This paper illustrates the practical application of Dynamic Capabilities theory to improve investment decisions in Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Action Research (AR) allows managers to raise the tacit knowledge of their Dynamic... more
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to illustrate the practical application of dynamic capabilities theory to improve investment decisions in customer relationship management (CRM).Design/methodology/approachAction research (AR) allows... more
The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has brought transformative changes across numerous industries, with telecommunications being a prominent beneficiary of this evolution. This paper delves into the integration of AI-powered... more
This study aimed to determine the significant relationship between service quality and customer engagement in Kaputian Beach Park. Convenience sampling, which included 70 customers, was used. Through non-experimental quantitative... more
Managing services on the Internet is becoming more and more complex and time consuming for service providers since services are increasing both in number and complexity. Also the number of users per service is going up. A solution to this... more
This document describes D2.2 of the Internet Next Generation project. Internet Next Generation is a project performed within the context of the Gigaport programme, and is funded by many organizations within the Netherlands. Details of the... more
is doing a Ph.D program in the Management and Marketing Department at the University of Seville. Her research topics are dynamic capabilities, market orientation, knowledge management, customer relationship management and customer value.
The rapid evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) has introduced HR chatbots as a transformative tool in the IT sector. These AI-driven systems address employee queries, provide HR-related assistance, and improve operational efficiency... more
Im Marketing vollzieht sich seit einiger Zeit eine Akzentverschiebung: weg von einem Management, bei dem die Transaktionen (i. S. eines Verkaufsabschlusses) und Aspekte der Kundengewinnung im Vordergrund stehen, hin zu einem... more
Today's data-driven business climate is driving companies to use AI and ML to achieve a competitive advantage. Salesforce is a major CRM platform that uses AI and ML for predictive analytics and customer insights. This abstract discusses... more
This study explores Customer Experience Management (CEM) as a crucial strategy for business success, focusing on personalized interactions and the balance between technology and human touch. The objective was to assess how businesses... more
This study's main emphasis is on the multiple best practices that academic libraries ought to follow. It emphasizes how important it is for academic libraries to adopt best practices to improve their operations and activities, make the... more
The objective of this study is to evaluate the customer satisfaction in the retail banking sector in Hyderabad. It is an exploratory study conducted to find out the most important attributes of service quality in retail banks, which can... more
This study aimed to determine the significant relationship between service quality and customer engagement in Kaputian Beach Park. Convenience sampling, which included 70 customers, was used. Through non-experimental quantitative... more
This study investigates the impact of social media engagement on voting behaviors during the 2022 local elections in Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan. With the rise of platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, social media has become an... more
With rapid technological transformation and dynamic digital landscape partnership of Generative AI (Gen AI) & cloud computing is revolutionizing customer engagement strategies and driving innovations. Gen AI combined with Cloud computing... more
With rapid technological transformation and dynamic digital landscape partnership of Generative AI (Gen AI) & cloud computing is revolutionizing customer engagement strategies and driving innovations. Gen AI combined with Cloud computing... more
This study examined the role of strategic Human Resource Management (HRM) in enhancing good governance within Zamboanga City, Philippines. A mixed-method approach was employed, combining qualitative interviews with key government... more
This study investigates public perception and compliance with traffic regulations in Zamboanga City, Philippines, focusing on awareness, attitudes, and behaviors. Using a mixed-methods approach, the researcher conducted a survey with 420... more
Over the past years, several researchers have analysed the relational dynamics that takes place inside and between organizations (concept, mediating and moderating variables, effects, etc.) considering it as a resource capable of... more
Fairness is widely considered a key driver of human behavior. Organizational behavior (OB) research focuses on fairness as an employee attitude driver. Marketing research highlights fairness perceptions as a key determinant of both... more
Chatbots have become transformative technology in the banking industry. However, there is still a knowledge gap in understanding the influence of social contagion on chatbot user behavior. This research aims to identify and analyze the... more
Entrepreneurship is seen an important driver of economic growth. Engaging in entrepreneurship begins with having a strong intention to become an entrepreneur. This study explored the influence of University Ecosystem and Entrepreneurial... more
In the era of digital economy customer satisfaction and loyalty are key factors for the establishment of good relations with customers and partners in the supply chain. For customers to be satisfied data protection and privacy are... more
