine
Inversions of borehole temperature profiles that reconstruct past ground surface temperature (GST) changes have been used to estimate historical changes in surface air temperature (SAT). Paleoclimatic interpretations of GST... more
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      Environmental ScienceClimate ChangeInterpretationCzech Republic
This paper reviews domestic and international activism seeking justice for Romani and other women harmed by coercive, forced, and involuntary sterilization in the former Czechoslovakia and Czech Republic. Framed by Michel Foucault’s... more
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      Sexual and Reproductive HealthSocial JusticeDiscriminationCzech & Slovak Studies
The Sedlec Ossuary is a small Roman Catholic chapel, located beneath the Cemetery Church of All Saints (Czech: Hřbitovní kostel Všech Svatých), part of the former Sedlec Abbey in Sedlec, a suburb of Kutná Hora in the Czech Republic. The... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEastern European StudiesPrehistoric Archaeology
The present study is focused on Potamogeton polygonifolius -the species considered to be endangered in Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland and Switzerland. Field studies were carried out in Lower Silesia and Lusatia in southwestern Poland... more
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      ConservationEcologyEndangered SpeciesAquatic Plants
Pupilla pratensis (Clessin, 1871) was recently confirmed as a distinct species based on morphological, ecological and molecular evidence. The main purpose of this study is to publish the first reliable data on the occurrence of P.... more
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      Principal Component AnalysisCzech RepublicBiological SciencesBiologia
Environmental health impact assessment Biomarkers of exposure Biomarkers of effect a
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      Environmental HealthEnvironmental MonitoringPublic HealthRisk assessment
and Switzerland) were examined using data from surveys conducted in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Drinking patterns were analyzed with regard to sociodemographic variables such as age, education, employment, marital status, and... more
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      PsychologyHigher EducationCzech RepublicSubstance Abuse
Toxoplasmosis, one of the most common zoonotic diseases worldwide, can induce various hormonal and behavioural alterations in infected hosts, and its most common form, latent toxoplasmosis, influences the course of pregnancy. Autoimmune... more
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      AdolescentMultidisciplinaryToxoplasmosisCzech Republic
The paper deals with daily print media coverage of climate change in the Czech Republic in time period 1997–2010. Together 5663 articles from six countrywide daily newspapers, including four prestige-press, one tabloid and one political... more
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      Environmental SociologyMedia StudiesClimate ChangeContent Analysis
Background Although fever is part of the normal infl ammatory process after immunisation, prophylactic antipyretic drugs are sometimes recommended to allay concerns of high fever and febrile convulsion. We assessed the eff ect of... more
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      Czech RepublicHepatitis BChemopreventionInfant
The field of environmental education faces a process of continuous conceptual reconstruction that is underpinned by the complexity of the social and political changes occurring throughout the world as consequences of environmental crises... more
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      Environmental EducationPolitical SciencePolicy DevelopmentCzech Republic
The construction of the Římov Reservoir on the Malše River in 1978 significantly influenced the fish assemblage within the river, above the reservoir. Fish species that had successfully colonised the reservoir after impoundment expanded... more
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      Czech RepublicPerca FluviatilisFISH FAUNARoach
In the last decade, the regeneration of derelict or underused sites, fully or partly located in urban areas (or so called "brownfields"), has become more common, since free developable land (or so called "greenfields")... more
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      Decision MakingEnvironmental ManagementMultidisciplinaryCzech Republic
In the article, a role of religion in Czech politics after the fall of communism until present time is presented. The text introduces a Czech religion-political reality and explains relevance and importance of religion for Czech political... more
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      Religion and PoliticsPoliticsIslamophobiaCzech Republic
Forest Liming Pollution Acidification a b s t r a c t
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      Soil ScienceAir pollutionCzech RepublicBiological Sciences
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      SoilAgricultureCzech RepublicCannabinoids
This report is dedicated to the memory of Rebecca James Baker, my student, colleague, and friend, without whom this study would have been nearly impossible, or at best might have been a shadow of what it is. This paper represents an... more
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      Environmental HealthRiskAir pollutionEarly Childhood
In order to evaluate the effects of contrasting hydrological scenarios on the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of phytoplankton in a reservoir, vertical chlorophyll and temperature profiles were measured and functional classification of... more
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      Earth SciencesWater qualityCzech RepublicBiological Sciences
Analýza pohledu malých obcí a příslušných ORP na stěhování chudých a vznik sociálně vyloučených lokalit na venkově
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      Rural SociologySegregationRural DevelopmentHousing
This report describes the Tenth Annual Graph Drawing Contest, held in conjunction with the 2003 Graph Drawing Symposium in Perugia, Italy. The purpose of the contest is to monitor and challenge the current state of the graph-drawing... more
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      Czech RepublicGraph DrawingProof of Concept
Various berries and fruit types of less common fruit species are known to contain antioxidants. Consumption of high amounts of antioxidant flavonoids, which display a variety of biological properties, including antiproliferative and... more
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      Analytical ChemistryBiomedical EngineeringWaterBiosensors
The book was published in Prague in 1909 and is the inventory of exhibits in 12 halls of the museum assembled its director accompanies along with other 24 drawings and reproductions of a brief introduction about the history of the museum... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesArt HistoryMuseum Studies
S u m m a r y : In the time span from January 1995 to December 1999 the Czech National Seismological Network (CNSN), consisting of ten permanent digital broadband stations, several local networks and two data centers, detected and... more
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      EngineeringEarth SciencesCzech RepublicData Center