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"" In our daily life, economic activities, and national security highly depend on stability, safely, and resilient cyberspace. A network brings communications and transports, power to our homes, run our economy, and provide government... more
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      Machine LearningData MiningCybercrimesAccess Control
New liability issues emerge with pervasive adoption of AI technologies. This paper looks at wide range of existing and potential legal liability issues associated with AI. The possible approaches to regulate AI also have be dwelt with.
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      Artificial IntelligenceData ScienceCyber Laws and Cyber Crime
Data Theft is a rampant crime in India. Employees steal data as it is there gratuity. As per The IT Act,2000 Data Theft is a cyber crime in India and attracts criminal as well as civil remedies. This articles discusses the law provisions... more
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      PrivacyPERSONAL DATA PROTECTIONCyber crimeThe Internet
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      Information TechnologyInformation Technology LawCyber crimeCyber Law
A computer and a network are all that is needed for any criminal activity of cybercrime. A vigorous cybercrime legislation has, therefore, become a necessity in today’s digital age. Many nation-states take great measures to draft the... more
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      Strategic ManagementHealth and Social CareCyber Laws and Cyber CrimeDigitalización
The role of cyber space in achieving Sustainable Development Goals is worth giving full attention as ICT has become an important fabric in different sectors of world economy. The world is a sea of economic opportunities in virtually... more
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      CyberlawCyberspacePeaceCyber Laws and Cyber Crime
aware students about cyber security because today this one is the biggest issue in our societies ..
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    • Cyber Laws and Cyber Crime
Anomalous a grey hat hacking group was suspected of hacking into the computers of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). Because of the OPM hack, millions of government employees' background investigation information that OPM collects... more
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      CybercrimesCyber SecurityCyber Laws and Cyber Crime
With the advent of internet and digital communication technology, online crimes targeting celebrities have gained a momentum. This article argues that, among the celebrities, actresses of Hollywood and Bollywood are particularly targeted... more
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      SociologyTherapeutic jurisprudenceCyber Laws and Cyber CrimeCyber Crime Against Women
The law of war is part of who we are, it is part of our military heritage. Warfare may have changed shape, methods, and technologies – but the concept of one group of people battling another group of people defensively, due to religious... more
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      CybercrimesInternational Human Rights LawLaws of WarCyberspace
Moonlight Maze is the code name given to a highly classified incident. Experts in information security and intelligence think that Moonlight Maze is an example of the longest lasting advanced persistent threat in recent history. Security... more
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      Information SecurityInternational LawCyber-Physical SystemsCyber Conflict
The Fifth Dimension of Conflictuality: The Rise of Cyberspace and Its Effects on In- ternational Politics Cyberspace has become a crucial element for political, social, financial and individual activities. The Information and... more
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      Information SystemsSociologyArtificial IntelligenceHuman Computer Interaction
Textual data mining and analyses are not recent developments, the uses of different tools to achieve the end goals of data and text mining has been developing for more than two decades. In recent times, there are numerous numbers of tools... more
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      ICT Law, IP Law, EU LawCyber LawTechnology and IP Law, Legal TheoryCyber Laws and Cyber Crime
Today, information processing technologies and the Internet are changing and developing at a rapid pace. This development of the Internet is an important development in the sense of information dissemination, it brings with it several... more
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      CommunicationNew MediaSocial NetworksSocial Networking
The past several decades have brought a vast increase in the availability of electronic resources. With this increased availability has come a new form of criminal activity that takes advantage of electronic resources, namely computer... more
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    • Cyber Laws and Cyber Crime
