Curriculum Design
Recent papers in Curriculum Design
This presentation describes the theories and practice behind flipped learning course design at MEF University.
In recent years, several New England projects have promoted professional development and curriculum design in optics and photonics. Funded in part by the Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program of the National Science Foundation... more
The article used curricular documents affiliated with 3 different subgenres of Catholic schooling. The author suggests a critical reading of these curricular materials for the purpose of better understanding the kinds of educational... more
I propose a rich theoretical understanding on Afro-Latino student development based on critical race theory, culturally responsive pedagogy and practice. Addressing racial disparities is about engaging students thereby making their lives... more
Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share in Education: The Children in Permaculture Manual is a ground-breaking book, which shines a permaculture lens to inspire child-friendly, sustainable education. Full of innovative information, a new... more
"(From the Executive Summary...) Introduction This report presents the findings of an evidence review designed to summarise what is known about good practice concerning the content of, and access to, the school curriculum for students... more
Peirce's notions of diagrammatic reasoning and hypostatic abstraction are relevant to educational research in areas where diagrams and abstraction play an important role. In this paper, I analyze an example from statistics education in... more
In the chronicle of the American education John Dewey has been mentioned as a legend, in the multiple senses of the word. Some have looked at him as just another stone in education’s burial ground, some have treated him as an individual... more
Knowledge based economy recognizes human capital as the intellectual capital and knowledge as a critical tool for enhancing competitiveness of a country.With an annual average GDP growth has been 6% to 7% since the start of the 21st... more
ABSTRACT: Many programs have been developed to help schools enhance students' health and reduce the prevalence of drug use, violence, and high-risk sexual behaviors. How should educators choose among these? This article describes... more
a. Wat is de stand van zaken m.b.t de ordeningsprincipes die binnen de genoemde vakken warden gebruikt? b. Hoe is de onderlinge afstemming en aansluiting tussen de genoemde vakken w.b. de leerstofordeningsprincipes? c. Warden de... more
This paper assesses a particular initiative to facilitate access to HEIs (Higher Education Institutes) to non-traditional students. However, due to the initiative's origins as a non-accredited certificate for asylum seekers and refugees,... more
Een Pedagogisch-Didactische KernStructuur® (PDKS®) bestaat uit een diagnostische, met name op kerndoelen en curriculumspecificaties gebaseerde systematiek voor het ontwerpen en realiseren van ‘Optimaliserend Onderwijs’ en de bijbehorende... more
Culturally Responsive instruction must be differentiated to effectively embed elements to address students’ different cultures, needs, skill levels and goals. Regardless of the students in the classroom the teacher must be able to reach... more
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is emerging as a popular approach and paradigm for organizations to gain competitive advantage via managing their software applications and IT infrastructure as a set of interacting services. As the SOA... more
Dit artikel gaat in op zowel recent verricht als ook lopend onderzoek naar onderwijs voor cognitief hoogbegaafde leerlingen in Nederland.
This paper presents an approach to design Electronic Systems Curricula for making electronics more appealing to students. Since electronics is an important grounding for other disciplines (computer science, signal processing, and... more
The curriculum is the bridge from the mission and philosophy of the college to the learning experiences of the students. The Christian educator is committed to a philosophy of curriculum that will bring all of life under the Lordship of... more
El presente trabajo reúne y explica lo que del Currículo más allá del contenido se debe tener en cuenta, y es necesario hacer énfasis en este tema ya que lo más común es ver que incluso los docentes y/o los integrantes de un cuerpo... more
This paper reports on the implementation of an ambitious bilingual instructional programme in the P'urhepecha-speaking region of Michoacán state in Mexico, the Meseta Tarasca. A curriculum of indigenous language preservation and cultural... more
Toronto boasts a large and diverse system of public alternative schools: schools where democratic practices, student access and a commitment to public education are fundamental. There are academic schools; schools with thematically... more
Capstone is defined by the American Heritage Dictionary (2009) as a “crowning achievement or final stroke, the culmination or acme”. As the pinnacle of a student’s academic experience they mark a unique opportunity for students to... more
Communities@Work provides a broad suite of quality community programs of social value and practical benefit. Our vision is for a resilient and socially inclusive community that cares for the well-being of all. Communities@Work's Centre of... more
Language plays a crucial role in the development of human society. It is the main means of communication between individuals, groups and countries. Nowadays, more and more people are learning English as a foreign or second language, and... more
O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar as ementas das disciplinas obrigatórias que compõe o currículo dos licenciandos do curso de Educação Física da UFRJ, observando se e como a Inclusão é tratada durante sua formação. Para este... more
This presentation will discuss a research project conducted to further develop and validate questionnaire items designed to measure situational interest in an English language learning context. The research project initially focused on... more
Las didácticas centradas en el Patrimonio Cultural ofrecen interesantísimas aplicaciones. La interrelación de enseñanza, patrimonio y reflexión conforma una tríada que permite al alumno aprender y aprehender de forma significativa. Desde... more
This paper describes the curriculum design and enhancements of dental gross anatomy courses at three universities in North America. The greatest problem for gross anatomy faculty is making the regions of the body below the neck relevant... more
This is a presentation on a three-course fully-integrated recycling curriculum design. The system integrates a reading course, communication course, and listening component which could be a Podcast available 24/7 online.
Curriculum and curriculum access issues for students with special educational needs in post-primary settings: An international review Glossary Banding (see also 'streaming') Both banding and streaming are approaches to teaching pupils in... more
This study examined the impact of animation interactivity on novices' learning of introductory statistics. The interactive animation program used in this study was created with Adobe Flash following Mayer's multimedia design principles as... more
We describe two metaphors that we hope can be used to better understand the contemporary mathematics curriculum context in U.S. middle schools, to see how this new context is both similar to and different from prior curriculum contexts.... more
Este trabajo pretende contribuir a la reflexión existente en torno al proceso de adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, concretamente en el ámbito de la orientación y asesoramiento dentro del sistema educativo. En una... more