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Cyber conflict between states is a growing trend. There is a large body of research on cyber conflict, but there is very little quantitative analysis to support the theories or to assist in predicting future use of cyber operations. Using... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryNATOPolitical Science
Objectives: The main objective of research is to identify a valid model that ensures the capabilities of national counterintelligence interests in the processes of identification, analysis and response to hybrid threats in cyberspace... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningCyberstudiesCyberspace
The following is an interview conducted for Octopus: A Visual Studies Journal with Jennifer A. González, author of Subject to Display: Reframing Race in Contemporary Installation Art (The MIT Press, 2008).
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      Visual StudiesInstallation ArtCritical Race StudiesCritical Race Theory
"The so-called cyber-threat commands the attention of multinational corporations, governments and the strategic community, keen as they are to harness the power of digital communications yet anxious to protect their interests. Attacks... more
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      Strategy (Military Science)International RelationsPower (social)Sovereignty
"" In our daily life, economic activities, and national security highly depend on stability, safely, and resilient cyberspace. A network brings communications and transports, power to our homes, run our economy, and provide government... more
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      Machine LearningData MiningCybercrimesAccess Control
What is the relationship between cyber activities conducted by Russia at home and abroad? What role do cyber operations play as an instrument of Russia’s coercive diplomacy? How different is Russia from other cyber powers, and how do we... more
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      NATOEuropean UnionFranceCyberspace
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      Critical Theory of TechnologyCyberpunkCyberstudiesCybercultures
"CYBERSPACE GOVERNANCE:The Imperative For National & Economic Security"
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      HistorySociologySocial PsychologyGeography
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      Military IntelligenceInternational RelationsCyberlawForeign Policy Analysis
The subject of this article is a relatively new phenomenon of the political "monsters" and their variety – the political "chimeras", which the authors cover from the point of view of the analysis of the substantial and essential, causal... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical ScienceCyberspace
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      HistoryCultural HistorySociologyPolitical Sociology
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      CyberlawCyber WarfareCyberspaceCybersecurity
In The Condition of Postmodernity (1989), the geographer David Harvey articulated the concept of " time-space compression " to designate commodity production and accumulation as key-factors of a renewed relation between time and space.... more
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      GlobalizationPostcolonial StudiesCyberspaceIndian Diaspora
The Russian interference in the presidential elections in the United States and in France raises questions about the need and ability of democratic countries to protect their election processes. This article indicates the importance of... more
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      Social NetworksInformation operations (IO)ElectionsCyberspace
Intellectual Property, Nollywood, Creative Industry, Nigerian Copyright Laws, Digital Copyright, International Trade & Development, Transactional Negotiation, Animation Rights, Naijacomedy, Folklore, Traditional Cultural Expressions,... more
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      African StudiesJurisprudenceInternational LawLegal Theory
In June 2008 the search term ''Madeleine McCann'' generated around 3700 videos on YouTube, attracting over seven million text responses. This research project used generic analysis to allocate videos to categories according to their... more
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      SociologyCopyrightFear of CrimeIntellectual Property Rights
Abstract: Cyberspace has become the new frontier for countries to demonstrate power. Nations that have developed defense tools or those that can successfully launch attacks against adversaries will become the next global superpowers [1],... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyCyberspaceCybersecurity
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      CommunicationTerrorismPolitical ScienceCyberspace
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      PoliticsElectionsCyberspaceElection Campaigning
El desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC) no solo se caracteriza por un avance técnico sino también por discursos o descripciones acerca de las mismas tecnologías. Los usos y trayectorias futuras de estas... more
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      Digital MediaNiklas LuhmannCyberspaceThe Internet
The book faces an essential contemporary issue: the definition of the limits of action, protection and use of cyberspace as a fifth operational domain, as well as in the measures to be taken to make this environment more secure. Using the... more
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      CyberspaceCybersecurityCyber ThreatsDefense and Strategic Studies
Several studies on the harms of cyberspace, the Internet, and social networks in Iran have been conducted, and different categories have been used for this phenomenon. Still, the harms of these media are less mentioned in foreign... more
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      Social NetworksCyberspaceThe InternetFamily Relationships
A companion database referenced in my D.Phil thesis, bringing together the known technical specifications of hardware encountered in archival research, and missing from published collections of hardware.