Despite the fact that the Internet has positively impacted people's lives, there are negative issues emerged related to the use of Internet. Cases like cyber-bully, online fraud, racial abuse, pornography and gambling had increased... more
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      Educational TechnologyCyber crimeCyber SecurityCyber Laws and Cyber Crime
With the increase in the number of internet users in the country (India), led to a new form of crimes known as Cyber Crime. No doubt, the internet revolution has been a boon to mankind in many fields. However, the dark side of it also... more
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      Digital LiteracyCyberneticsCyber TerrorismCyber crime
Em 2012, com a implantação do Programa Ronda no Bairro em Manaus, tanto a mídia local quanto profissionais de segurança pública afirmava que a taxa de homicídios havia decrescido. Objetivo: Neste sentido, pretendeu-se impor métodos... more
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      Sociology of Crime and DevianceHomicideCrimeHOMICIDIOS ASESINATOS
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      Information SystemsElectronic EngineeringCommunication EngineeringSociology
Cyber crimes is a new millennium threat to society nowadays which brings by developments of technology and information. Various forms of cyber crimes exist either theft and fraud involving money and property or safety threat involving... more
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      Women and Gender Issues in IslamWomen and CultureCyber Laws and Cyber Crime
Berikut ini adalah contoh analisis Audio Forensic dari rekaman suara asli dan suara yang telah di manipulasi menggunakan teknik voice changer
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      Digital ForensicsCyber Laws and Cyber CrimeAudio Recording, Analysis, ForensicsMultimedia forensics
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      Cyber crimeCyber SecurityCyber Laws and Cyber Crime
what is Troll Trolling & Law in India
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      CyberlawDemocracy and Cyber-Democracy Theory and PracticeCyberpsychologyInternet Studies
A forensic investigation of digital evidence is commonly employed as a post-event response to a serious information security incident. In fact, there are many circumstances where an organisation may benefit from an ability to gather and... more
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      Information AssuranceDigital ForensicsCyber Laws and Cyber CrimeDigital Evidence
2.2.3. In Islamic law, contract covers the entire field of a wide variety of obligations including those that are spiritual, social, political and commercial. More specifically, 'aqd refers to the meeting of offer and acceptance in... more
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      LawCyber Laws and Cyber Crime
With the advancement of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) along with the increase in the use of the internet among the people in our country, there has seen an increase in cybercrime. No one can claim safe from this problem... more
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      Digital DivideWomen's StudiesDemocracy and Cyber-Democracy Theory and PracticeCyberpsychology
'And The Mountains Echoed' is the third novel of the much acclaimed author, Khaled Hosseini. Published by Riverhead Books in May 2013, it didn't quite live up to its expectation. His first two novels, 'The Kite Runner' and 'A Thousand... more
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      CyberspaceCybersecurityCyber Laws and Cyber Crime
Electronic devices are a part and parcel of our lives today. With the penetration of technology in our lives, an increased dependency on gadgets, advancement in AI technologies, etc. the electronic devices hold abundance sensitive data... more
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      LawCriminal LawCivil LawDigital Literacy
we will investigate an assortment of cyber-attacks and diverse security strategies. We try to make an investigation into the branch of knowledge. This paper investigates how cybercrime has become a genuine danger in our lives and we will... more
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Laporan Hasil Analisis Gambar Menggunakan Aplikasi Web Fotoforensics dan Forensicallybeta Serta Laporan Hasil Analisis Gambar Menggunakan Metode ORB dan SHIFT
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      Image ForensicDigital ForensicsProcesamiento y análisis digital de imágenes de microscopía ópticaCyber Laws and Cyber Crime
The development of a harmonized legislative framework in as far as regional integration is concerned is fundamental in order to maximize the benefits and potential of generating economic development gains for Members States. The study... more
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      Cyber Laws and Cyber CrimeEast African Community Law
There is a conflict in legislation that are located in different countries and different legal jurisdictions. International convention is the only solutions.
