Recent papers in Cyberlaws
This paper includes the gender-neutral approach of Section 66E, the application of this section, the explanations, and the kind of situations this section would be applicable in, a similar provision in the Protection of Children from... more
This paper includes the gender-neutral approach of Section 66E of the IT Act,2000, the application of this section, the explanations, and the kind of situations this section would be applicable in, a similar provision in the Protection of... more
Italy has been one of the first countries in the world to enact ad hoc regulations on drones. Therefore, the Italian approach may constitute a model for many regulations to come; nonetheless, the legal literature seems to overlook the... more
The advancement of information and communications technology often results in early adoption, followed by concern over a digital divide, followed by mass adoption and then, inevitably, abuse and misuse of that platform. The most recent of... more
Italy has been one of the first countries in the world to enact ad hoc regulations on drones. Therefore, the Italian approach may constitute a model for many regulations to come; nonetheless, the legal literature seems to overlook the... more
Abuses are not new in town. It has been there in prevailment since time immemorial, right from Paleolithic to Neolithic age. In recent years, it has taken various tints and has gone to next level by means of science and technology. Any... more
Bangladesh is a riverine country and most of the public transport and business depends on the river. Padma is one of the vital rivers to influence the country’s economy as well as GDP. Realising the fact, Bangladesh is constructing the... more