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      History of Science and TechnologyHistory of TechnologyHistory of ScienceHistory of Military Technology
Studying Chinese intelligence service brings researchers and their readers together to identify the specific ways in which the state achieves its goals internationally. Intelligence is deeply rooted in the Chinese understanding of... more
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      Chinese StudiesIntelligenceChinese Language and CultureChina
Este proyecto incluye el diseño, construcción y puesta en escena de una “arquitectura del ser” que expresa a un individuo en el espacio virtual y en tiempo real usando: (1) datos fisiológicos como material de construcción, (2) el diseño... more
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The monograph Media and Culture ( deal with the development of human communication – from the simply interpersonal communication up to the digital systems of the... more
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      Media StudiesGlobalizationMarshall McLuhanCyberspace
This paper is an attempt to draw distinctive lines between the concepts of cybercrime, cyber-attack, and cyber warfare in the current information age, in which it has become difficult to separate the activities of transnational criminals... more
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      Political ScienceComputer SecurityCyberspaceCyberwarfare
In this age of information and technology, Internet plays the pivotal role for the exchange of huge amount of information. It influences not only all spheres of human life but also all age groups of man. Even if the internet has changed... more
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      Computer ScienceCommunicationData MiningWireless Communications
Information and communication technologies provide immediate means, motivations and opportunities for cybercrime. However, deeper cultural, social and psychological developments triggered by globalisation are the root causes of such... more
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This paper examines the latest research on the digital skills crisis, focusing on the factors that contribute to digital exclusion. Through an extensive analysis of current literature on the digital divide, the authors discuss digital... more
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      EntrepreneurshipInformation TechnologyGender StudiesDigital Divide
The paper is about the Cyber Security Policy of the European Union and the Protection of Human Rights.
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      CybercrimesHuman RightsEuropean UnionCyber crime
The role of cyber space in achieving Sustainable Development Goals is worth giving full attention as ICT has become an important fabric in different sectors of world economy. The world is a sea of economic opportunities in virtually... more
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      CyberlawCyberspacePeaceCyber Laws and Cyber Crime
Pour la première fois de son histoire, le Club scientifique de l’Université des Sciences et Technologies Houari Boumedienne, a organisé une série de conférences sur le futur numérique et comment l’envisager. Comment s’harnacher utilement... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceComputer NetworksComputer Security
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      Ethic CodesVirtual WorldsCyberspaceCodes of Ethics
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      Social MovementsInternet GovernanceCyberspaceCybersecurity
At a conference last week, Australia’s defence minister Linda Reynolds and Defence Force chief Angus Campbell referred to national security risks using two terms that may not be familiar to many. In her speech, Senator Reynolds said:... more
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      Political PhilosophyPeace and Conflict StudiesWar StudiesAustralia
Marek górka (red�), Cyberbezpieczeństwo dzieci i młodzieży. Realny i wirtualny problem polityki bezpieczeństwa, Wydawnictwo Difin, Warszawa 2017, ss. 350 Recenzowana monografia wieloautorska pod redakcją Marka Górki, uznanego eksperta w... more
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Recent examples driving an increased need for cyber awareness include unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in the airspace, development of the Automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B), and the risk of cyber intrusion. The incident of... more
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      RoboticsAerospace EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceMobile Robotics
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) has been, since 1994, the only globally recognised codification of rights and responsibilities of nations in the international waters, also known as the high seas. For the... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceDigital DivideInformation SecurityInternet Studies
It´s no secret that in the 21st-century politics is not only part of our physical reality, but also that of cyberspace. Lately, fake news, rigged elections or cyberattacks are new and threats states and non-state actors have to deal with.... more
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      DiplomacyEuropean Union (International Studies)CyberspaceCybersecurity
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      TechnologyInternet StudiesLeadershipSocial Media
Resumo: Num Estado de Direito, a luta política entre os vários grupos, que defendem ou atacam interesses de classe, económicos, profissionais, geracionais, de género, ou outros, embora regulada, é uma constante. Governos, empresas e... more
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      Organizational BehaviorSemioticsReligionHistory
It is observed that the biggest problem or complication that the cyber world is facing at present is not of its being a universal domain but being a domain which is still highly unregulated. For a domain which is clearly three decades... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyInternational RelationsSocial Sciences
Cyberspace is everywhere in todays world and has significant implications not only for global economic activity, but also for international politics and transnational social relations. This compilation addresses for the first time the... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryPsychologyComputer Science
Resumo: O presente artigo tem como objeto de estudo a cibermoda, a cybermoda ou a também chamada cyberfashion e suas influências na cibercultura e no ciberespaço. A cibermoda é a junção do "ciber" com a "moda", mas vai muito além de... more
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Western nations face a glaring punishment problem in the cyber domain. Repeatedly, other nations assail their political and economic interests. Repeatedly, Western leaders warn about the gravity of such actions. And yet repeatedly, the... more
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      CyberspaceCyberwarfareCybersecurityCyber security / cyber warfare
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      Human RightsUnited NationsCyberspaceCybersecurity
A draft methods practicum.
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      CyberpunkInternet memesCyberspaceCyberpunk and steampunk
The law of war is part of who we are, it is part of our military heritage. Warfare may have changed shape, methods, and technologies – but the concept of one group of people battling another group of people defensively, due to religious... more
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      CybercrimesInternational Human Rights LawLaws of WarCyberspace