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    • Cyber Laws and Cyber Crime
Cyber security plays a vital role in the discipline of information security. Preventing the information has become one of the major challenges in the current scenario. Cybercrime is one of the significant factors in cyber security, it... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyTechnologyComputer Engineering
Pornografi telah menjadi salah satu masalah yang pelik dalam penegakan hukum. Hal ini dikarenakan penyebarannya yang begitu masif, sehingga sulit dibendung. Pornografi dengan keberadaan internet pun telah menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi... more
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    • Cyber Laws and Cyber Crime
Advancements in Digital Technologies have dramatically altered the practice of Journalism, Satellite smart phones, internet, digital audio recorders and laptops allow instantaneous communication between most destinations in the world. The... more
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      Digital MediaDigital Media & LearningCyberjournalismGender and religion (Women s Studies)
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      Constitutional LawCyberlawWomen's StudiesInternet Studies
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    • Cyber Laws and Cyber Crime
Given the current state of cyber crime, cyber attacks, and cyber warfare, it is easy to argue that steps taken by those in cybersecurity and Information Assurance (IA) roles to thwart these attacks deserve heroic status. Yet, the reality... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation SecurityCyber crimeAll areas of Informatics, Educational technologies, Cyber Security & Forensics, Cyber Audit, ICT
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      Criminal LawCyber crimeCyber Laws and Cyber CrimeBritish Crime Survey
With the increasing popularity of ICT, cyber-crimes have increased rapidly. Countries across the globe have made the necessary interventions to ensure cyber-security. Saudi Arabia has been the worst victim of cyber-crimes in the Gulf... more
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      Cyber SecurityCyber Laws and Cyber Crime
Angeles (UCLA). Thank you to the dedicated Federal Communications Law Journal staff for bringing this Note to publication. Special thanks to Meredith Rose, Journal Adjunct, and Atena Sheibani-Nejad, Notes Editor, for their patience and... more
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      Information TechnologyCriminal LawCopyrightPrivacy (Law)
—Recently, there are many issues happening about cybercrime in which causes a lot of loss of data. Usually, business companies and political networks experience cyberattacks and based on the research [3] , countries that are vulnerable in... more
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      CybercrimesCyber Laws and Cyber Crime
Sipas Statistikave të fund vitit 2014, ka rreth 2.5 miliardë njerëz që përdorin internetin në të gjithë globin. Ndërsa ky mjet ndërlidhës i pashembullt ka ofruar mundësi të shumta për individët, bizneset dhe qeveritë që të përfitojnë nga... more
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    • Cyber Laws and Cyber Crime
Building up on the following draft we welcome comments and suggestions and would like to elaborate with you a fully shared definition for academics and practitioners.
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceInformation TechnologyMilitary Science
As a major hub in the Global world of cyber activity, there is an onus on the Irish legislature to ensure adequate legal provisions exist to protect both national and corporate infrastructures and to provide for the investigation and... more
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      Criminal LawCyberlawCybercrimesCyber crime
In today's world, data is generated at a very rapid speed and final destination of such data is database.Data is stored in database for easy and efficient way to manage these data. All the operations of data manipulation and... more
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      ManagementComputer EngineeringGraphic DesignHuman Resource Management
Öncelikle “blockchain” nedir sorusuyla başlamamız gerektiğini düşünüyorum. Genellikle bitcoin ile birlikte anılan sanki onunla var olduğu izlenimi yaratılan bir kavram olarak anlaşılsa da aslında blockchain daha geniş bir kullanım... more
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      IT lawCyber LawCyber Laws and Cyber CrimeBilişim Teknolojileri
Organizations dealing with IT across the globe would be interested to know how secure their system or network and will be interested to know the vulnerabilities present. Many lone wolf ethical hackers and cyber security companies offer... more
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      Information SystemsInformation TechnologyCriminal LawCyberlaw
This article addresses the problem of international law enforcement within the War on Cyberterrorism. Hybrid conflicts have replaced the traditional ones, and new threats have emerged in cyberspace, which has become a virtual battlefield.... more
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      CyberlawDemocracy and Cyber-Democracy Theory and PracticeTerrorismInternational Terrorism