This research paper is driven by twofold objectives: (1) To critically examine the diverse strategies employed by startups for acquiring and retaining customers, and to assess their effectiveness, and (2) To contribute to the academic... more
The strategic importance of customer service has resulted in companies striving to enhance customer experience and satisfaction in attempts to deliver quality in a competitive marketplace. This quality is being achieved through... more
Queuing is a common issue that Sri Lankans particularly encounter when seeking services from the Sri Lankan government sector. The Department of Immigration and Emigration Sri Lanka (DIESL) is one of the government sectors experiencing... more
The ATMs have become the most efficient service facility of the banking industry. Therefore, this study analyzed the performance of such a service system of a state bank in Sri Lanka. The selected ATM machine was located in front of a... more
CRM als Chance für das Marketing CRM als Chance für das Marketing
A supply chain consists of all activities and facilities performed to fulfil customers' requests. It involves not only the manufacturer and suppliers, but also transporters, warehouses, retailers, and even customer themselves. Recent... more
This study examined how apology as interaction justice impacts on consumer perceptions of service recovery attempt. Data was collected using hypothetical scenarios. Two types of service failures were proposed and the impact of recovery... more
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to extend thinking on service recovery processes and satisfaction with service recovery, using multi-dimensional consumer outcomes. The objective of the work was to propose that satisfaction with... more
The purpose of this research is to determine the impact of CRM on innovative capabilities where the comparative study has been conducted between the services and manufacturing industries in Pakistan. For this purpose, the factors... more
Starting from the first industrial applications in the Sixties, the importance of logistics has grown over time following the changes in market requirements and the technological and organisational transformations carried out by... more
Innovation and differentiation are imperative for companies to sustain competition. Innovation and differentiation are possible more in services than in physical products. It is difficult to imitate differentiation incorporated in... more
Since the early 1990s, various authors have been enlarged their considerations about logistics and supply chain management. What can be observed in the existing literature-although its widespread theory about performance measurement and... more
Service quality in a construction technology laboratory can result in an improvement in construction companies' competitiveness. This research aims to evaluate the service quality provided by a construction technology laboratory,... more
and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in... more
The purpose of this work is to elucidate how service recovery and perceived justice are related, and explores the modulation effect of involvement level and subculture in this relationship. Samples were collected using the questionnaire,... more
This study aimed to determine the significant relationship between service quality and customer engagement in Kaputian Beach Park. Convenience sampling, which included 70 customers, was used. Through non-experimental quantitative... more
The developments in customer retention and the inevitability of service failures precipitate a creative culture of learning from mistakes and of introducing future service innovations. Therefore, this study seeks to validate and... more
This paper examines word-of-mouth publicity as an outcome of consumer perception of equitable recovery programs. Survey data were drawn from 317 teachers of Federal Government Colleges and 79 executives of mobile telephone firms in the... more
Les systemes de question-reponse developpes actuellement adoptent pour la plupart et a peu de chose pres le meme type d'architecture que l'on peut schematiser en trois modules : l'analyse de la question, la selection des... more
Purpose—The aim of the study was to visualize the impacts of the service quality dimensions under the SERVQUAL model regarding the relationship quality and behavioral intentions of consumers in the retail banking services of Bangladesh.... more
In the last two decades, relationship marketing has been a topic of interest for practitioners and researchers who analyze this area. During this period, the development of sustainable business relations represented a strategic priority.... more
This chapter examines how e-CRM has affected both organizational and individual behavior in a leading Canadian bank. The innovative and customer-driven culture of this bank pushed it toward early adoption of e-CRM technology. The findings... more
is already turning our world upside down, taking over much of thinking and decision making that used to be the privilege of humans. And you ain't seen nothing yet. Don't be scared! Business professors Rust and Huang are the perfect guides... more
This study examines the effects of both corporate reputation and negative emotions after failure (annoyance and irritation) on two voice-complaint behaviors, namely, direct firm and third-party complaints. Survey data were collected from... more
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to investigate whether management and employees in academic libraries involve users in library service innovations and what are these user roles. • Design/methodology/approach: The paper first... more