Curriculum Design
Most cited papers in Curriculum Design
How does teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge ("TPACK") inform their instructional planning? How can this knowledge be enhanced? In an interpretivist study of experienced secondary social studies teachers' planning, we... more
Student feedback is a contentious and confusing issue throughout higher education institutions. This paper develops and analyses two models of feedback: the first is based on the origins of the term in the disciplines of engineering and... more
Personality and learning styles are both likely to play significant roles in influencing academic achievement. College students (308 undergraduates) completed the Five Factor Inventory and the Inventory of Learning Processes and reported... more
ABSTRACT: Many programs have been developed to help schools enhance students' health and reduce the prevalence of drug use, violence, and high-risk sexual behaviors. How should educators choose among these? This article describes... more
The ability of young children to manage their emotions and behaviors and to make meaningful friendships is an important prerequisite for school readiness and academic success. Socially competent children are also more academically... more
Scaling research-based curriculum to the multitude of science teaching standards and contexts has proven difficult in the past. To respond to the challenge, the Web-based Inquiry Science Environment (WISE) offers designers a... more
Given that one of the main features of the Bologna process is the need to improve the traditional ways of describing qualifications and qualification structures, all modules and programmes in third level institutions throughout the... more
Delay-tolerant networks (DTNs) have the potential to connect devices and areas of the world that are under-served by current networks. A critical challenge for DTNs is determining routes through the network without ever having an... more
This paper discusses the basic philosophical assumptions of objectivism and constructivism including their implications for course design, interaction, and evaluation in distance education. First, I provide a brief overview of the... more
Belonging Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia or the EYLF is one of two components of Australia's National Quality Framework. I was invited by Professor Jennifer Sumsion and Professor Linda Harrison of... more
A challenge facing many schools, especially those in urban settings that serve culturally and linguistically diverse populations, is a disconnection between schools and students' home communities, which can have both cognitive and... more
Over the past years, many universities have integrated sustainability into their education, research, outreach, and operations. Within education, competences regarding sustainable development (SD) have been defined, courses on... more
"In many countries, information and communication technology (ICT) has a clear impact on the development of educational curricula. In Flanders, the education government has identified and defined a framework of ICT competencies for... more
This article presents conceptual and empirical analyses of several of the ''best practices'' of learning and instruction, and demonstrates how violent video games use them effectively to motivate learners to persevere in acquiring and... more
The Interconnected Model of Professional Growth was used to identify processes of teacher learning during the collaborative design of curriculum materials in the context of curriculum innovation. Nine published studies from six different... more
Anatomy instruction at Australian and New Zealand medical schools has been the subject of considerable debate recently. Many commentators have lamented the gradual devaluation of anatomy as core knowledge in medical courses. To date, much... more
This paper describes the evaluation of an NSF-sponsored educational research project. The primary focus of this project was to develop and evaluate a course curriculum designed to improve retention and performance for "at risk"... more
Evaluated Responding in Peaceful and Positive Ways (RIPP)-a 6th-grade universal violence prevention program. Classes of 6th graders at 3 urban middle schools serving predominantly African American youth were randomized to intervention (N... more
Government agencies and members of the educational research community have petitioned for research-based curricula. The ambiguity of the phrase “research-based,” however, undermines attempts to create a shared research foundation for the... more
Teachers of mathematics face a particular tension, which the authors call the planning paradox. If teachers plan from objectives, the tasks they set are likely to be unrewarding for the pupils and mathematically impoverished. Planning... more
Adding computer science as a separate school subject to the core K-6 curriculum is a complex issue with educational challenges. The authors herein address two of these challenges: (1) the design of the curriculum based on a generic... more
This article was developed for the Commission on Change and Innovation in Dental Education (CCI), established by the American Dental Education Association. CCI was created because numerous organizations within organized dentistry and the... more
This study is the first of a series of studies, collectively embodying a multiphase mixed methods design. The overall objective of these studies is to explore and address a variety of issues and features of the discipline of... more
Coyle et al. | Peer Reviewed | Research and Practice | 843 RESEARCH AND PRACTICE
The Internet opens a new generation of distance education ( fourth generation ), introducing sophisticated delivery tools and creating a paradigm shift with profound implications on the design of distance education courses. In order to... more
This paper presents an approach to design Electronic Systems Curricula for making electronics more appealing to students. Since electronics is an important grounding for other disciplines (computer science, signal processing, and... more
The history of science education reform has been fundamentally centered around science curriculum development and implementation. The advent of mobile technologies has necessitated a re-examination of how students could better learn... more
This report describes the evaluation of a curriculum-integrated programme designed to help students develop an awareness of the nursing literature, the skills to locate and retrieve it, and skills required in its evaluation; in other... more
A method of systematic task analysis is applied to the problem of designing a sequence of learning objectives that will provide an optimal match for the child's natural sequence of acquisition of mathematical skills and concepts. The... more
Background: Interprofessional Education (IPE) is now spreading worldwide and many universities are now including IPE in their curricula. The aim of this study was to investigate whether or not such student characteristics as gender,... more
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the attitudes and knowledge of medical students (MS1-3), internal medicine residents (postgraduate years 1 to 3 (PGY1-3)), and geriatric medicine fellows about elderly patients before implementation of a new... more
It is becoming increasingly apparent that creativity and imagination are key to envisioning alternatives to the problems of postnormal times. At the same time, educational institutions all over the globe are still mired in assumptions... more
Prior research highlights the mismatch between adolescents' growing capacities for autonomy and the limited opportunities for influence in U.S. secondary schools. Youth-led participatory research (YPAR), an approach in which young people... more
English has constantly evolved as the main means of communication in the engineering field and finally gained a huge advantage over other languages (Rao, 2014).
Within a European context, facilitating the increased participation of marginalized groups within society has become a cornerstone of social policy. In higher education in Ireland this has generally involved the targeting for support of... more